#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH hormel101_20161214_150201_mwtab.txt DATATRACK_ID:802 STUDY_ID:ST000527 ANALYSIS_ID:AN000805 PROJECT_ID:PR000387
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	January 5, 2017, 1:24 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Mayo Metabolomics Pilot and Feasibility Award: Effects of Curcumin
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Supplementation on the Plasma Metabolome of Older Adults: Relation to Vascular
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Function
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Age is the major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Two key
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	contributors to the increased risk of CVD in middle-aged and older (MA/O) adults
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	are stiffening of the large elastic arteries and the development of vascular
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	endothelial dysfunction, indicated by impaired nitric oxide (NO)-induced
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	endothelium-dependent dilation (EDD). The mechanisms by which aging causes
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	arterial dysfunction are incompletely understood, but involve reductions in NO
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	bioavailability associated with the development of oxidative stress and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	inflammation. Thus, establishing novel strategies to reduce arterial stiffness
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and increase vascular endothelial function in MA/O adults by increasing NO
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	bioavailability and reducing oxidative stress and inflammation are a high
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	biomedical research priority. Curcumin is a naturally occurring phenol found in
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the Indian spice turmeric that improves physiological function in animal models
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	of age-related diseases and is a promising nutraceutical for intervention for
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	promoting healthy aging. Our preclinical results indicate that chow supplemented
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	with curcumin reduces aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV), the most common and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	clinically important measure of large elastic artery stiffness, restores
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	NO-mediated EDD and reduces arterial oxidative stress and inflammation in old
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	C57/BL6 mice. Preliminary data from our recently funded NIH R21 pilot grant
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	indicate that curcumin supplementation improves vascular function in humans. It
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	is possible that changes in the circulating (plasma) metabolome with oral
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	curcumin supplementation will provide insight into novel metabolic mechanisms by
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	which curcumin may improve vascular function. The goal of this project is to
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	identify key metabolic pathways that change with oral curcumin supplementation
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	and to relate those changes with improvements in vascular function in MA/O
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	adults with initial endothelial dysfunction. Metabolomic analysis of plasma
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	samples at baseline also may produce unique molecular signatures that predict
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	responsiveness (changes in vascular function) to curcumin supplementation among
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	individuals.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Mayo Clinic
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Seals
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Douglas
PR:ADDRESS                       	Department of Integrative Physiology University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309
PR:EMAIL                         	seals@colorado.edu
PR:PHONE                         	303-492-5305
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Effects of Curcumin Supplementation on the Acylcarnitine Concentration of Older
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Adults: Relation to Vascular Function
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Perform acylcarnitine concentrations metabolite analysis related to nitric oxide
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	biology, oxidative stress and inflammation in plasma before and after 12 weeks
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	of oral curcumin (2000 mg/d) or placebo (double-blind, randomized) in men and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	women aged 45-79 years who are free from clinical cardiovascular disease.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Mayo Clinic
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Seals
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Douglas
ST:ADDRESS                       	Department of Integrative Physiology University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309
ST:EMAIL                         	seals@colorado.edu
ST:PHONE                         	303-492-5305
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	IF131	ms5643-1	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU02	ms5643-2	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU02	ms5643-3	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU06	ms5643-4	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU06	ms5643-5	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	IF145	ms5643-6	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU10	ms5643-7	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU10	ms5643-8	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU11	ms5643-9	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU11	ms5643-10	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	IF119	ms5643-11	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU14	ms5643-12	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU14	ms5643-13	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU20	ms5643-14	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU20	ms5643-15	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9758	ms5643-16	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU22	ms5643-17	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU22	ms5643-18	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU23	ms5643-19	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU23	ms5643-20	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU24	ms5643-21	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU24	ms5643-22	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9737	ms5643-23	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU28	ms5643-24	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU28	ms5643-25	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU31	ms5643-26	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU31	ms5643-27	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU33	ms5643-28	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU33	ms5643-29	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	6218	ms5643-30	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU34	ms5643-31	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU34	ms5643-32	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU36	ms5643-33	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU36	ms5643-34	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU40	ms5643-35	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU40	ms5643-36	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	EC96	ms5643-37	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9732	ms5644-1	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU46	ms5644-2	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU46	ms5644-3	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU48	ms5644-4	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU48	ms5644-5	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9735	ms5644-6	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU49	ms5644-7	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU49	ms5644-8	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU51	ms5644-9	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU51	ms5644-10	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9760	ms5644-11	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU52	ms5644-12	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU52	ms5644-13	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU54	ms5644-14	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU54	ms5644-15	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9727	ms5644-16	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU56	ms5644-17	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU56	ms5644-18	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU57	ms5644-19	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU57	ms5644-20	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU58	ms5644-21	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU58	ms5644-22	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	IF152	ms5644-23	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU60	ms5644-24	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU60	ms5644-25	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU63	ms5644-26	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU63	ms5644-27	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU65	ms5644-28	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU65	ms5644-29	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	9759	ms5644-30	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU66	ms5644-31	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU66	ms5644-32	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU71	ms5644-33	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU71	ms5644-34	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU75	ms5644-35	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	CU75	ms5644-36	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	IF182	ms5644-37	group:young | Time point:Baseline	
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Healthy men & women aged 45-79 without clinical CVD, but with below normal
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	baseline endothelial dysfunction (FMDBA < 7%).
