VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	December 12, 2019, 5:08 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Lipid composition of isolated lipid droplets from the functional bovine corpus
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	luteum
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	lipidomics
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Establishment and maintenance of pregnancy is dependent on progesterone
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	synthesized by the corpus luteum (CL). The CL is known for the prominent
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	presence of intracellular lipid droplets (LDs). However relatively little is
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	known about the composition and function of these luteal LDs. Our objective was
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	to identify the lipid composition of LDs from fully functional bovine CLs.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Luteal LDs were isolated by flotation through a discontinuous sucrose gradient,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	lipids were then extracted using a standard Bligh and Dyer protocol, dried, and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	sent to Avanti Polar Lipids for lipidomics analysis. The samples were provided
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	for lipidomic profiling of free sterols, cholesteryl esters, triglycerides,
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	diacylglycerols, phospholipids, and sphingolipids. Molecular species were
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	resolved by reversed-phase liquid chromatography in the presence of class and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	sub-class specific internal standard compounds added to each sample. The
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	compounds were detected by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with scheduled
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) for mass-specific fragment ions according to
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the lipid class and molecular weight of the compound. Quantification of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and diglycerides were directly
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	calculated with standards and internal standards from calibration response
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	curves. The remaining lipid species were semi-quantization using the integrated
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	area of each analyte’s MRM peak, divided by the appropriate internal standard
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	peak area, and multiplied by the standard’s known concentration. Lipid
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	concentrations were normalized to the corresponding protein concentration of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	each sample and as a mol % relative to total lipids or within each lipid class.
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Isolated luteal LDs were composed primarily of triglyceride (88%, mol% of lipid
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	class to total lipids). Other neutral lipids included diacylglycerol, 2.9%; and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cholesteryl esters, 1.5%. Polar lipids were primarily composed of
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	phosphatidylcholine (3.1%), sphingomyelin (1.5%), phosphatidylinositol (0.9%),
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	phosphatidylethanolamine (0.8%) and phosphatidylserine (0.4%). A number of other
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	minor lipids representing less than 0.32% of the total lipid pool were also
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	detected including phosphatidylglycerol, lysophospholipids, ceramides, and
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	glycosylated ceramides. Lipid composition of bovine luteal LDs are distinct from
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	LDs isolated from other tissues and in other species.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	University of Nebraska Medical Center
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Obstetrics and Gynecology
PR:LABORATORY                    	John S. Davis
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Davis
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	John
PR:ADDRESS                       	983255 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-3255
PR:EMAIL                         	jsdavis@unmc.edu
PR:PHONE                         	402-599-9079
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	INBRE - P20GM103427-14, COBRE - 1P30GM110768-01
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Heather Talbott, Xiaoying Hou, Crystal Cordes
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Lipid composition of isolated lipid droplets from the functional bovine corpus
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	luteum
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	Lipidomics
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Establishment and maintenance of pregnancy is dependent on progesterone
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	synthesized by the corpus luteum (CL). The CL is known for the prominent
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	presence of intracellular lipid droplets (LDs). However relatively little is
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	known about the composition and function of these luteal LDs. Our objective was
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	to identify the lipid composition of LDs from fully functional bovine CLs.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Luteal LDs were isolated by flotation through a discontinuous sucrose gradient,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	lipids were then extracted using a standard Bligh and Dyer protocol, dried, and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	sent to Avanti Polar Lipids for lipidomics analysis. The samples were provided
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	for lipidomic profiling of free sterols, cholesteryl esters, triglycerides,
