Summary of Study ST000062

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000059. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8V88F This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST000062
Study TitleBiomarkers for Depression in Human Plasma in a Population Sample
Study Typebiomarker study
Study SummaryThis West Coast Metabolomics Center pilot and feasibility project was granted to Roel Ophoff (UC Los Angeles ) and Steve Horwath (UC Los Angeles ) . Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most debilitating disorders in the United States with a 12-month prevalence of 6.7% in the adult population. The disorder affects millions of Americans daily and is a major health concern with enormous economic cost the society at large. Criteria for MDD diagnosis and treatment are based on various signs and symptoms not always fitting into strict diagnostic categories such as DSM-IV. Despite various known risk factors (such as family history, age, and gender), biological markers supporting diagnosis or prediction of MDD are unavailable. We have collected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and peripheral blood of more than 600 subjects from the general population. For each of the participants we also obtained biometric information as well as behavioral trait measures. One of the measures is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), a well-established questionnaire for measuring severity of depression. Based on the BDI, roughly 5% of participants suffer from severe depressive symptoms while most of these subjects are not under treatment or receiving any medication for depression   In the current investigation, untargeted analysis of primary metabolites was conducted on age and gender matched human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma from subjects suffering with MDD ( n=50) and control subjects (n=50). Subjects were diagnosed as having MDD based on the Beck Depression Inventory. The primary objectives of this study were to 1) identify metabolites which discriminate between subjects with and without depression symptoms in the CSF and plasma and 2) how changes correlate between CSF and plasma. 
University of California, Davis
DepartmentGenome and Biomedical Sciences Facility
LaboratoryWCMC Metabolomics Core
Last NameFiehn
First NameOliver
Address1315 Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility 451 Health Sciences Drive Davis, CA 95616
Phone(530) 754-8258
Submit Date2014-06-11
Num Groups3
Total Subjects105
Study Comments2014-04-05 12:47:01.778
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)peg, cdf
Uploaded File Size4.6 G
Analysis Type DetailGC-MS
Release Date2014-07-11
Release Version1
Oliver Fiehn Oliver Fiehn application/zip

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Project ID:PR000059
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8V88F
Project Title:Biomarkers for Depression in CSF and Plasma in a Population Sample
Project Type:biomarker study
Project Summary:This West Coast Metabolomics Center pilot and feasibility project was granted to Roel Ophoff (UC Los Angeles) and Steve Horwath (UC Los Angeles). Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most debilitating disorders in the United States with a 12-month prevalence of 6.7% in the adult population. The disorder affects millions of Americans daily and is a major health concern with enormous economic cost the society at large. Criteria for MDD diagnosis and treatment are based on various signs and symptoms not always fitting into strict diagnostic categories such as DSM-IV. Despite various known risk factors (such as family history, age, and gender), biological markers supporting diagnosis or prediction of MDD are unavailable. We have collected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and peripheral blood of more than 600 subjects from the general population. For each of the participants we also obtained biometric information as well as behavioral trait measures. One of the measures is the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), a well-established questionnaire for measuring severity of depression. Based on the BDI, roughly 5% of participants suffer from severe depressive symptoms while most of these subjects are not under treatment or receiving any medication for depression In the current investigation, untargeted analysis of primary metabolites was conducted on age and gender matched human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and plasma from subjects suffering with MDD ( n=50) and control subjects (n=50). Subjects were diagnosed as having MDD based on the Beck Depression Inventory. The primary objectives of this study were to 1) identify metabolites which discriminate between subjects with and without depression symptoms in the CSF and plasma and 2) how changes correlate between CSF and plasma.
Institute:University of California, Davis
Department:Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility
Laboratory:WCMC Metabolomics Core
Last Name:Fiehn
First Name:Oliver
Address:1315 Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility,451 Health Sciences Drive, Davis, CA 95616
Phone:(530) 754-8258
Funding Source:NIH U24DK097154


