Summary of Study ST000486

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR000377. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M89W3S This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST000486
Study TitlePollen metabolomics
Study SummaryNMR metabolomic analysis of pollens
Last NameMueller
First NameGeoffrey
Address111 TW Alexander Dr, MDMR01, RTP, NC 27709
Submit Date2016-09-23
Raw Data AvailableYes
Analysis Type DetailNMR
Release Date2017-10-03
Release Version1
Geoffrey Mueller Geoffrey Mueller application/zip

Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:


Project ID:PR000377
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M89W3S
Project Title:Pollen Metabolomics
Project Summary:An NMR metabolic analysis of 26 different pollens
Last Name:Mueller
First Name:Geoffrey
Address:111 T.W. Alexander Drive,MDMR01, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Funding Source:NIEHS Intramural program


Subject ID:SU000521
Subject Type:pollen
Subject Species:Various
Species Group:Plants


Subject type: pollen; Subject species: Various (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Group Species
SA025826CD1Grass CD
SA025827CD5Grass CD
SA025828CD4Grass CD
SA025829CD2Grass CD
SA025830CD3Grass CD
SA025831FP5Grass FP
SA025832FP4Grass FP
SA025833FP2Grass FP
SA025834FP1Grass FP
SA025835FP3Grass FP
SA025836KP5Grass KP
SA025837KP4Grass KP
SA025838KP3Grass KP
SA025839KP1Grass KP
SA025840KP2Grass KP
SA025841LP5Grass LP
SA025842LP4Grass LP
SA025843LP1Grass LP
SA025844LP3Grass LP
SA025845LP2Grass LP
SA025846SH4Grass SH
SA025847SH1Grass SH
SA025848SH3Grass SH
SA025849SH5Grass SH
SA025850SH2Grass SH
SA025851TA4Grass TA
SA025852TA5Grass TA
SA025853TA3Grass TA
SA025854TA1Grass TA
SA025855TA2Grass TA
SA025856TP4Grass TP
SA025857TP5Grass TP
SA025858TP2Grass TP
SA025859TP3Grass TP
SA025860TP1Grass TP
SA025861ZM4Grass ZM
SA025862ZM5Grass ZM
SA025863ZM3Grass ZM
SA025864ZM1Grass ZM
SA025865ZM2Grass ZM
SA025866AR4Tree AR
SA025867AR5Tree AR
SA025868AR3Tree AR
SA025869AR1Tree AR
SA025870AR2Tree AR
SA025871AZ2Tree AZ
SA025872AZ3Tree AZ
SA025873AZ1Tree AZ
SA025874AZ5Tree AZ
SA025875AZ4Tree AZ
SA025876BP1Tree BP
SA025877BP2Tree BP
SA025878BP4Tree BP
SA025879BP3Tree BP
SA025880BP5Tree BP
SA025881CA2Tree CA
SA025882CA3Tree CA
SA025883CA5Tree CA
SA025884CA1Tree CA
SA025885CA4Tree CA
SA025886CI3Tree CI
SA025887CI4Tree CI
SA025888CI5Tree CI
SA025889CI2Tree CI
SA025890CI1Tree CI
SA025891FA2Tree FA
SA025892FA1Tree FA
SA025893FA4Tree FA
SA025894FA5Tree FA
SA025895FA3Tree FA
SA025896JA3Tree JA
SA025897JA2Tree JA
SA025898JA1Tree JA
SA025899JA5Tree JA
SA025900JA4Tree JA
SA025901JR5Tree JR
SA025902JR2Tree JR
SA025903JR4Tree JR
SA025904JR3Tree JR
SA025905JR1Tree JR
SA025906OE2Tree OE
SA025907OE1Tree OE
SA025908OE5Tree OE
SA025909OE3Tree OE
SA025910OE4Tree OE
SA025911PT4Tree PT
SA025912PT2Tree PT
SA025913PT1Tree PT
SA025914PT3Tree PT
SA025915PT5Tree PT
SA025916QA5Tree QA
SA025917QA4Tree QA
SA025918QA1Tree QA
SA025919QA3Tree QA
SA025920QA2Tree QA
SA025921QR4Tree QR
SA025922QR5Tree QR
SA025923QR3Tree QR
SA025924QR1Tree QR
SA025925QR2Tree QR
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Collection ID:CO000515
Collection Summary:Acquired pollen from Greer Laboratories
Sample Type:Plant


Treatment ID:TR000535
Treatment Summary:none

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP000528
Sampleprep Summary:10 mg/ml pollen extract in 2H-PBS for 30 minutes at 37C


Analysis ID:AN000768
Analysis Type:NMR
Num Factors:26
Num Metabolites:52


NMR ID:NM000088
Analysis ID:AN000768
Instrument Name:Varian 600 Cold Probe
Instrument Type:FT-NMR
NMR Experiment Type:1D 1H
Spectrometer Frequency:600 MHz