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	diacylglycerols, phospholipids, and sphingolipids. Molecular species were
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	resolved by reversed-phase liquid chromatography in the presence of class and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	sub-class specific internal standard compounds added to each sample. The
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	compounds were detected by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) with scheduled
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) for mass-specific fragment ions according to
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the lipid class and molecular weight of the compound. Quantification of
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	cholesterol, cholesteryl esters, triglycerides, and diglycerides were directly
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	calculated with standards and internal standards from calibration response
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	curves. The remaining lipid species were semi-quantization using the integrated
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	area of each analyte’s MRM peak, divided by the appropriate internal standard
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	peak area, and multiplied by the standard’s known concentration. Lipid
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	concentrations were normalized to the corresponding protein concentration of
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	each sample and as a mol % relative to total lipids or within each lipid class.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Isolated luteal LDs were composed primarily of triglyceride (88%, mol% of lipid
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	class to total lipids). Other neutral lipids included diacylglycerol, 2.9%; and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	cholesteryl esters, 1.5%. Polar lipids were primarily composed of
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	phosphatidylcholine (3.1%), sphingomyelin (1.5%), phosphatidylinositol (0.9%),
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	phosphatidylethanolamine (0.8%) and phosphatidylserine (0.4%). A number of other
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	minor lipids representing less than 0.32% of the total lipid pool were also
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	detected including phosphatidylglycerol, lysophospholipids, ceramides, and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	glycosylated ceramides. Lipid composition of bovine luteal LDs are distinct from
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	LDs isolated from other tissues and in other species.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	University of Nebraska Medical Center
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Obstetrics and Gynecology
ST:LABORATORY                    	John S. Davis
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Davis
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	John
ST:ADDRESS                       	983255 Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE 68198-3255
ST:EMAIL                         	jsdavis@unmc.edu
ST:PHONE                         	402-559-9079
ST:NUM_GROUPS                    	1
ST:TOTAL_SUBJECTS                	3
ST:NUM_FEMALES                   	3
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Mammal
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Bos taurus
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9913
SU:GENDER                        	Female
SU:ANIMAL_ANIMAL_SUPPLIER        	JBS Beef Plant 3435 Edward Babe Gomez Ave, Omaha, NE 68107
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	bovine_CL_LD_replicate1	Treatment:Control	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	bovine_CL_LD_replicate2	Treatment:Control	
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	bovine_CL_LD_replicate3	Treatment:Control	
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Tissue (~2.5 g) was washed thoroughly in TE buffer (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, pH
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	7.4). Minced tissue was resuspended in 10 mL tissue homogenate buffer (60%
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	sucrose w/v in TE buffer containing protease and phosphatase inhibitor
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	cocktails) and homogenized with a Teflon Dounce homogenizer in a glass vessel.
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	The post-nuclear supernatant (PNS) fraction was obtained after centrifugation at
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	2000 rcf for 10 min. The supernatant was loaded into a 30 mL ultracentrifuge
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	tube and overlaid sequentially with 40%, 25%, 10%, and 0% sucrose w/v in TE
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	buffer containing protease and phosphatase inhibitor cocktails. Samples were
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	centrifuged at 110,000 × g (ravg) for 30 min at 4 °C with no brake in a
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Beckman Coulter Avanti J-20 XP ultracentrifuge using an SW 32 Ti rotor. The LDs
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	concentrated in a yellow-ish band at the top of the gradient were harvested and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	concentrated by centrifugation at 2000 rcf for 10 min at 4 °C. This protocol
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	was derived from Ding et al. 2012, and Brasaemale et al. 2016. Ding, Y., Zhang,
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	S., Yang, L., Na, H., Zhang, P., Zhang, H., … Liu, P. (2013). Isolating lipid
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	droplets from multiple species. Nature Protocols, 8(1), 43–51.
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	https://doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2012.142 Brasaemle, D. L., & Wolins, N. E. (2016).
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Isolation of Lipid Droplets from Cells by Density Gradient Centrifugation.
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Current Protocols in Cell Biology, 72, 3.15.1-3.15.13.
