VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	December 19, 2016, 10:24 am
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Metabolomics profiling studies for snout bream fish
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	LC-MS analysis
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Metabolomics profiling studies on plasma samples from three different blunt
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	snout bream groups
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	College of Fisheries
PR:LABORATORY                    	Key Lab of Freshwater Animal Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Zhou
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	LaiFang
PR:ADDRESS                       	Hongshan, Wuhan, 430070 Hubei, China
PR:EMAIL                         	156851836@qq.com
PR:PHONE                         	15171617087
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Plasma metabolomics profiling for fish maturation in blunt snout bream
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	Metabolomics experiment
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	We investigated the comprehensive metabolic profiles of plasma among immature
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	females, mature females ready to spawn, as well as already spawned breeders of
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). The purpose of this study was to
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	screen out potential biomarkers for sexual mature female M. amblycephala
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	compared to immature female individuals and already spawned breeders. The three
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	groups were set up in this study, including one year old immature females, 2
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	years old sexually mature females ready to spawning and successfully spawning
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	females of M. amblycephala. The plasma samples were collected to investigate the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	comprehensive metabolic profiles through UPLC-MS/MS based metabolomics analysis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	method. According to multivariate and univariate statistical analysis, plasma
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolite profiles of three groups were obviously separated, and the plasma
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolite profiles of immature female M. amblycephala were much more different
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	from mature females ready to spawn as well as already spawned breeders. The
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	differential plasma metabolites from three hormone related pathways including
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	GnRH signaling pathway, steroid hormone biosynthesis and steroid biosynthesis,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	were further analyzed. A total of 29 metabolites were identified as differential
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	biomarkers associated with the female maturation status
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	College of Fisheries
ST:LABORATORY                    	Key Lab of Freshwater Animal Breeding, Ministry of Agriculture
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Zhou
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	LaiFang
ST:ADDRESS                       	Hongshan, Wuhan, 430070 Hubei, China
ST:EMAIL                         	156851836@qq.com
ST:PHONE                         	15171617087
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Animal
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Megalobrama amblycephala
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	75352
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530001	20150724_YU_2_1_1	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530002	20150724_YU_2_1_2	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530003	20150724_YU_2_1_3	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530004	20150724_YU_2_1_4	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530005	20150724_YU_2_1_5	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530006	20150724_YU_2_1_6	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530007	20150724_YU_2_1_7	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530008	20150724_YU_2_1_8	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530009	20150724_YU_2_1_9	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530010	20150724_YU_2_1_10	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530011	20150724_YU_2_2_1	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530012	20150724_YU_2_2_2	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530013	20150724_YU_2_2_3	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530014	20150724_YU_2_2_4	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530015	20150724_YU_2_2_5	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530016	20150724_YU_2_2_6	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530017	20150724_YU_2_2_11	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530018	20150724_YU_2_2_8	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530019	20150724_YU_2_2_9	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530020	20150724_YU_2_2_10	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530021	20150724_YU_1_1_1	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530022	20150724_YU_1_1_3	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530023	20150724_YU_1_1_5	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530024	20150724_YU_1_1_6	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530025	20150724_YU_1_1_9	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530026	20150724_YU_1_1_10	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530027	20150724_YU_1_1_11	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530028	20150724_YU_1_1_12	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530029	20150724_YU_1_1_14	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	P1503530030	20150724_YU_1_1_22	Phenotype:1 year old immature	gender=female
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	About 2 ml of blood was collected via caudal vein by syringe for each female
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	M.amblycephala and then directly put into K3 EDTA centrifuge tube.
