Summary of Study ST000410
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000320. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8MP4W This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
Study ID | ST000410 |
Study Title | Metabolomic analysis of oxytocin effects on social deficits in mice (part III) |
Study Summary | The goal of this study is to determine the prosocial hormone oxytocin (OT) effects on metabolomic profiles in brain. |
Institute | University of North Carolina |
Laboratory | Sumner Lab |
Last Name | Sumner |
First Name | Susan |
Address | Eastern Regional Comprehensive Metabolomics Resource Core, UNC Nutrition Research Institute, 500 Laureate Way, Kannapolis, NC, 28081 |
susan_sumner | |
Phone | 704-250-5066 |
Submit Date | 2016-06-17 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | cdf |
Analysis Type Detail | NMR |
Release Date | 2017-07-10 |
Release Version | 1 |
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Project ID: | PR000320 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8MP4W |
Project Title: | Metabolomic analysis of oxytocin effects on social deficits in mice |
Project Summary: | The goal of this study was to determine the effects of the neuropeptide oxytocin (OT) on metabolomic profiles, using a mouse model of autism-like behavior, the BALB/cByJ inbred strain. We have previously reported that subchronic treatment with OT can lead to persistent reversal of social deficits in BALB/cByJ and other models of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study, mice were given a subchronic regimen with either vehicle or OT, and then evaluated for social approach. At the end of the study, brain and blood were collected for metabolomic analysis. In addition, fecal samples were taken at different time points during the treatment and testing regimen. The results from this project could elucidate mechanisms underlying the prosocial effects of oxytocin, and identify new targets for the development of highly specific oxytocin-related drugs. |
Institute: | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Department: | Department of Psychiatry |
Last Name: | Moy |
First Name: | Sheryl |
Address: | CB# 7146, Chapel Hill, NC 277599 |
Email: | |
Phone: | 919-966-3082 |
Subject ID: | SU000431 |
Subject Type: | Mice |
Subject Species: | Mus musculus |
Taxonomy ID: | 10090 |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Mice; Subject species: Mus musculus (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | Treatment | Brain region |
SA020072 | B_68 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020073 | B_70 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020074 | B_66 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020075 | B_65 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020076 | B_62 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020077 | B_72 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020078 | B_61 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020079 | B_63 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020080 | B_77 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020081 | B_79 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020082 | B_75 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020083 | B_74 | Oxytocin | Cerb |
SA020084 | B_30 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020085 | B_34 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020086 | B_37 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020087 | B_39 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020088 | B_28 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020089 | B_35 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020090 | B_32 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020091 | B_23 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020092 | B_21 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020093 | B_25 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020094 | B_22 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020095 | B_26 | Oxytocin | Fore |
SA020096 | B_97 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020097 | B_99 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020098 | B_85 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020099 | B_94 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020100 | B_95 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020101 | B_86 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020102 | B_90 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020103 | B_82 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020104 | B_88 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020105 | B_81 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020106 | B_83 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020107 | B_92 | Oxytocin | Hind |
SA020108 | B_50 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020109 | B_57 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020110 | B_59 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020111 | B_55 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020112 | B_54 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020113 | B_52 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020114 | B_46 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020115 | B_42 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020116 | B_43 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020117 | B_41 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020118 | B_45 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020119 | B_48 | Oxytocin | Mid |
SA020120 | B_3 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020121 | B_15 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020122 | B_14 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020123 | B_19 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020124 | B_6 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020125 | B_5 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020126 | B_8 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020127 | B_10 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020128 | B_1 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020129 | B_12 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020130 | B_2 | Oxytocin | OlF |
SA020131 | PB_3 | Pool | Pool |
SA020132 | PB_2 | Pool | Pool |
SA020133 | PB_4 | Pool | Pool |
SA020134 | PB_1 | Pool | Pool |
SA020135 | B_73 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020136 | B_71 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020137 | B_78 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020138 | B_80 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020139 | B_64 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020140 | B_76 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020141 | B_67 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020142 | B_69 | Veh | Cerb |
SA020143 | B_24 | Veh | Fore |
SA020144 | B_38 | Veh | Fore |
SA020145 | B_40 | Veh | Fore |
SA020146 | B_27 | Veh | Fore |
SA020147 | B_36 | Veh | Fore |
SA020148 | B_29 | Veh | Fore |
SA020149 | B_33 | Veh | Fore |
SA020150 | B_31 | Veh | Fore |
SA020151 | B_87 | Veh | Hind |
SA020152 | B_89 | Veh | Hind |
SA020153 | B_96 | Veh | Hind |
SA020154 | B_100 | Veh | Hind |
SA020155 | B_98 | Veh | Hind |
SA020156 | B_93 | Veh | Hind |
SA020157 | B_91 | Veh | Hind |
SA020158 | B_84 | Veh | Hind |
SA020159 | B_56 | Veh | Mid |
SA020160 | B_51 | Veh | Mid |
SA020161 | B_49 | Veh | Mid |
SA020162 | B_44 | Veh | Mid |
SA020163 | B_53 | Veh | Mid |
SA020164 | B_47 | Veh | Mid |
SA020165 | B_58 | Veh | Mid |
SA020166 | B_60 | Veh | Mid |
SA020167 | B_16 | Veh | OlF |
SA020168 | B_11 | Veh | OlF |
SA020169 | B_18 | Veh | OlF |
SA020170 | B_13 | Veh | OlF |
SA020171 | B_4 | Veh | OlF |
Collection ID: | CO000425 |
Collection Summary: | 24 hr after the social test, mice were deeply anesthetized with 5% isoflurane, followed by rapid decapitation. Brains were removed, rinsed with ice-cold water, and then rapidly dissected into the following 5 regions: forebrain, midbrain, cerebellum, hindbrain, and olfactory bulbs. The dissected parts were flash-frozen on dry ice and stored at -80o C. Samples were coded by treatment: vehicle-treated mice (n=8) and OT-treated mice (n=12). |
Sample Type: | Brain |
Treatment ID: | TR000445 |
Treatment Summary: | BALB/cByJ male mice (4-5 weeks in age; Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) were given four treatments of either vehicle or OT (1.0 mg/kg; IP) across 8 days, with at least 48 hours between each injection. Mice were evaluated in a 3-chamber choice test for social preference 24 hr after the final injection. |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP000438 |
Sampleprep Summary: | The NMR samples were used for the neurotransmitter analysis after NMR data acquisition. These samples were lyophilized overnight followed by reconstitution in 50 µL 95:5 methanol:water. Following a final centrifugation, extracts were transferred to vials for analysis by injection (20 µL) onto the Thermo Scientific (TS) 3000 series U-HPLC system. Compound separation was achieved on a Thermo Scientific Hypersil Gold, 200 x 2.1 mm column, and 1.9 µm particle size with an isocratic flow rate of 0.400 mL/min with a column temperature of 30°C. Simultaneous detection of neurotransmitters was achieved by the TS 5600A 16 channel coulometric array ECD with coulometric cells set at incremental potentials ranging from -150 mV to 900 mV. A Standard Mix containing 14 target compounds at known concentrations was analyzed just prior to each batch to confirm the retention time and elution channel of each compound. Additionally, the mix was used as an external standard to semi-quantitate any targets found in the extracts. |
Analysis ID: | AN000650 |
Analysis Type: | NMR |
Num Factors: | 11 |
Num Metabolites: | 14 |
Units: | ng |
NMR ID: | NM000072 |
Analysis ID: | AN000650 |
Instrument Name: | Thermo Scientific 5600A 16 channel coulometric array ECD |
Instrument Type: | Other |
NMR Experiment Type: | Other |