Subject ID:SU000081
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Source
SA003236 140319ajlsa47_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003237 140320ajlsa22_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003238 140321ajlsa01_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003239 140319ajlsa20_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003240 140319ajlsa27_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003241 140319ajlsa44_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003242 140319ajlsa11_3Group 1 - Score 0
SA003243 140319ajlsa34_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003244 140321ajlsa05_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003245 140319ajlsa21_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003246 140320ajlsa40_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003247 140319ajlsa14_3Group 1 - Score 0
SA003248 140321ajlsa04_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003249 140319ajlsa38_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003250 140320ajlsa29_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003251 140319ajlsa35_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003252 140320ajlsa26_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003253 140321ajlsa06_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003254 140319ajlsa36_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003255 140320ajlsa17_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003256 140319ajlsa23_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003257 140320ajlsa49_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003258 140320ajlsa41_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003259 140320ajlsa01_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003260 140319ajlsa18_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003261 140319ajlsa17_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003262 140321ajlsa09_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003263 140319ajlsa37_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003264 140319ajlsa45_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003265 140321ajlsa08_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003266 140320ajlsa50_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003267 140320ajlsa46_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003268 140320ajlsa39_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003269 140320ajlsa13_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003270 140319ajlsa39_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003271 140320ajlsa36_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003272 140321ajlsa03_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003273 140320ajlsa06_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003274 140320ajlsa09_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003275 140319ajlsa32_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003276 140320ajlsa44_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003277 140319ajlsa33_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003278 140319ajlsa46_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003279 140321ajlsa07_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003280 140320ajlsa25_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003281 140319ajlsa07_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003282 140320ajlsa48_1Group 1 - Score 0
SA003283 140319ajlsa08_2Group 1 - Score 0
SA003284 140320ajlsa15_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003285 140320ajlsa47_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003286 140320ajlsa30_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003287 140319ajlsa16_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003288 140319ajlsa50_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003289 140320ajlsa03_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003290 140319ajlsa24_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003291 140319ajlsa15_3Group 2 - Score 50
SA003292 140319ajlsa43_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003293 140320ajlsa32_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003294 140319ajlsa28_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003295 140319ajlsa29_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003296 140320ajlsa20_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003297 140320ajlsa34_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003298 140320ajlsa45_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003299 140319ajlsa49_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003300 140319ajlsa09_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003301 140320ajlsa24_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003302 140319ajlsa06_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003303 140319ajlsa22_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003304 140320ajlsa37_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003305 140320ajlsa18_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003306 140321ajlsa10_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003307 140320ajlsa08_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003308 140319ajlsa19_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003309 140319ajlsa40_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003310 140320ajlsa04_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003311 140319ajlsa25_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003312 140319ajlsa42_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003313 140319ajlsa12_3Group 2 - Score 50
SA003314 140320ajlsa42_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003315 140320ajlsa19_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003316 140320ajlsa43_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003317 140320ajlsa27_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003318 140320ajlsa10_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003319 140319ajlsa10_3Group 2 - Score 50
SA003320 140320ajlsa16_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003321 140320ajlsa33_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003322 140319ajlsa13_3Group 2 - Score 50
SA003323 140320ajlsa02_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003324 140319ajlsa31_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003325 140320ajlsa31_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003326 140320ajlsa23_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003327 140320ajlsa11_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003328 140320ajlsa12_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003329 140320ajlsa35_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003330 140320ajlsa07_2Group 2 - Score 50
SA003331 140319ajlsa48_1Group 2 - Score 50
SA003332 140319ajlsa30_2Group 2 - Score 50
Showing results 1 to 97 of 97


Collection ID:CO000064
Collection Summary:-
Sample Type:Blood


Treatment ID:TR000082

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP000077
Sampleprep Summary:-
Sample Spiking:FAMEs

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN000100
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type GC
Chromatography system Agilent 6890N
Column Restek Corporation Rtx-5Sil MS
MS Type EI
MS instrument type GC-TOF
MS instrument name Leco GC-TOF
Units Peak area


Chromatography ID:CH000068
Methods Filename:Data_Dictionary_Fiehn_laboratory_GCTOF_MS_primary_metabolism_10-15-2013_general.pdf
Instrument Name:Agilent 6890N
Column Name:Restek Corporation Rtx-5Sil MS
Column Pressure:7.7 PSI (initial condition)
Column Temperature:50 - 330C
Flow Rate:1 ml/min
Injection Temperature:50C ramped to 250C by 12C/s
Sample Injection:0.5l
Oven Temperature:50C for 1 min, then ramped at 20C/min to 330C, held constant for 5 min
Transferline Temperature:230C
Washing Buffer:Ethyl Acetate
Sample Loop Size:30 m length x 0.25 mm internal diameter
Randomization Order:Excel generated
Chromatography Type:GC


MS ID:MS000076
Analysis ID:AN000100
Instrument Name:Leco GC-TOF
Instrument Type:GC-TOF
MS Type:EI
Ion Source Temperature:250°C
Ionization Energy:70eV
Mass Accuracy:Nominal
Source Temperature:250°C
Scanning Range:80-500 Da
Acquisition Parameters File:Data_Dictionary_Fiehn_laboratory_GCTOF_MS_primary_metabolism_10-15-2013_general.pdf
Processing Parameters File:Data_Dictionary_Fiehn_laboratory_GCTOF_MS_primary_metabolism_10-15-2013_general.pdf