CO:COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_FILENAME  	Zhou999_20161213_161728_PR_CO_collection_files.docx
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Plasma
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	The blood was centrifuged at 4000 rpm for 5 min at 4°C as soon as it was
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	extracted from fish and about 1 ml supernatant was pipetted into another
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	tube.The extracted plasma samples were then frozen in liquid nitrogen
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	immediately and stored in the -80°C.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	To initiate the experiment, each plasma sample was mixed with the same volume
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	and labeled as Quality control (QC) sample. Plasma sample (100 µl, including QC
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	sample) was added into new Eppendorf tube with ice-cold methanol (300 µl),
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	vortex mixing for 1 min, standing for 1 min, and make sure the solution volume
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	had no obvious observable difference. Then samples were precipitated for 20 min
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	at -20°C, and centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 20 min at 4°C to precipitate the
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	proteins. A total of 250 µl of protein free supernatant was collected and dried
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	with nitrogen at 37°C. The concentration of extractant was diluted depending on
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	the mass spectrum response signals.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_PROTOCOL_FILENAME  	Zhou999_20161213_161728_PR_SP_sampleprep.docx
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	Chromatographic separation was performed on a ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 analytical
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	column (100×2.1 mm, 1.7 µm, Waters, Milford, USA) using a 2777C UPLC system
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	(Waters). The flow rate was 0.40 mL/min and the mobile phase was composed of
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	solvents A (95% H2O/5% acetonitrile + 0.1% formic acid) and B (95%
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	acetonitrile/5% H2O+0.1% formic acid).The gradient program was optimized as
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	follows: 0–0.1 min, 100% A; 0.1–0.6 min, 100% A-50% A; 0.6–5 min, 50%–0%
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	A; 5–8 min, 0% A; 8–10 min, 0% A-100% A. Injection volume was 10 µl. The
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	eluent from the column was directly added in to the mass spectrometer without
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Waters 2777C
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Waters Acquity BEH C18 (150 x 2mm, 1.7um)
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	100% acetonitrile
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.40 mL/min
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	95% H2O/5% acetonitrile + 0.1% formic acid
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	95% acetonitrile/5% H2O+0.1% formic acid
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	-
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Waters Synapt G2 XS QTOF
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	NEGATIVE
MS_METABOLITE_DATA:UNITS         	peak intensity