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	"A 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study will be conducted.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	After CTRC screening for inclusion/exclusion criteria, qualified subjects will
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups. The investigators involved in the
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	acquisition and analysis of key outcomes will be blinded to the curcumin intake
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	status of the subjects. With the assistance of dietary monitoring from the
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	UC-Boulder CTRC bionutritionists, subjects will maintain their baseline diet
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	with either unchanged (control) or enhanced curcumin intake delivered as
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	capsules (Longvida®, Verdure Sciences): Group 1 = placebo (inert substances);
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Group 2 = curcumin (2000mg curcumin/day). Extensive published work has
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	established that the curcumin dose of 2000 mg/day is well tolerated and safe.
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Sessions 1 & 2: Screening measurements. Session 3: Baseline measurements and
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	blood draw. Sessions 4-8 (every other week to assess adherence and overall
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	subject well-being): Body weight, BP, adherence, discuss any problems. Session
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	9: Identical to session 3 (stop intake of capsules after completion of
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	post-testing)."
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Venous blood sampling. All blood samples are handled in a similar time frame and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	immediately spun to extract plasma and stored in our -80 freezer until ready for
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	analysis. acylcarnitine concentrations in plasma.
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Waters Acquity
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Waters Acquity BEH C8 (150 x 2mm, 1.7um)
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	-
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Quantiva QQQ
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Triple quadrupole
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
Samples	ms5643-1	ms5643-2	ms5643-3	ms5643-4	ms5643-5	ms5643-6	ms5643-7	ms5643-8	ms5643-9	ms5643-10	ms5643-11	ms5643-12	ms5643-13	ms5643-14	ms5643-15	ms5643-16	ms5643-17	ms5643-18	ms5643-19	ms5643-20	ms5643-21	ms5643-22	ms5643-23	ms5643-24	ms5643-25	ms5643-26	ms5643-27	ms5643-28	ms5643-29	ms5643-30	ms5643-31	ms5643-32	ms5643-33	ms5643-34	ms5643-35	ms5643-36	ms5643-37	ms5644-1	ms5644-2	ms5644-3	ms5644-4	ms5644-5	ms5644-6	ms5644-7	ms5644-8	ms5644-9	ms5644-10	ms5644-11	ms5644-12	ms5644-13	ms5644-14	ms5644-15	ms5644-16	ms5644-17	ms5644-18	ms5644-19	ms5644-20	ms5644-21	ms5644-22	ms5644-23	ms5644-24	ms5644-25	ms5644-26	ms5644-27	ms5644-28	ms5644-29	ms5644-30	ms5644-31	ms5644-32	ms5644-33	ms5644-34	ms5644-35	ms5644-36	ms5644-37
