VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	April 16, 2017, 6:00 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Understanding the effects of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC1) upon the metabolite
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	profiles of Arabidopsis
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	Single gene knockout impact on Arabidopsis metabolites
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	The arabidopsis gene, acetyl-CoA carboxylase1 (ACC1) catalyzes the carboxylation
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA. When this gene malfunctions, there are elevated
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	levels of acetyl-CoA which have been shown to increase levels of histone
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	acetylation. This project aims to understand how a malfunctioning ACC1 effects
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the levels of primary metabolites by comparing to metabolite profiles of wild
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	type Arabidopsis grown under identical conditions.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Chemistry
PR:LABORATORY                    	Renaud
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Renaud
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Justin
PR:ADDRESS                       	1391 Sandford Street
PR:EMAIL                         	justin.renaud@agr.gc.ca
PR:PHONE                         	519-953-6698
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (R4019A01) and
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada A-base
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Metablomic profiling in acc1-5 mutant and wild type arabidiopsis
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	This experiment tests the metabolic consequence of a mutation at the ACC1 gene
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	(At1g36160). The allele of acc1-5 bearing an EMS mutation, which cause a single
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	amino acid substitution from aspartic acid to asparagine. Seedlings from both
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the acc1-5 mutant and the wild type were harvested and analyzed via HILIC LC-MS.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Of particular interest are metabolites which would be affected by depletion of
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	malonyl-CoA pools (flavenoids) and primary metabolites.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	London Research and Developmental Centre
ST:LABORATORY                    	Renaud
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Renaud
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Justin
ST:ADDRESS                       	1391 Sandford street, London, Ontario, Canada
ST:EMAIL                         	justin.renaud@agr.gc.ca
ST:PHONE                         	519-953-6698
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Plant
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Arabidopsis thaliana
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	3702
SU:GENOTYPE_STRAIN               	Col-0
SU:AGE_OR_AGE_RANGE              	12 Days after germination
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-1	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-2	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-3	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-4	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-5	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-6	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	WT-7	Genotype:Wild-type	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-1	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-2	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-3	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-4	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-5	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-6	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	ACC1-7	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Arabidopsis seeds obtained from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(ABRC) at the Ohio State University were grown in half strength of Murashige and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Skoog (½ MS) medium (0.5XMS salts, 1.5% [w/v] sucrose, and 0.8% agar [pH 5.8])
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	or soil under 16h/8h light/dark cycle at 23°C. Plants were harvested 12 days
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	after germination. 50 mg of each plant (7 mutants, 7 wild type) were ground in
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	liquid N2 using ball mill and immediately extracted following collection
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	protocol.
CO:COLLECTION_PROTOCOL_FILENAME  	collection_protocol.pdf
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Seedlings
CO:COLLECTION_LOCATION           	London, Ontario
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Effects of single gene knockout on arabidopsis metabolites compared to wild-type
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	control. 7 replicates of wild-type, 7-replicates of acc1-5 knockout.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	50 mg of 12 DAG WT and acc1-5 seedlings were collected and grinded in liquid N2
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	using a ball-mill. The fine powders were suspended in 1 mL ice cooled methanol:
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	water (4:1) by vortex. The mixtures were sonicated in water bath sonicator for
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	15 mins and followed by centrifugation at 11,000g for 10 mins at 4 °C. 700 µL
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	of the supernatant was transferred into fresh tubes and evaporated to dryness
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	using a vacufuge at ambient temperature. The residue was re-dissolved in 1:1
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	mixture of methanol: water and vortexed vigorously. All samples were filtered
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	using 0.2 μm PTFE syringe filter (Whatman) and 5 µL of 1 µg/mL 13C6
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	phenylalanine internal standard (Cambridge Isotopes, Tewksbury, USA) were added
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	to all samples
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	Samples were resolved using HILIC column
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 1290
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	SeQuant ZIC- pHILIC (100 x 2.1mm, 3.5um)
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	87% B for 5 minutes, decreased to 55% over 8 minutes and held for 4 minutes
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	before returning to 87% over 3 minute
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.3 ml min-1
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	5 mM ammonium acetate, pH = 4.00
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	B = 90% acetonitrile, 0.1% formic acid
CH:INTERNAL_STANDARD             	13C6 phenylalanine internal standard
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
AN:LABORATORY_NAME               	Renaud
AN:OPERATOR_NAME                 	Justin Renaud
AN:DETECTOR_TYPE                 	Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	High resolution 140k for sample comparison. The automatic gain control (AGC) and
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	maximum injection time (IT) were 3×106 and 524 ms respectively.
