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MB Sample ID: SA378226

Local Sample ID:50 Fasnall PK 1898 2 hrs Heart
Subject ID:SU003563
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:NOD Scid Gamma (NSG)
Age Or Age Range:3 months
Weight Or Weight Range:24-33 g
Animal Animal Supplier:Wistar Animal Facility
Animal Housing:Wistar Animal Facility
Animal Feed:Standard chow diet
Species Group:Mammals

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Local Sample IDMB Sample IDFactor Level IDLevel ValueFactor Name
50 Fasnall PK 1898 2 hrs HeartSA378226FL043650Murine heartSample source
50 Fasnall PK 1898 2 hrs HeartSA378226FL043650Tissue metabolite extractSample Type
50 Fasnall PK 1898 2 hrs HeartSA378226FL04365010 mg/kg FasnallDrug Treatment
50 Fasnall PK 1898 2 hrs HeartSA378226FL0436502 hTime post-injection