Summary of Study ST003472

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR002131. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M85G08 This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST003472
Study TitleAn optimized plasmalogen modulating dietary supplement provides greater protection in a male than female mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy
Study SummaryWe previously reported that plasmalogens, a class of phospholipids, were decreased in a setting of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Plasmalogen levels can be modulated via a dietary supplement called alkylglycerols (AG) which has demonstrated benefits in some disease settings. However, its therapeutic potential in DCM remained unknown. To determine whether an optimized AG supplement could restore plasmalogen levels and attenuate cardiac dysfunction/pathology, we placed a cardiac-specific transgenic DCM mouse model of both sexes on chow +/- 1.5% AG supplementation at ~10 weeks of age for 16 weeks. Cardiac function was assessed by echocardiography, tissues were collected for histological and molecular analyses including lipidomics and proteomics via liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. AG supplementation increased total plasmalogens in DCM hearts and attenuated lung congestion of both sexes, but only prevented cardiac dysfunction in males. This was associated with attenuated cardiac and renal enlargement, a more favorable pro-cardiac gene expression profile, and a trend for lower cardiac fibrosis. By lipidomics, specific d18:1 ceramide species associated with cardiac pathology were lower in the DCM hearts from mice on the AG diet, and tetra-linoleoyl cardiolipin, a lipid crucial for mitochondria function was restored with AG supplementation. Proteomic analysis of hearts from male DCM mice receiving AG supplementation revealed enrichment in mitochondrial protein network, as well as upregulation of extracellular matrix binding proteins including agrin, a protein associated with cardiac regeneration. In summary, AG supplementation restored plasmalogens in DCM hearts, but showed greater therapeutic potential in males than females.
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
DepartmentDiscovery and Preclinical Science
LaboratoryCardiac Hypertrophy
Last NameBelkin
First NameTeleah
Address75 Commercial Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004, Australia
Submit Date2024-08-26
Num Groups4
Total Subjects71
Num Males34
Num Females37
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)d, mzML
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2024-12-06
Release Version1
Teleah Belkin Teleah Belkin application/zip

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Project ID:PR002131
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M85G08
Project Title:Lipidomic profiling of heart and plasma of male and female DCM mice
Project Summary:Ventricles and plasma of male and female Ntg and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) mice subjected to chow or alkylglycerol supplementation (1.5% of total chow) from 10 weeks of age to 26 weeks of age (supplementation for 16 weeks). Males: Ntg Chow n=7, Ntg Diet n=7, DCM Chow n=8, DCM Diet n=12. Females: Ntg Chow n=11, Ntg Diet n=11, DCM Chow n=8, DCM Diet n=7 were subjected to lipidomic profiling.
Institute:Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
Department:Discovery and Preclinical Science
Laboratory:Cardiac Hypertrophy
Last Name:Belkin
First Name:Teleah
Address:75 Commercial Road, Melbourne, Victoria, 3004, Australia


Subject ID:SU003600
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Genotype Strain:C57BL6
Age Or Age Range:26 weeks
Gender:Male and female
Animal Light Cycle:12-hour light-dark cycle environment (6am-6pm)
Animal Feed:Specialty Feeds Irradiated Rat and Mouse Standard Chow Diet or 1.5% alkylglycerols per 100g of chow
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Mammal; Subject species: Mus musculus (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Sex Genotype Diet Sample source
SA38327238738_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327339372_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327439374_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327539382_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327638708_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327739371_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327839013_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38327938736_PlasmaFemale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38328038736_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328139371_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328239013_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328338708_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328439382_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328539374_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328639372_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328738738_VentFemale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38328839376_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38328938730_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38329039375_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38329139380_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38329239384_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38329338719_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38329439010_PlasmaFemale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38329539375_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38329639376_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38329739384_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38329839010_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38329939380_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38330038719_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38330138730_VentFemale DCM Diet Ventricle
SA38330238716_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330339383_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330439381_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330538707_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330638715_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330739370_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330839022_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38330939014_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38331039023_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38331138737_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38331239373_PlasmaFemale Ntg Chow Plasma
SA38331338716_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38331438715_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38331539370_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38331639383_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38331739373_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38331839381_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38331939023_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38332039022_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38332138707_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38332239014_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38332338737_VentFemale Ntg Chow Ventricle
SA38332439385_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38332539377_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38332638725_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38332739011_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38332838728_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38332939379_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38333039012_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38333139378_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38333238729_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38333338706_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38333439025_PlasmaFemale Ntg Diet Plasma
SA38333539025_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38333639378_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38333738725_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38333839379_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38333939012_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38334039385_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38334139011_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38334239377_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38334338706_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38334438729_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA38334538728_VentFemale Ntg Diet Ventricle
SA383271-- - - -
SA38334638710_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38334738735_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38334838731_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38334938733_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38335038734_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38335139015_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38335232210_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38335338717_PlasmaMale DCM Chow Plasma
SA38335438717_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38335532210_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38335639015_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38335738710_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38335838734_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38335938735_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38336038731_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38336138733_VentMale DCM Chow Ventricle
SA38336238727_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336339018_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336438743_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336538740_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336638739_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336738742_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336838726_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38336938721_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
SA38337038720_PlasmaMale DCM Diet Plasma
Showing page 1 of 2     Results:    1  2  Next     Showing results 1 to 100 of 143