MS:COLLISION_ENERGY              	-
MS:DRY_GAS_FLOW                  	30 units
MS:ION_SPRAY_VOLTAGE             	3.9 kV
MS:IONIZATION                    	ESI
MS:MASS_ACCURACY                 	<5 ppm
MS:DATAFORMAT                    	.raw
MS:SCANNING_RANGE                	93-1400
Samples	ACC1-1	ACC1-2	ACC1-3	ACC1-4	ACC1-5	ACC1-6	ACC1-7	WT-1	WT-2	WT-3	WT-4	WT-5	WT-6	WT-7
Factors	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:acc1-knockout mutant	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Wild-type	Genotype:Wild-type
Valine	1251191058	1397100604	1627876569	1292553008	1209247387	1336199370	1181425154	431696029.5	445446298.7	455151809.2	350724867.5	378317578.8	540314322.1	576476445.7
Tyrosine	134351962.8	218512163.4	180005380.5	170607922.5	155543060.2	163580810.1	109258358.3	82419015.71	44701117.82	29766634.96	30866655	42713359.05	73947924.8	69135186.08
Tyramine	1197147162	820881927.8	1132435811	546423814.7	1101351042	664667667.6	598729316.1	432254230.9	329140848.2	425298143.8	187062583.6	245259482	248820956.5	277676472.7
Tryptophan	297827077.5	398002279.2	324418392.9	465241534.6	306797712.9	348849194.4	257717839.4	195232564.3	77908080.77	46933311.92	44179071.86	53279175.44	94939950.26	73772610.92
S-methylmethionine	1610436246	2067102275	1818734739	1450192851	1339751139	1205509466	1442429654	519343923.8	505639700.3	267291033.5	236062521.7	271195444.7	309762367.1	416003224.5
Serine	1096946003	1229927517	1381168529	779247104.6	835979301.1	797366995.4	814862903.4	434161917.4	332087287.4	399884684	286645734.1	368907664.2	396138912.4	435450279.7
Quercitin-glucose-rhamnoside	10802071.77	4013830.27	3882156.498	5486708.253	5648782.039	3801972.256	8703673.34	1860727422	1529994494	1613345784	852178811.6	1472744410	1276993427	1619422120
Quercitin	28614059.97	20088148.12	16921937.35	19165332.01	17921507.98	16109488.14	15745403.93	77549440.71	72362244.03	66696488.21	57739736.48	75561247.03	54054468.23	62542075.97
Proline	15089604960	4018071618	6834287705	2567818491	4332857070	5301066662	3476091855	2684104776	5335666856	1945452806	1391219217	1656055130	1836712047	2350402315
Phenylalanine	254471276.1	273747351.6	117108044.7	264243279.1	262105028.2	273809296.1	232247246	136098451.3	105722830.9	95394843.48	64047041.6	92659958.89	99829802.56	111425287.4
p-Coumaroylagmatine	23149342121	11678055396	28323122651	10577177746	9448940671	22673019232	8122146910	1258566850	1074066267	586149512.6	338572168.6	749630095.6	755026327.4	837450828.8
Ornithine	537774112.5	445965812.3	366084514.7	556246229.2	362628943.7	306122648.7	361175010.4	321155655.8	383238476.9	208091710.3	139339900.6	183843038.5	185114633.6	243156412.1
N-Acetylornithine	66257214.61	98430645.78	122088307.6	117050852.9	103481874.1	115890307.7	140310124.2	15688635.2	15507421.12	6859281.175	8009688.345	8973527.293	11182614.69	15746942.64
Methionine	172151118.1	186495690.1	203239309.1	82212787.18	80170170.27	96676437.67	93670375.05	133180622.1	74604980.36	64103369.8	48748502.38	68102468.82	53491210.41	51509940.33
Lysine	295384528.8	427963414	293660049.5	360938649.9	305351427.7	273762520	252873719.8	158450556.5	119904093.6	120092823.9	85002776.84	119374639.9	132728161.3	158642183.6
Leucine	1011640002	1187639158	992720241.7	1121461070	962500356.5	1161666816	771834589.9	999731700.6	701254819	653640292	430073010.9	630399721.3	784689988.4	800938300.3
Kaempferol-rhamnose-rhamnoside	194926887.3	146647118.8	133313940.3	171449115.6	116216120.3	154799157.8	100877083.1	841256512.1	954183257.1	464221018	232239586.5	443433611.5	431591598.5	550691796
Kaempferol-rhamnoside	13673937.7	8209326.254	7304680.2	9243016.072	6974424.616	6837798.446	5732703.557	126561888.1	105867571.6	71891657.85	32139467.86	63790745.33	73578176.14	87320553.93