Factors	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Curcumin | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Pre	group:Old-Placebo | Time point:Post	group:young | Time point:Baseline
Carnitine	44.72980602	49.50651059	55.3030726	52.30057258	60.68772139	25.69991129	64.11950446	50.79932258	48.94571306	56.04004988	36.29551052	28.67263445	42.65038865	35.59079151	43.31292378	33.89847332	36.27565928	37.29055391	46.57597131	47.91096719	45.05735147	50.13182464	39.97295269	28.21605593	28.21853734	37.19377912	38.33026259	36.96548986	37.50147333	26.74954559	35.28309729	42.32036179	41.62060559	43.45684527	51.45193208	39.86625227	29.80663652	39.39230392	46.33031222	57.16660773	43.18389072	42.38239691	51.95069448	39.49900434	41.93574402	68.01779167	60.32295486	48.87127091	61.55869453	59.4445375	39.97543409	42.40224815	51.27327093	66.83664291	79.90372149	45.38489693	58.02765526	49.44447546	54.33036185	31.67265306	30.82897537	31.9456076	31.6428762	40.89851674	45.88614073	44.59829155	45.34519445	45.39234114	54.28569656	51.93828746	33.46670885	46.79185355	41.66527088	91.01545295
Acetylcarnitine	10.47401038	15.37726661	16.97281001	13.58321081	14.94798355	9.322638478	24.858715	15.54352074	15.98024802	11.6799732	7.647690122	8.779210789	7.997568223	13.89834925	13.14152073	5.692343005	10.95044014	13.01000627	18.73957034	13.41447528	11.71223147	13.75939057	9.729588893	14.17130379	11.81148766	14.22837611	13.97030999	13.78916743	18.65023977	9.320157073	8.578216986	11.15391535	10.57822939	7.900793429	14.80158065	14.18371082	4.280423576	8.70973145	12.83878932	17.26561579	13.35244015	9.545964925	12.4765042	18.88845464	16.14650215	11.39957444	10.25812815	9.024869881	11.09684303	9.126607485	13.75939057	12.79412403	13.13407651	11.99511163	20.22593192	12.63283271	11.55094014	9.622888479	14.89339264	5.804006228	15.35989677	19.56835961	9.662590959	9.898324431	15.26808479	12.70479345	6.605500034	16.65767157	18.66264679	9.498818231	9.005018642	11.55590295	11.98270461	10.21346286
Propionylcarnitine	0.602981408	0.905712815	0.85360331	0.751865706	0.90323141	0.342433886	0.655090912	0.513650829	0.821345046	1.052115708	0.431764465	0.275435952	0.511169424	0.39454339	0.558316119	0.531020664	0.41439463	0.339952481	0.374692151	0.382136366	0.565760334	0.583130168	0.506206614	0.334989671	0.290324382	0.389580581	0.40943182	0.526057854	0.570723143	0.349878101	0.535983474	0.622832648	0.503725209	0.496280994	0.560797524	0.548390499	0.330026861	0.501243804	0.717126037	0.88338017	0.493799589	0.570723143	0.637721078	0.550871904	0.595537193	0.808938021	0.87841736	0.652609508	0.741940086	0.91315703	0.493799589	0.503725209	0.856084715	0.704719012	0.756828516	0.655090912	0.652609508	0.816382236	0.714644632	0.560797524	0.41439463	0.369729341	0.367247936	0.478911159	0.630276863	0.583130168	0.516132234	0.617869838	0.645165293	0.588092978	0.411913225	0.741940086	0.590574383	1.121595047
Butyrylcarnitine	0.126551654	0.168735538	0.205956613	0.203475208	0.218363637	0.076923554	0.156328513	0.129033059	0.151365703	0.191068183	0.079404959	0.173698348	0.233252067	0.129033059	0.173698348	0.106700414	0.270473142	0.275435952	0.119107439	0.119107439	0.131514463	0.148884298	0.151365703	0.091811984	0.096774794	0.129033059	0.131514463	0.109181819	0.126551654	0.081886364	0.116626034	0.141440083	0.143921488	0.161291323	0.158809918	0.143921488	0.071960744	0.141440083	0.171216943	0.186105373	0.138958678	0.143921488	0.171216943	0.188586778	0.176179753	0.173698348	0.168735538	0.481392564	0.223326447	0.196030993	0.163772728	0.151365703	0.193549588	0.263028927	0.171216943	0.158809918	0.143921488	0.186105373	0.200993803	0.138958678	0.193549588	0.213400828	0.126551654	0.151365703	0.198512398	0.178661158	0.200993803	0.181142563	0.205956613	0.153847108	0.133995868	0.163772728	0.143921488	0.305212811
