Summary of Study ST001617
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001039. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8D400 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
Study ID | ST001617 |
Study Title | Unique metabolomic profile of skeletal muscle in chronic limb threatening ischemia (HR-MAS study) |
Study Summary | This project is focused on a cross-sectional analysis of non-PAD controls and CLTI patients undergoing either a vascular intervention or undergoing limb amputation was performed and involved a detailed assessment of the limb muscle metabolome using HR-MAS and solution state NMR spectroscopy. It was hypothesized that patients undergoing limb amputation would present with altered muscle metaolite features compared with non-PAD controls. |
Institute | University of Florida |
Department | Applied Physiology and Kinesiology |
Laboratory | Rm 42 and Rm 43 |
Last Name | Ryan |
First Name | Terence |
Address | 1864 Stadium Rd, FLG 114, Gainesville, FL, 32611, USA | | |
Phone | 352-294-1700 |
Submit Date | 2020-11-30 |
Num Groups | 3 |
Total Subjects | 30 |
Num Males | 25 |
Num Females | 5 |
Study Comments | PAD metabolomic study via NMR. A detailed assessment of the limb muscle metabolome using semi-solid and solution state NMR spectroscopy. |
Publications | Journal of Clinical Medicine |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | fid |
Analysis Type Detail | NMR |
Release Date | 2022-07-07 |
Release Version | 1 |
Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:
Project ID: | PR001039 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8D400 |
Project Title: | Unique metabolomic profile of skeletal muscle in chronic limb threatening ischemia |
Project Type: | NMR |
Project Summary: | This project is focused on a cross-sectional analysis of non-PAD controls and CLTI patients undergoing either a vascular intervention or undergoing limb amputation was performed and involved a detailed assessment of the limb muscle metabolome using HR-MAS and solution state NMR spectroscopy. It was hypothesized that patients undergoing limb amputation would present with altered muscle metabolite features compared with non-PAD controls. |
Institute: | University of Florida |
Department: | Applied Physiology and Kinesiology |
Laboratory: | Rm 42 and Rm 43 |
Last Name: | Ryan |
First Name: | Terence |
Address: | University of Florida, Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, 1864 stadium RD, Gainesville, FL 32611 |
Email: | |
Phone: | 352-294-1700 |
Funding Source: | National Institutes of Health and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood, Institute numbers R01-HL149704 (to T.E.R.) and R01-HL148597 (to S.T.S.); as well as the American Heart Association grant number 18CDA34110044 (to T.E.R.). A portion of this work was supported by pilot funds (awarded to T.E.R.) from The University of Florida Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center P30AG028740. (if applicable) |
Project Comments: | PAD metabolomic study via NMR. A detailed assessment of the limb muscle metabolome using semi-solid and solution state NMR spectroscopy. |
Publications: | Journal of Clinical Medicine |
Contributors: | Ram B. Khattri, Kyoungrae Kim, Trace Thome, Zachary R. Salyers, Kerri A. O’Malley, Scott A. Berceli, Salvatore T. Scali, Terence E. Ryan* |
Subject ID: | SU001694 |
Subject Type: | Human |
Subject Species: | Homo sapiens |
Taxonomy ID: | 9606 |
Age Or Age Range: | 55-82 years |
Gender: | Male and female |
Human Race: | unknown |
Human Ethnicity: | unknown |
Human Medications: | Asprin, ACE inhibitor, statins, cilostazol |
Human Smoking Status: | Controls = 4, CLTI Pre-surgery = 7, and CLTI Amputation = 9 |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | Group |
SA137213 | CLTI Amputation8B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137214 | CLTI Amputation9B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137215 | CLTI Amputation10B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137216 | CLTI Amputation1B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137217 | CLTI Amputation7B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137218 | CLTI Amputation2B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137219 | CLTI Amputation6B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137220 | CLTI Amputation3B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137221 | CLTI Amputation4B | CLTI_Amputation |
