Summary of Study ST001940

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001228. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M80120 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST001940
Study TitleCognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement
Study Summary34 Rome III-diagnosed IBS patients receiving CBT were drawn from the Irritable Bowel Syndrome Outcome Study (IBSOS; NCT00738920). Fecal samples were collected at baseline and post-treatment for 16S rRNA gene sequencing, untargeted metabolomics, and measurement of short chain fatty acids. Multimodal neuroimaging was performed at baseline and post-treatment.
University of California, Los Angeles
DepartmentDivision of Digestive Diseases
LaboratoryJacobs Laboratory
Last NameJacobs
First NameJonathan
Address10833 Le Conte Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90095
Submit Date2021-09-01
Total Subjects34
Num Males6
Num Females28
Raw Data AvailableYes
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2022-03-01
Release Version1
Jonathan Jacobs Jonathan Jacobs application/zip

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Project ID:PR001228
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M80120
Project Title:Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome Induces Bidirectional Alterations in the Brain-Gut-Microbiome Axis Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptom Improvement
Project Summary:There is growing recognition that bidirectional signaling between the digestive tract and the brain contributes to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). We recently showed in a large randomized controlled trial that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) reduces IBS symptom severity. This study investigated whether baseline brain and gut microbiome parameters predict CBT response and whether response is associated with changes in the brain-gut-microbiome (BGM) axis.
Institute:University of California, Los Angeles
Department:Division of Digestive Diseases
Laboratory:Jacobs Laboratory
Last Name:Jacobs
First Name:Jonathan
Address:10833 Le Conte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095


Subject ID:SU002018
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Age Or Age Range:20-70
Gender:Male and female
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Gender Timepoint CBT_Responder
SA183187BuffaloU.1610i.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183188BuffaloU.1609c.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183189BuffaloU.1599i.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183190BuffaloU.1617f.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183191BuffaloU.1624l.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183192BuffaloU.1636f.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183193BuffaloU.1633a.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183194BuffaloU.1594h.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183195BuffaloU.1607g.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183196BuffaloU.1558c.wk0Female Baseline No
SA183197BuffaloU.1618d.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183198BuffaloU.1557e.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183199BuffaloU.1628c.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183200BuffaloU.1615k.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183201BuffaloU.1602f.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183202BuffaloU.1551f.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183203BuffaloU.1604b.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183204BuffaloU.1630g.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183205BuffaloU.1568b.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183206BuffaloU.1587b.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183207BuffaloU.1585g.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183208BuffaloU.1575h.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183209BuffaloU.1635i.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183210BuffaloU.1573l.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183211BuffaloU.1569l.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183212BuffaloU.1583k.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183213BuffaloU.1631e.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183214BuffaloU.1552d.wk0Female Baseline Yes
SA183215BuffaloU.1636f.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183216BuffaloU.1609c.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183217BuffaloU.1617f.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183218BuffaloU.1558c.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183219BuffaloU.1624l.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183220BuffaloU.1633a.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183221BuffaloU.1610i.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183222BuffaloU.1607g.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183223BuffaloU.1594h.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183224BuffaloU.1599i.wk12Female Post_CBT No
SA183225BuffaloU.1628c.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183226BuffaloU.1583k.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183227BuffaloU.1630g.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183228BuffaloU.1585g.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183229BuffaloU.1631e.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183230BuffaloU.1575h.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183231BuffaloU.1568b.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183232BuffaloU.1551f.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183233BuffaloU.1569l.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183234BuffaloU.1635i.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183235BuffaloU.1573l.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183236BuffaloU.1552d.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183237BuffaloU.1587b.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183238BuffaloU.1557e.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183239BuffaloU.1615k.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183240BuffaloU.1602f.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183241BuffaloU.1618d.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183242BuffaloU.1604b.wk12Female Post_CBT Yes
SA183243BuffaloU.1638b.wk0Male Baseline No
SA183244BuffaloU.1616h.wk0Male Baseline No
SA183245BuffaloU.1559a.wk0Male Baseline Yes
SA183246BuffaloU.1634k.wk0Male Baseline Yes
SA183247BuffaloU.1597a.wk0Male Baseline Yes
SA183248BuffaloU.1625j.wk0Male Baseline Yes
SA183249BuffaloU.1638b.wk12Male Post_CBT No
SA183250BuffaloU.1616h.wk12Male Post_CBT No
SA183251BuffaloU.1559a.wk12Male Post_CBT Yes
SA183252BuffaloU.1597a.wk12Male Post_CBT Yes
SA183253BuffaloU.1625j.wk12Male Post_CBT Yes
SA183254BuffaloU.1634k.wk12Male Post_CBT Yes
Showing results 1 to 68 of 68


Collection ID:CO002011
Collection Summary:Participants were provided with home stool collection kits and were asked to store their stool samples in a freezer immediately after collection until pick up by a courier service within 24-48 hours of collection for storage at -80°C.
Sample Type:Feces


Treatment ID:TR002030
Treatment Summary:Eligible patients received 10 sessions of clinic-based CBT or 4 sessions of largely home-based CBT with minimal therapist contact over a 10-week acute phase. The 10 session version was delivered once a week for 10 weeks, while the 4 session version was delivered at week 1, week 3, week 5, and week 10. For these analyses, the two CBT protocols were combined as they are technically identical (patient education, self-monitoring, muscle relaxation, worry control, flexible problem solving, relapse prevention) and have efficacy equivalence.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002024
Sampleprep Summary:Aliquots of frozen feces were shipped to Metabolon, Inc., and run as a single batch on their global HD4 metabolomics platform.

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN003155 AN003156 AN003157 AN003158
Analysis type MS MS MS MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase Reversed phase Reversed phase HILIC
Chromatography system Waters Acquity Waters Acquity Waters Acquity Waters Acquity
Column Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm,1.7um) Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm,1.7um) Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm,1.7um) Waters Acquity BEH Amide (150 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap Orbitrap Orbitrap Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Units Metabolon original scale Metabolon original scale Metabolon original scale Metabolon original scale


Chromatography ID:CH002333
Chromatography Summary:Low pH polar
Instrument Name:Waters Acquity
Column Name:Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm,1.7um)
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase
Chromatography ID:CH002334
Chromatography Summary:Low pH Lipophilic
Instrument Name:Waters Acquity
Column Name:Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm,1.7um)
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase
Chromatography ID:CH002335
Chromatography Summary:High pH
Instrument Name:Waters Acquity
Column Name:Waters Acquity BEH C18 (100 x 2mm,1.7um)
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase
Chromatography ID:CH002336
Instrument Name:Waters Acquity
Column Name:Waters Acquity BEH Amide (150 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
Chromatography Type:HILIC


MS ID:MS002935
Analysis ID:AN003155
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Proprietary analytical software for integration and peak picking
MS ID:MS002936
Analysis ID:AN003156
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Proprietary analytical software for integration and peak picking
MS ID:MS002937
Analysis ID:AN003157
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Proprietary analytical software for integration and peak picking
MS ID:MS002938
Analysis ID:AN003158
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Proprietary analytical software for integration and peak picking