Summary of Study ST003136

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001949. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8SM7W This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST003136
Study TitleCirculating N-lactoyl-amino acids and N-formyl-methionine reflect mitochondrial dysfunction and predict mortality in septic shock
Study Summaryhe aim of this study was to identify circulating markers that correlated with severity and mortality in sepsis. We performed metabolomic profiling on 4 cohorts: 1) patients with septic shock, 2) patients with bacteremia without sepsis, 3) cardiogenic shock, and 4) healthy ambulatory controls. We found a set of metabolites that out outperformed lactate in their ability to distinguish survivors and non-survivors of sepsis.
Massachusetts General Hospital
Last NameSharma
First NameRohit
Address185 Cambridge Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA, 02114, USA
Phone(617) 643-3059
Submit Date2024-01-03
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)mzML
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2025-01-05
Release Version1
Rohit Sharma Rohit Sharma application/zip

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Project ID:PR001949
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M8SM7W
Project Title:Circulating N-lactoyl-amino acids and N-formyl-methionine reflect mitochondrial dysfunction and predict mortality in septic shock
Project Summary:The aim of this study was to identify circulating markers that correlated with severity and mortality in sepsis. We performed metabolomic profiling on 4 cohorts: 1) patients with septic shock, 2) patients with bacteremia without sepsis, 3) cardiogenic shock, and 4) healthy ambulatory controls. We found a set of metabolites that out outperformed lactate in their ability to distinguish survivors and non-survivors of sepsis.
Institute:Massachusetts General Hospital
Department:Molecular Biology
Laboratory:Mootha Laboratory
Last Name:Sharma
First Name:Rohit
Address:185 Cambridge Street, 6th Floor, Boston, MA, 02114, USA
Phone:(617) 643-3059


Subject ID:SU003253
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Study_group Sample source
SA339490RR_076Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339491RR_077Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339492RR_079Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339493RR_073Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339494RR_078Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339495RR_071Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339496RR_063Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339497RR_066Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339498RR_067Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339499RR_080Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339500RR_072Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339501RR_075Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339502RR_081Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339503RR_092Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339504RR_093Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339505RR_094Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339506RR_089Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339507RR_082Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339508RR_083Ambulatory Control plasma
SA339509RR_054Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339510RR_052Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339511RR_053Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339512RR_051Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339513RR_047Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339514RR_049Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339515RR_050Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339516RR_057Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339517RR_104Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339518RR_090Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339519RR_043Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339520RR_084Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339521RR_091Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339522RR_062Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339523RR_060Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339524RR_061Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339525RR_058Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339526RR_056Bacteremia without Sepsis plasma
SA339527RR_022Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339528RR_020Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339529RR_025Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339530RR_030Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339531RR_059Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339532RR_041Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339533RR_015Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339534RR_010Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339535RR_005Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339536RR_085Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339537RR_011Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339538RR_013Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339539RR_031Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339540RR_019Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339541RR_055Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339542RR_039Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339543RR_040Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339544RR_038Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339545RR_032Cardiogeneic Shock plasma
SA339546RR_095Septic Shock plasma
SA339547RR_096Septic Shock plasma
SA339548RR_042Septic Shock plasma
SA339549RR_007Septic Shock plasma
SA339550RR_009Septic Shock plasma
SA339551RR_008Septic Shock plasma
SA339552RR_097Septic Shock plasma
SA339553RR_006Septic Shock plasma
SA339554RR_099Septic Shock plasma
SA339555RR_106Septic Shock plasma
SA339556RR_107Septic Shock plasma
SA339557RR_109Septic Shock plasma
SA339558RR_003Septic Shock plasma
SA339559RR_105Septic Shock plasma
SA339560RR_004Septic Shock plasma
SA339561RR_100Septic Shock plasma
SA339562RR_101Septic Shock plasma
SA339563RR_102Septic Shock plasma
SA339564RR_103Septic Shock plasma
SA339565RR_098Septic Shock plasma
SA339566RR_012Septic Shock plasma
SA339567RR_026Septic Shock plasma
SA339568RR_068Septic Shock plasma
SA339569RR_069Septic Shock plasma
SA339570RR_070Septic Shock plasma
SA339571RR_065Septic Shock plasma
SA339572RR_027Septic Shock plasma
SA339573RR_002Septic Shock plasma
SA339574RR_029Septic Shock plasma
SA339575RR_028Septic Shock plasma
SA339576RR_024Septic Shock plasma
SA339577RR_033Septic Shock plasma
SA339578RR_017Septic Shock plasma
SA339579RR_016Septic Shock plasma
SA339580RR_036Septic Shock plasma
SA339581RR_014Septic Shock plasma
SA339582RR_018Septic Shock plasma
SA339583RR_035Septic Shock plasma
SA339584RR_021Septic Shock plasma
SA339585RR_074Septic Shock plasma
SA339586RR_034Septic Shock plasma
SA339587RR_037Septic Shock plasma
Showing results 1 to 98 of 98


Collection ID:CO003246
Collection Summary:Samples were collected from patients with sepsis, cardiogenic shock, bacteremia without sepsis, and ambulatory controls. All subjects (or legal surrogates) provided informed consent to participate in this study, which was approved by the Mass General Brigham IRB.
Sample Type:Blood (plasma)


Treatment ID:TR003262
Treatment Summary:No treatment.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP003260
Sampleprep Summary:30 µl of plasma sample was mixed with 137 µl of ice-cold acetonitrile for metabolite extraction. Samples were vortexed and incubated on ice for 30 mins. After centrifugation for 20 mins at 4°C and 21,000g, 90 µl of the sample was transferred to an autosampler glass vial for LCMS analysis.

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN005149
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type HILIC
Chromatography system Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000
Column Waters XBridge BEH Amide (100 x 2.1mm,2.5um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap
Units AU


Chromatography ID:CH003897
Chromatography Summary:pH of Solvent A: pH9
Instrument Name:Thermo Dionex Ultimate 3000
Column Name:Waters XBridge BEH Amide (100 x 2.1mm,2.5um)
Column Temperature:27
Flow Gradient:0 mins 85%B, 0.5 min 85%B, 9 min 35%B, 11 min 2%B, 12min 2%B, 13.5 min 85%B, 14.6 min 85%B , 15 min 85%B with 0.420 mL/min to 18 min
Flow Rate:0.220 mL/min (0-15min), 0.420 mL/min (15-18min)
Solvent A:acetonitrile/water (5/95); 20mM ammonium acetate
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile
Chromatography Type:HILIC


MS ID:MS004885
Analysis ID:AN005149
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Plus Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Data was collected in switch polarity mode. MS parameters were: sheath gas flow 50, aux gas flow 10, sweep gas flow 2, spray voltage 2.50KV in negative & 3.8KV in positive, Capillary temperature 310°C, S-lens RF level -50 and aux gas heater temperature 370°C. Data acquisition was done using Xcalibur (Thermo Scientific) in range of: 70-1000 m/z, resolution 70,000, AGC target -3E6 and maximum Injection time of 80ms.