Collection ID:CO003593
Collection Summary:Ventricles were dissected from mice. Tissues were snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in -80 freezer until tissues were processed for lipid extractions Blood was collected via cardiac puncture and stored in EDTA tubes on ice. EDTA tubes were spun at 3000g for 15 mins at 4 degrees. Plasma was then collected from these tubes (supernatant) and then stored at -80 degrees.
Sample Type:Heart
Storage Conditions:-80℃
Collection Vials:1.5mL Eppendorf tubes
Storage Vials:1.5mL Eppendorf tubes


Treatment ID:TR003609
Treatment Summary:10-week-old Ntg and DCM mice were placed on chow or 1.5% AG supplementation for 16 weeks. Mice were fasted for 6 hours before dissections, and a lethal dose of anesthesia was delivered via intraperitoneal injection before tissue collection.
Treatment:Dietary supplementation
Treatment Compound:Alkylglycerols
Treatment Dose:1.5% alkylglycerols per 100g of chow
Treatment Doseduration:16 weeks
Treatment Vehicle:Chow
Animal Anesthesia:Sodium pentobarbitone
Animal Fasting:6 hours

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP003607
Sampleprep Summary:Ventricles were homogenised in 1xPBS and then sonicated with a probe-sonicator for 15 seconds, 23 amplitude. BCA assays were then conducted to determine protein concentrations of these homogenates. Lipid extraction was conducted using 10ul of sample (ventricle, 5mg/ml) using the single-phase chloroform methanol method. 10ul of internal standards and 200ul of chloroform:methanol (1:2) were added to samples before the mixture was vortexed. Samples were then placed on a rotary shaker for 10 mins at a speed of 90 before being transferred to a bath sonicator. Samples were then sonicated for 30 mins at water temperature below 28 degrees. Samples were then removed and rested at room temperature for 20 mins. Samples were then centrifuged at 13000rpm for 10 minutes. 200ul of the supernatant was then transferred to 0.5ml polypropylene 96 well plates and spun dried using a speedvac vacuum concentrator. Lipids were reconstituted in 50ul water saturated butanol + 50ul of Ammonium Formate.
Sampleprep Protocol Filename:Agilent_Protocol
Processing Storage Conditions:-80℃
Extraction Method:Chloroform:Methanol

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN005707
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase
Chromatography system Agilent 1290 Infinity II
Column Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um)
MS instrument type Triple quadrupole
MS instrument name Agilent 6490 QQQ
Units pmol per umol PC (ventricle) pmol per ml (plasma)


Chromatography ID:CH004329
Chromatography Summary:The running solvent consisted of solvent A: 50% H2O / 30% acetonitrile / 20% isopropanol (v/v/v) containing 10mM ammonium formate and 5uM medronic acid, and solvent B: 1% H2O / 9% acetonitrile / 90% isopropanol (v/v/v) containing 10mM ammonium formate. We utilized a stepped linear gradient with a 16-minute cycle time per sample and a 1µL sample injection. To increase throughput, we used a dual column set up to equilibrate the second column while the first is running a sample. The sample analytical gradient was as follows: starting with a flow rate of 0.4mL/minute at 15% B and increasing to 50% B over 2.5 minutes, then to 57% over 0.1 minutes, to 70% over 6.4 minutes, to 93% over 0.1 minute, to 96% over 1.9 minutes and finally to 100% over 0.1 minute. The solvent was then held at 100% B for 0.9 minutes (total 12.0 minutes). Equilibration was started as follows: solvent was decreased from 100% B to 15% B over 0.2 minutes and held until a total of 16 minutes. The next sample is injected and the columns are switched.
Instrument Name:Agilent 1290 Infinity II
Column Name:Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um)
Column Temperature:45℃
Flow Gradient:starting with a flow rate of 0.4mL/minute at 15% B and increasing to 50% B over 2.5 minutes, then to 57% over 0.1 minutes, to 70% over 6.4 minutes, to 93% over 0.1 minute, to 96% over 1.9 minutes and finally to 100% over 0.1 minute. The solvent was then held at 100% B for 0.9 minutes (total 12.0 minutes). Equilibration was started as follows: solvent was decreased from 100% B to 15% B over 0.2 minutes and held until a total of 16 minutes.
Flow Rate:0.4 mL/min
Solvent A:50% water/30% acetonitrile/20% isopropanol; 10mM ammonium formate; 5uM medronic acid
Solvent B:1% water/9% acetonitrile/90% isopropanol; 10mM ammonium formate
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase


MS ID:MS005431
Analysis ID:AN005707
Instrument Name:Agilent 6490 QQQ
Instrument Type:Triple quadrupole
MS Comments:Analysis of ventricles and plasma extracts was performed on an Agilent 6490 QQQ mass spectrometer with an Agilent 1290 series HPLC system and a ZORBAX eclipse plus C18 column (2.1x100mm 1.8μm, Agilent) with the thermostat set at 60°C. Mass spectrometry analysis was performed in positive ion mode with dynamic scheduled multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The following mass spectrometer conditions were used; gas temperature, 150°C, gas flow rate 17L/min, nebulizer 20psi, Sheath gas temperature 200°C, capillary voltage 3500V and sheath gas flow 10L/min. Isolation widths for Q1 and Q3 were set to “unit” resolution (0.7 amu).
Analysis Protocol File:Agilent_Protocol.pdf