Kaempferol -glucose-rhamnose-rhamnoside	69813227.44	37036073.64	41653211.04	43557682.26	37128435.45	39495531	30352422.18	696930637.5	639442129.2	508973139.9	281388601.7	451760880.1	506395939.9	512797795.2
Kaempferol- rhamnose- rhamnoside	48771622.58	28546704.61	32827698.35	36634424.76	27214206.63	34732300.91	24461348.14	202945364.9	169031272.6	106765571.4	67707551.99	83315969.2	93625227.07	132540405.6
Kaempferol-glucose-rhamnoside	72923468.44	38299368.51	31188204.04	39391216.58	23589885.89	27610828.04	39518787.79	1831340325	1884577080	1473457131	819998878.9	1487201028	1568880327	1713135603
Isorharmnetin-glucose-rhamnoside	3876006.183	1326719.724	1634534.728	2693428.529	2497699.409	1590625.236	1911057.038	301052271.4	241966426.2	214307198.5	101629657	203934788.9	184681786.9	239772551.8
Isoleucine	598859009.3	580327275.9	599899083.9	567378351.8	561007409.1	656689515.1	451611860.3	610524351.6	240697223.1	239317476.5	168892658.9	266693115.7	328637674	341427921.9
Histidine	1361386300	2155358938	2230963905	1963501435	1536882470	1527899833	1774443496	561465863.7	494345525.8	385821575	403391543.8	534442371.8	607974607.5	786028623.4
sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine	552847488.9	279252279	435044524.6	413081597.3	493065991.8	284892241	251858601	1830164266	1125981761	1394698049	880298922.8	925330138.9	576802447.6	1650502045
Glutamine	19851713844	26544821660	27361888148	19817513281	19902919482	20951073035	24438183194	3604070517	3838237445	1754308673	1198833115	1666367937	1859437715	2635590195
Glutamic acid	1143299475	1688727626	1786075250	1155101521	1430770886	1503452841	1374445366	786524247	662069914.3	569886260.2	418613126.7	546921183.9	617719386.5	593862132.5
Gamma-Aminobutyric acid	1133606914	1224979671	1507862275	1007383951	1017790796	1476549135	795274005	196202688.8	636807759.9	209739262	194408655.7	251381782	299503358.2	422256977.1
Feruloylagmatine	4405036040	3526363008	6191350762	3874148187	4145550419	4400866057	2617171160	145966014.1	180783028.7	81433157.86	52315085.46	95424806.14	63123840.18	106404027.2
Docosenamide	4634809633	4695302421	2687711373	5163229661	5116384256	4334733164	5344525445	4107514389	3220921641	5097002822	3533445643	4648172717	4658424929	5165784423
Citrulline	637663862.5	703065163.4	713560383.1	684056561.1	420382995.3	379161930.7	553877595.9	78458552.68	86240291.59	34185706.21	15100682.12	22573059.12	21316455.49	50013996.81
Choline	31730854033	31763528950	30285880184	30348032405	29615307333	28864511311	28130898902	26511625652	27607414494	27055815756	21660731908	17665022738	24957080809	27303291232
Aspartic acid	367343290.6	512353315.1	528880803.5	475048349.2	497680818.5	497600681.3	238563654.7	254120846	258490744.4	333390547.5	274118713.1	309508810.5	307458541.9	313378737.9
Asparagine	1971505078	1455530297	3770870260	2051561973	1882571703	1684035073	2682225277	472780464.7	389384610.3	252990241.2	204762366.4	277785777.6	301784511.6	382666714.4
Arginine	13784768252	16445611225	12305273738	14284381406	11102024078	9459301187	12384722835	5957916681	4803257838	3960073124	2419781384	3915664357	3512512851	5305659377
Anthranillic acid	21425021.89	26191861.36	24487156.45	40408567.99	37968992.14	41110571.24	35343181.26	17250491.78	10766017.23	13437957.78	17768790.08	19053452.33	18637593.09	14355569.36
Aminoadipic acid	224639456.1	207235064.9	193862336	138045254.7	178526272.7	162470909.4	183881649.5	184456284.4	92104274.36	100340568.7	49259523.1	46081708.9	56761840.28	76734243.24
Acetylagmatine	4249107107	5941240292	8476256414	5478388200	4606540560	5663793431	7001161145	450640954.3	375870418.7	147648976.8	115343350.7	166205657	234490976.4	524238325.2
8-(methylsulfinyl)octylamine related III	2153253274	4656279630	3288533812	2460692971	2207049704	2409392901	1843791221	864040777.6	483256461.1	148776168.3	180336939	251764071.4	396823685.5	378556165.6