Isovalerylcarnitine	0.136477273	0.158809918	0.178661158	0.243177687	0.210919423	0.116626034	0.215882233	0.143921488	0.166254133	0.156328513	0.186105373	0.126551654	0.178661158	0.101737604	0.126551654	0.148884298	0.133995868	0.124070249	0.186105373	0.166254133	0.151365703	0.146402893	0.200993803	0.094293389	0.096774794	0.163772728	0.158809918	0.168735538	0.235733472	0.148884298	0.161291323	0.193549588	0.158809918	0.153847108	0.173698348	0.176179753	0.138958678	0.124070249	0.181142563	0.263028927	0.143921488	0.166254133	0.230770662	0.161291323	0.240696282	0.238214877	0.186105373	0.213400828	0.258066117	0.171216943	0.191068183	0.173698348	0.191068183	0.141440083	0.163772728	0.138958678	0.143921488	0.235733472	0.240696282	0.138958678	0.121588844	0.094293389	0.111663224	0.121588844	0.198512398	0.168735538	0.181142563	0.166254133	0.168735538	0.171216943	0.141440083	0.196030993	0.173698348	0.248140497
Octanoylcarnitine	0.188586778	0.339952481	0.233252067	0.277917357	0.327545456	0.225807852	0.342433886	0.270473142	0.315138431	0.280398762	0.188586778	0.218363637	0.178661158	0.265510332	0.277917357	0.290324382	0.555834714	0.553353309	0.250621902	0.235733472	0.352359506	0.431764465	0.228289257	0.183623968	0.181142563	0.220845042	0.210919423	0.471466945	0.3995062	0.196030993	0.213400828	0.238214877	0.218363637	0.173698348	0.545909094	0.543427689	0.166254133	0.290324382	0.275435952	0.330026861	0.297768597	0.270473142	0.406950415	0.240696282	0.255584712	0.272954547	0.233252067	0.362285126	0.250621902	0.171216943	0.255584712	0.258066117	0.228289257	0.310175621	0.332508266	0.526057854	0.627795458	0.265510332	0.379654961	0.163772728	0.312657026	0.362285126	0.272954547	0.426801655	0.347396696	0.277917357	0.161291323	0.287842977	0.280398762	0.218363637	0.181142563	0.315138431	0.310175621	0.188586778
Lauroylcarnitine	0.052109504	0.109181819	0.062035124	0.074442149	0.116626034	0.052109504	0.101737604	0.084367769	0.069479339	0.054590909	0.059553719	0.059553719	0.042183885	0.069479339	0.059553719	0.059553719	0.151365703	0.146402893	0.106700414	0.079404959	0.069479339	0.121588844	0.054590909	0.057072314	0.049628099	0.052109504	0.054590909	0.091811984	0.091811984	0.044665289	0.03970248	0.044665289	0.054590909	0.03473967	0.079404959	0.074442149	0.03473967	0.089330579	0.084367769	0.099256199	0.089330579	0.062035124	0.176179753	0.074442149	0.062035124	0.079404959	0.057072314	0.089330579	0.062035124	0.042183885	0.066997934	0.074442149	0.054590909	0.086849174	0.086849174	0.133995868	0.153847108	0.084367769	0.138958678	0.032258265	0.091811984	0.086849174	0.052109504	0.106700414	0.057072314	0.054590909	0.03473967	0.094293389	0.091811984	0.042183885	0.032258265	0.109181819	0.101737604	0.044665289
