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MB Sample ID: SA181797
Local Sample ID: | N38 |
Subject ID: | SU002011 |
Subject Type: | Human |
Subject Species: | Homo sapiens |
Taxonomy ID: | 9606 |
Age Or Age Range: | 23-73 |
Gender: | Male and female |
Species Group: | Mammals |
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Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP002017 |
Sampleprep Summary: | Metabolomics of plasma samples were prepared and quantified as according to previously described method with modification. In brief, the standard solutions (5.0 mg/mL) were made by dissolving the accurately weighed chemicals in appropriate solutions including water, methanol, sodium hydroxide solution, or hydrochloric acid solution. Then the stock calibration solutions were mixed from the appropriate amounts of individual stock solutions following the instruction of the manufacturer. After thawing at 4°C, 20-μL aliquots of the samples were added to a 96-well plate. Also were added to the plate the calibration solutions of eight various concentrations, quality control (QC) samples (equally mixed samples), as well as solvent blank. Then 120 μL of standard solution was added to each well. The microporous plate was covered with aluminum film, placed on constant temperature mixer, and vibrated at 10℃, 650rpm for 20min. After centrifugation at 4000g for 20 min, 30μl supernatant from each well was transferred to a new 96-well plate. The derivative reagents of Q300 Kit were added to all wells and the plate was covered and incubated at 1200 rpm at 30℃ to carry out derivatization for 60 min. After derivatization, 330 μL of precooled 50% methanol solution was added to each well and mixed with the samples at 1200 rpm at 10℃ for 5 minutes. Then the plat were centrifuged at 4000g, 4°C for 30 minutes. Finally, the supernatant was further transferred to a new 96-well plate and put into the automatic sampler of UPLC-MS analysis. |