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MB Sample ID: SA362652

Local Sample ID:UNMN-01562
Subject ID:SU003456
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL6/J; C57BL10/J; C57BL/10ScSn-Dmdmdx/J
Age Or Age Range:120-150 days
Weight Or Weight Range:25-35g
Height Or Height Range:N/A
Animal Animal Supplier:Jackson Laboratories
Animal Housing:Research Animal Resources campus facilities
Animal Light Cycle:12h light/dark cycle
Animal Feed:Standard chow
Animal Water:Water bottle
Animal Inclusion Criteria:Age; gender
Species Group:Mammals

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Treatment ID:TR003465
Treatment Summary:Mice in the "no stress" group were euthanized and blood samples were collected following euthanasia. Mice in the "stress" group were monitored in open-field activity cages to measure total locomotion distance for 30 minutes, then were briefly handled by a standard scruff method for 30 seconds, followed by an additional 30 minute activity cage monitoring session and euthanasia/sample collection.
Treatment:Scruff handling stress
Treatment Compound:N/A
Treatment Route:N/A
Treatment Dose:N/A
Treatment Dosevolume:N/A
Treatment Doseduration:N/A
Treatment Vehicle:N/A
Animal Vet Treatments:N/A
Animal Anesthesia:N/A
Animal Acclimation Duration:N/A
Animal Fasting:N/A
Animal Endp Euthanasia:Tribromoethanol (Avertin)
Animal Endp Tissue Coll List:Blood
Animal Endp Clinical Signs:N/A