Myristoylcarnitine	0.104219009	0.129033059	0.116626034	0.119107439	0.141440083	0.116626034	0.138958678	0.121588844	0.121588844	0.114144629	0.099256199	0.106700414	0.109181819	0.121588844	0.111663224	0.096774794	0.126551654	0.131514463	0.138958678	0.119107439	0.114144629	0.136477273	0.116626034	0.111663224	0.109181819	0.101737604	0.109181819	0.119107439	0.126551654	0.084367769	0.096774794	0.099256199	0.106700414	0.099256199	0.111663224	0.109181819	0.091811984	0.106700414	0.114144629	0.121588844	0.124070249	0.111663224	0.136477273	0.138958678	0.116626034	0.111663224	0.106700414	0.109181819	0.116626034	0.106700414	0.121588844	0.111663224	0.101737604	0.119107439	0.121588844	0.136477273	0.126551654	0.124070249	0.158809918	0.094293389	0.121588844	0.126551654	0.099256199	0.111663224	0.101737604	0.099256199	0.101737604	0.138958678	0.129033059	0.101737604	0.096774794	0.129033059	0.116626034	0.111663224
Palmitoylcarnitine	0.218363637	0.317619836	0.337471076	0.330026861	0.42432025	0.292805787	0.369729341	0.292805787	0.322582646	0.287842977	0.205956613	0.263028927	0.290324382	0.280398762	0.245659092	0.200993803	0.327545456	0.320101241	0.347396696	0.332508266	0.300250002	0.327545456	0.290324382	0.263028927	0.235733472	0.245659092	0.295287192	0.250621902	0.300250002	0.138958678	0.208438018	0.225807852	0.258066117	0.248140497	0.263028927	0.250621902	0.200993803	0.205956613	0.317619836	0.325064051	0.307694216	0.265510332	0.272954547	0.397024795	0.280398762	0.267991737	0.230770662	0.265510332	0.292805787	0.238214877	0.297768597	0.233252067	0.210919423	0.307694216	0.310175621	0.280398762	0.275435952	0.260547522	0.327545456	0.213400828	0.253103307	0.290324382	0.198512398	0.210919423	0.208438018	0.198512398	0.238214877	0.339952481	0.280398762	0.213400828	0.198512398	0.332508266	0.275435952	0.332508266
Oleoylcarnitine	0.339952481	0.493799589	0.466504135	0.595537193	0.697274797	0.397024795	0.590574383	0.46402273	0.339952481	0.325064051	0.275435952	0.379654961	0.382136366	0.40943182	0.352359506	0.235733472	0.560797524	0.622832648	0.45409711	0.392061985	0.431764465	0.349878101	0.411913225	0.42432025	0.498762399	0.347396696	0.392061985	0.377173556	0.431764465	0.263028927	0.315138431	0.357322316	0.401987605	0.315138431	0.42928306	0.357322316	0.315138431	0.263028927	0.3995062	0.42928306	0.466504135	0.379654961	0.255584712	0.642683888	0.431764465	0.384617771	0.275435952	0.327545456	0.367247936	0.287842977	0.377173556	0.290324382	0.270473142	0.416876035	0.543427689	0.382136366	0.43424587	0.426801655	0.625314053	0.275435952	0.535983474	0.652609508	0.347396696	0.39454339	0.4491343	0.367247936	0.225807852	0.506206614	0.451615705	0.263028927	0.267991737	0.295287192	0.312657026	0.374692151
Stearoylcarnitine	0.153847108	0.193549588	0.210919423	0.193549588	0.255584712	0.153847108	0.230770662	0.186105373	0.193549588	0.166254133	0.163772728	0.183623968	0.193549588	0.205956613	0.181142563	0.143921488	0.228289257	0.205956613	0.186105373	0.173698348	0.198512398	0.205956613	0.285361572	0.148884298	0.138958678	0.163772728	0.186105373	0.191068183	0.238214877	0.099256199	0.143921488	0.138958678	0.148884298	0.151365703	0.176179753	0.171216943	0.153847108	0.114144629	0.163772728	0.181142563	0.146402893	0.133995868	0.138958678	0.272954547	0.205956613	0.146402893	0.141440083	0.148884298	0.173698348	0.143921488	0.176179753	0.138958678	0.119107439	0.153847108	0.096774794	0.176179753	0.186105373	0.260547522	0.131514463	0.126551654	0.153847108	0.126551654	0.133995868	0.146402893	0.138958678	0.156328513	0.215882233	0.156328513	0.114144629	0.109181819	0.148884298	0.146402893	0.173698348	0.099256199