Samples	20150724_YU_2_1_1	20150724_YU_2_1_2	20150724_YU_2_1_3	20150724_YU_2_1_4	20150724_YU_2_1_5	20150724_YU_2_1_6	20150724_YU_2_1_7	20150724_YU_2_1_8	20150724_YU_2_1_9	20150724_YU_2_1_10	20150724_YU_1_1_1	20150724_YU_1_1_3	20150724_YU_1_1_5	20150724_YU_1_1_6	20150724_YU_1_1_10	20150724_YU_1_1_11	20150724_YU_1_1_12	20150724_YU_1_1_14	20150724_YU_1_1_22	20150724_YU_2_2_1	20150724_YU_2_2_2	20150724_YU_2_2_3	20150724_YU_2_2_4	20150724_YU_2_2_5	20150724_YU_2_2_6	20150724_YU_2_2_11	20150724_YU_2_2_8	20150724_YU_2_2_9	20150724_YU_2_2_10	20150724_YU_2_1_1	20150724_YU_2_1_2	20150724_YU_2_1_3	20150724_YU_2_1_4	20150724_YU_2_1_5	20150724_YU_2_1_6	20150724_YU_2_1_7	20150724_YU_2_1_8	20150724_YU_2_1_9	20150724_YU_2_1_10	20150724_YU_1_1_1	20150724_YU_1_1_3	20150724_YU_1_1_5	20150724_YU_1_1_6	20150724_YU_1_1_10	20150724_YU_1_1_11	20150724_YU_1_1_12	20150724_YU_1_1_14	20150724_YU_1_1_22	20150724_YU_2_2_1	20150724_YU_2_2_2	20150724_YU_2_2_3	20150724_YU_2_2_4	20150724_YU_2_2_5	20150724_YU_2_2_6	20150724_YU_2_2_11	20150724_YU_2_2_8	20150724_YU_2_2_9	20150724_YU_2_2_10
Factors	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  without hormone treatment	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:1 year old immature	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning	Phenotype:2 years old sexually mature  after successfully spawning
Arachidonic acid	5747478.363	16158753.25	34671966.14	6893354.446	30953796.66	5455686.715	25273193.37	50198787.47	33544065.6	5841034	4439578.012	3607384.831	6537205.543	12849230.51	1616053.029	1633770.465	1965856.826	2005117.63	15275367.89	4815588.026	16354333.25	23295863.81	4698466.991	16706036.05	3827491.199	8512661.297	45774486.56	12522144.06	3716631.972	7523746.354	23565823.41	41911623.04	7852764.154	39294814.47	5019241.148	27726491.11	56792303.46	47075265.48	8284981.321	3371212.313	2000878.341	5965113.827	12962714.17	1455682.557	1192113.755	1355709.436	1570691.949	16996488.11	5063294.162	21302274.63	24860320.91	4196012.182	16157518.8	2964570.555	8157857.514	52504349.74	12147604.82	3683813.586
Testosterone glucuronide	47709.81105	45586.35527	36284.12679	59351.08894	49031.42559	57562.22729	47233.42279	64332.55992	32543.96136	34333.70313	78855.57847	92095.1624	93895.0992	114093.3965	98575.08778	93560.27221	96119.54275	71763.97149	55518.68727	56733.89225	46465.8663	33168.94147	60351.28282	72480.08807	92008.64618	19052.82512	34308.28824	58962.31678	56325.72072	62454.60953	66482.85184	43860.40983	67611.5101	62243.76262	52957.34797	51818.42507	72782.52025	45671.73339	48699.26952	59879.31654	51081.66287	85678.03947	115101.0627	88792.90057	68268.15017	66286.70479	56215.70055	61774.13958	59652.19281	60523.93757	35396.43501	53897.30702	70100.31477	71264.99034	18258.71219	39352.36635	57198.74489	55828.35665
17a,21-Dihydroxypreg-nenolone	1714.24499	4790.785758	4282.871478	3518.273645	3957.938291	8035.55824	2087.222418	2568.542069	1616.063476	3330.099259	7645.620739	13874.11146	6537.576278	19349.87833	11249.99091	11741.76477	4122.608711	9854.834586	8813.194834	7508.15451	5054.013251	6655.150933	7540.48892	4771.148607	5377.543225	3631.375756	6941.317295	4881.688178	8213.451785	2244.035328	6986.85161	5177.153618	4007.943212	5024.470907	7392.727382	2289.831482	2905.915222	2267.960541	4723.446252	5805.734398	7695.438782	5965.452118	19520.77533	10133.58798	8567.616807	2843.065404	7719.701385	9806.203183	7894.361954	6583.085754	7102.084269	6734.107833	4614.495209	4165.158188	3480.021695	7961.84465	4735.676139	8140.925845
3a,21-Dihydroxy-5b-pregnane-11,20-dione	1714.24499	4790.785758	4282.871478	3518.273645	3957.938291	8035.55824	2087.222418	2568.542069	1616.063476	3330.099259	7645.620739	13874.11146	6537.576278	19349.87833	11249.99091	11741.76477	4122.608711	9854.834586	8813.194834	7508.15451	5054.013251	6655.150933	7540.48892	4771.148607	5377.543225	3631.375756	6941.317295	4881.688178	8213.451785	2244.035328	6986.85161	5177.153618	4007.943212	5024.470907	7392.727382	2289.831482	2905.915222	2267.960541	4723.446252	5805.734398	7695.438782	5965.452118	19520.77533	10133.58798	8567.616807	2843.065404	7719.701385	9806.203183	7894.361954	6583.085754	7102.084269	6734.107833	4614.495209	4165.158188	3480.021695	7961.84465	4735.676139	8140.925845
Androsterone	6793.131954	2428.73884	16924.73435	23678.79514	26447.96316	13275.52343	11277.40572	6424.862649	5045.997012	3431.591373	4174.714602	6382.723704	1236.580581	9534.588037	0	0	0	0	0	13729.03188	2584.724264	10460.47039	7299.384191	20324.76186	4424.613275	17535.15683	16357.96496	2881.50095	792.1118914	8892.560972	3542.057344	20458.69229	26974.38456	33574.80883	12213.50436	12372.11637	7268.756233	7081.480575	4867.403687	3170.087164	3540.252625	1128.363468	9618.796966	0	0	0	0	0	14435.23129	3366.722767	11162.95378	6518.786883	19657.42926	3427.06947	16804.29961	18762.94805	2795.314817	785.1174315