SA137222 | CLTI Pre-surgery7B | CLTI_Pre_surgery |
SA137223 | CLTI Pre-surgery9B | CLTI_Pre_surgery |
SA137224 | CLTI Pre-surgery6B | CLTI_Pre_surgery |
SA137225 | CLTI Pre-surgery5B | CLTI_Pre_surgery |
SA137226 | CLTI Pre-surgery1B | CLTI_Pre_surgery |
SA137227 | CLTI Pre-surgery2B | CLTI_Pre_surgery |
SA137228 | Control8B | Control |
SA137229 | Control10B | Control |
SA137230 | Control7B | Control |
SA137231 | Control9B | Control |
SA137232 | Control5B | Control |
SA137233 | Control1B | Control |
SA137234 | Control2B | Control |
SA137235 | Control3B | Control |
SA137236 | Control4B | Control |
SA137237 | Control6B | Control |
Showing results 1 to 25 of 25 |
Collection ID: | CO001687 |
Collection Summary: | Gastrocnemius muscle specimens were obtained from ten older adult non-PAD controls (Control), ten patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI) undergoing surgical intervention (CLTI Pre-surgery), and ten CLI patients undergoing limb amputation (CLTI Amputation). Five pre-surgery patients underwent bypass interventions and five underwent endovascular procedures. Muscle specimens were collected within the confines of the operating rooms (CLI patients) or via percutaneous muscle biopsy using sterile procedures. A portion of the muscle was quickly trimmed of fat/connective tissue and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen for metabolomics analysis. |
Sample Type: | Muscle |
Collection Method: | Muscle specimens were collected within the confines of the operating rooms (CLI patients) or via percutaneous muscle biopsy using sterile procedures. A portion of the muscle was quickly trimmed of fat/connective tissue and snap frozen in liquid nitrogen for metabolomics analysis. |
Storage Conditions: | -80℃ |
Storage Vials: | cryovials |
Treatment ID: | TR001707 |
Treatment Summary: | This was a prospective cohort study that examined the metabolomic profile of skeletal muscle from CLTI patients undergoing surgerical intervention or amputation, as well as a cohort of non-PAD controls. CLTI patients exhibited severe symptomology (Rutherford Classification 3-6), with high incidence of common PAD risk factors including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, and diabetes.Ten patients with critical limb ischemia (CLI) undergoing surgical intervention (CLTI Pre-surgery), and ten CLI patients undergoing limb amputation (CLTI Amputation). Five pre-surgery patients underwent bypass interventions and five underwent endovascular procedures. Muscle specimens were collected within the confines of the operating rooms (CLI patients) or via percutaneous muscle biopsy using sterile procedures. |
Human Fasting: | non-fasted |
Human Endp Clinical Signs: | N/A |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP001700 |
Sampleprep Summary: | Semi-solid HR-MAS spectra were collected on intact human gastrocnemius muscle specimens. |
Processing Method: | None |
Processing Storage Conditions: | -80℃ |
Extract Storage: | -80℃ |
Sample Resuspension: | None |
Sample Spiking: | None |
Analysis ID: | AN002652 |
Laboratory Name: | Terence lab, UF |
Analysis Type: | NMR |
Acquisition Date: | 08/31/2020 to 09/03/2020 |
Software Version: | Bruker Topspin |
Operator Name: | Ram Khattri |
Detector Type: | Bruker |
Data Format: | fid, 1r |
Num Factors: | 3 |
Num Metabolites: | 25 |
Units: | A.U. |
NMR ID: | NM000189 |
Analysis ID: | AN002652 |
Instrument Name: | Bruker Avance 800 MHz with HR-MAS console |
Instrument Type: | FT-NMR |
NMR Experiment Type: | 1D-1H |
Field Frequency Lock: | Deuterium |
Standard Concentration: | None |
Spectrometer Frequency: | 800 MHz |
NMR Probe: | HR-MAS probe |
NMR Solvent: | For HR-MAS experiments, deuterium oxide was used. |
NMR Tube Size: | 3.2 mm inside diameter plastic insert was used for HR-MAS experiments. |
Shimming Method: | Topshim |
Pulse Sequence: | noesypr1d |
Water Suppression: | presat |
Pulse Width: | 90-degree |
Receiver Gain: | 28.5 |
Offset Frequency: | 4.96 Hz |
Chemical Shift Ref Cpd: | None |
Temperature: | 4 oC |
Number Of Scans: | 256 |
Dummy Scans: | 8 |
Acquisition Time: | 2.0447 s |
Relaxation Delay: | 2 s |
Spectral Width: | 8012.8 Hz |
Num Data Points Acquired: | 16384 points |
Real Data Points: | 65536 |
Line Broadening: | 0.5 Hz |
Zero Filling: | 65,536 points |
Apodization: | Exponential |
Baseline Correction Method: | Spline |
Chemical Shift Ref Std: | Alanine doublet at 1.46 ppm |