8-(methylsulfinyl)octylamine related II	4899113018	3948170271	3551556019	2045304673	1891172514	2510314641	1414605596	284143474.8	153838723	74569478.26	81004417.71	76219239.76	118852357.8	144634865.5
8-(methylsulfinyl)octylamine related I	18617152127	16557023775	14399797630	11467948690	10055313114	11224773302	4934164657	1728314562	1488630227	625346583.6	663834660.5	756325651.2	1196468043	1365658440
4-Guanidinobutanoic acid	1599545819	1401724816	1997249210	1187638397	1250702675	1244539274	1072817358	791685898	541303208.9	629708847.5	335814684.4	427398724.5	442559492	501020026.2
metabolite_name	retention index	quantified m/z	PubChem ID	KEGG ID	Mass	P( benjamini-hochberg)	fold change (log 2)
Valine	8.09	118.0866177			117.0791956	0.00000051	1.54836999
Tyrosine	8.35	182.0813646			181.0739425	0.00007609	1.59932223
Tyramine	5.02	138.0914242			137.0840021	0.00095041	1.498384945
Tryptophan	5.69	205.097232			204.0898099	0.0000301	2.032770332
S-methylmethionine	15.27	164.0740134			163.0665913	0.0000043	2.11431624
Serine	10.73	106.0503484			105.0429263	0.00014666	1.386224535
Quercitin-glucose-rhamnoside	2.63	611.1604015			610.1529794	0.0000013	-7.915948658
Quercitin	2.45	303.1049516			302.0975295	0.00000092	-1.793582085
Proline	9.06	116.0709983			115.0635762	0.11199113	1.274893859
Phenylalanine	9.95	164.0294464			163.0220243	0.00022976	1.250452054
p-Coumaroylagmatine	4.48	277.1658992			276.1584771	0.00108681	4.347244921
Ornithine	14.9	133.0972962			132.0898741	0.00802675	0.819247364
N-Acetylornithine	8.31	161.0922022			160.0847801	0.00000229	3.219511135
Methionine	6.55	150.0584053			149.0509832	0.05121991	0.889411254
Lysine	14.63	147.1128268			146.1054047	0.00003776	1.305341722
Leucine	5.87	132.1020479			131.0946258	0.008592	0.527753563
Kaempferol-rhamnose-rhamnoside	1.48	579.1706483			578.1632262	0.00310371	-1.943913842
Kaempferol-rhamnoside	2.87	433.1128671			432.105445	0.00020234	-3.274861734
Kaempferol -glucose-rhamnose-rhamnoside	2.88	741.2231475			740.2157254	0.00000739	-3.588676634
Kaempferol- rhamnose- rhamnoside	1.01	579.170808			578.1633859	0.0016024	-1.87599967
Kaempferol-glucose-rhamnoside	1.81	595.1654926			594.1580705	0.00000207	-5.305653278
Isorharmnetin-glucose-rhamnoside	1.66	625.1759965			624.1685744	0.00000882	-6.581530798
Isoleucine	4.87	132.1020526			131.0946305	0.00270406	0.870674393
Histidine	14.06	156.0768522			155.0694301	0.00000789	1.733773775
sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine	12.43	258.1101886			257.1027665	0.00191476	-1.629284856
Glutamine	10.61	147.0764844			146.0690623	0.00000022	3.262329839
Glutamic acid	10.27	148.060432			147.0530099	0.00001928	1.264815924
Gamma-Aminobutyric acid	9.14	104.0711498			103.0637277	0.00005278	1.884935898
Feruloylagmatine	4.1	307.1763625			306.1689404	0.00000447	5.328994833
Docosenamide	0.89	338.3417063			337.3342842	0.72691866	0.071466497
Citrulline	11.23	176.1030724			175.0956503	0.0000037	3.732243491
Choline	7.86	104.1074628			103.1000407	0.00938163	0.286679991
Aspartic acid	11	134.0449278			133.0375057	0.00861903	0.604423615
Asparagine	10.74	133.0609544			132.0535323	0.00017835	2.763641457
Arginine	14.33	175.1190865			174.1116644	0.00001076	1.587238216
Anthranillic acid	9.18	138.0551005			137.0476784	0.0011023	1.028218362
Aminoadipic acid	6.55	162.0760809			161.0686588	0.00191476	1.08910585
Acetylagmatine	7.31	173.1397776			172.1323555	0.00000351	4.361755412
8-(methylsulfinyl)octylamine related III	6.39	192.1416566			191.1342345	0.00021105	2.81451168
8-(methylsulfinyl)octylamine related II	6.12	192.1416712			191.1342491	0.00037701	4.440224206
8-(methylsulfinyl)octylamine related I	5.82	192.1416855			191.1342634	0.00012696	3.479172323
4-Guanidinobutanoic acid	7.33	146.0924487			145.0850266	0.00012669	1.410446237