5b-Dihydrotestosterone	6793.131954	2428.73884	16924.73435	23678.79514	26447.96316	13275.52343	11277.40572	6424.862649	5045.997012	3431.591373	4174.714602	6382.723704	1236.580581	9534.588037	0	0	0	0	0	13729.03188	2584.724264	10460.47039	7299.384191	20324.76186	4424.613275	17535.15683	16357.96496	2881.50095	792.1118914	8892.560972	3542.057344	20458.69229	26974.38456	33574.80883	12213.50436	12372.11637	7268.756233	7081.480575	4867.403687	3170.087164	3540.252625	1128.363468	9618.796966	0	0	0	0	0	14435.23129	3366.722767	11162.95378	6518.786883	19657.42926	3427.06947	16804.29961	18762.94805	2795.314817	785.1174315
Etiocholanolone	6793.131954	2428.73884	16924.73435	23678.79514	26447.96316	13275.52343	11277.40572	6424.862649	5045.997012	3431.591373	4174.714602	6382.723704	1236.580581	9534.588037	0	0	0	0	0	13729.03188	2584.724264	10460.47039	7299.384191	20324.76186	4424.613275	17535.15683	16357.96496	2881.50095	792.1118914	8892.560972	3542.057344	20458.69229	26974.38456	33574.80883	12213.50436	12372.11637	7268.756233	7081.480575	4867.403687	3170.087164	3540.252625	1128.363468	9618.796966	0	0	0	0	0	14435.23129	3366.722767	11162.95378	6518.786883	19657.42926	3427.06947	16804.29961	18762.94805	2795.314817	785.1174315
Dihydrotestosterone	6793.131954	2428.73884	16924.73435	23678.79514	26447.96316	13275.52343	11277.40572	6424.862649	5045.997012	3431.591373	4174.714602	6382.723704	1236.580581	9534.588037	0	0	0	0	0	13729.03188	2584.724264	10460.47039	7299.384191	20324.76186	4424.613275	17535.15683	16357.96496	2881.50095	792.1118914	8892.560972	3542.057344	20458.69229	26974.38456	33574.80883	12213.50436	12372.11637	7268.756233	7081.480575	4867.403687	3170.087164	3540.252625	1128.363468	9618.796966	0	0	0	0	0	14435.23129	3366.722767	11162.95378	6518.786883	19657.42926	3427.06947	16804.29961	18762.94805	2795.314817	785.1174315
4a-Methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid	57094.34862	40488.09785	39861.22769	24500.43246	52218.60269	67377.5484	50492.75552	55352.48786	45614.95492	57321.21895	48120.69864	95265.37066	57375.79028	76831.90759	97034.82082	71857.58964	85618.09927	58041.59851	57835.20699	61226.93429	24756.43237	17720.13666	15805.77425	43859.23659	41567.60473	21621.33509	31822.7812	27708.3404	45466.0319	74739.45445	59047.5855	48184.42491	27910.37648	66289.77785	61987.46025	55394.14495	62622.93267	64015.3802	81304.99296	36540.65574	52840.05609	52354.65179	77510.48254	87405.48338	52432.34767	59044.61786	45466.39566	64351.66833	64376.34973	32246.39691	18910.15021	14115.50223	42419.18536	32196.04975	20720.16785	36501.43474	26879.57971	45064.56042
4a-Carboxy-4b-methyl-5a-cholesta-8,24-dien-3b-ol	57094.34862	40488.09785	39861.22769	24500.43246	52218.60269	67377.5484	50492.75552	55352.48786	45614.95492	57321.21895	48120.69864	95265.37066	57375.79028	76831.90759	97034.82082	71857.58964	85618.09927	58041.59851	57835.20699	61226.93429	24756.43237	17720.13666	15805.77425	43859.23659	41567.60473	21621.33509	31822.7812	27708.3404	45466.0319	74739.45445	59047.5855	48184.42491	27910.37648	66289.77785	61987.46025	55394.14495	62622.93267	64015.3802	81304.99296	36540.65574	52840.05609	52354.65179	77510.48254	87405.48338	52432.34767	59044.61786	45466.39566	64351.66833	64376.34973	32246.39691	18910.15021	14115.50223	42419.18536	32196.04975	20720.16785	36501.43474	26879.57971	45064.56042
metabolite_name	retention index	quantified m/z	PubChem ID	KEGG ID
Arachidonic acid	3.48	303.2325	444899	C00219
Testosterone glucuronide	1.07	463.2336	108192	C11134
17a,21-Dihydroxypreg-nenolone	1.97	385.1783	192735	C05487
3a,21-Dihydroxy-5b-pregnane-11,20-dione	1.97	385.1783	44263347	C05478
Androsterone	3.04	289.2166	12306765	C00523
5b-Dihydrotestosterone	3.04	289.2166	11302	C05293
Etiocholanolone	3.04	289.2166	5880	C04373
Dihydrotestosterone	3.04	289.2166	10635	C03917
4a-Methylzymosterol-4-carboxylic acid	4.52	441.3365	53477909	C15808
4a-Carboxy-4b-methyl-5a-cholesta-8,24-dien-3b-ol	4.52	441.3365	23724596	C15808