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	https://doi.org/10.1002/cpcb.10
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Ovary
CO:VOLUMEORAMOUNT_COLLECTED      	2.5 g of corpus luteum tissue
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Lipids from CL tissue LDs (~250uL) were extracted using a standard Bligh and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Dyer extraction protocol and then dried and sent to Avanti Polar Lipids for
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	lipidomics analysis. Extracts were received as dried residues in glass vials and
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	were immediately stored at -80 °C until analysis. Bligh, E. G., & Dyer, W. J.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(1959). A rapid method of total lipid extraction and purification. Canadian
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, 37(8), 911–917.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	https://doi.org/10.1139/o59-099
SP:EXTRACTION_METHOD             	Bligh & Dyer, chloroform:methanol (1:2, v:v)
SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE               	-80℃
SP:SAMPLE_RESUSPENSION           	1mL of chloroform:methanol (8:2, v/v)
SP:SUBCELLULAR_LOCATION          	Lipid Droplet
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	Molecular species were resolved by reversed-phase liquid chromatography in the
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	presence of class and sub-class specific internal standard compounds added to
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	each sample. Selectivity was further enhanced by scheduling the detection of
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	each compound according to its elution from the high-performance liquid
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_SUMMARY        	chromatography (HPLC) column, known as scheduled MRM (sMRM).
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Waters Acquity
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Agilent Eclipse XBD C8 (50 x 4.6mm, 1.8um)
CH:INTERNAL_STANDARD             	LPC(17:0), PC(37:4), LPE(17:1), PE(37:4)
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
AN:LABORATORY_NAME               	Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc
AN:DETECTOR_TYPE                 	AcQuRate™ Pulse Counting CEM
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	ABI Sciex 5500 QTrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Triple quadrupole
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	sMRM Prec 184 u
Samples	bovine_CL_LD_replicate1	bovine_CL_LD_replicate2	bovine_CL_LD_replicate3
Factors	Treatment:Control	Treatment:Control	Treatment:Control
LPC(12:0)	0.001608518	0	0.01147178
LPC(14:0)	0.041731826	0.018996411	0.051694429
LPC(O-16:0)	0	0.051987299	0.089552149
LPC(16:1)	0.091486876	0.028167389	0.158092173
LPC(16:0)	2.612175383	1.228765937	5.817129016
LPC(17:1)	0	0	0
LPC(O-18:0)	0.252411465	0.018859209	0.454320324
LPC(18:3)	0	0.024257951	0
LPC(18:2)	0.008436327	0	0.348580126
LPC(18:1)	0.373970296	0.235279974	1.081316673
LPC(18:0)	0.635298063	0.439544818	2.167032293
LPC(20:4)	0.607598754	0.197069774	0.872462631
LPC(20:3)	0.194366812	0.027899505	0.322743952
LPC(20:2)	0	0	0
LPC(20:1)	0	0	0.05922126
LPC(20:0)	0.006241286	0.018278829	0.021232616
LPC(22:6)	0	0	0
PC(O-28:0)	0.044668588	0.084268786	0.061359781
PC(28:1)	0	0	0.008886349
PC(28:0)	0	0	0
PC(P-30:0)/PC(O-30:1)	0.7726976	0.534112236	2.766137456
PC(O-30:0)	0	0.119434735	0.248264004
PC(30:1)	11.06734947	8.662417803	34.613265
PC(32:3)	0	0	0
PC(32:2)	0	0	0
PC(32:1)	13.48222636	9.676918379	40.77919133
PC(32:0)	4.496482516	1.082836249	45.93745358
PC(P-34:2/PC(O-34:3)	0	0	0
PC(P-34:1/PC(O-34:2)	0.122214463	0.148936091	0.804533364
PC(P-34:0/PC(O-34:1)	0.356430271	0.331453543	3.882328986
PC(O-34:0)	0.197483447	0.309527911	1.358360058
PC(34:4)	0.969524105	0.525455973	3.334963014
PC(34:3)	24.93075729	15.04944416	37.84753541
PC(34:2)	0	0	0
PC(34:1)	192.6740327	136.3143575	507.4959057
PC(34:0)	12.64320298	8.49941213	34.30329436
PC(P-36:4)/PC(O-36:5)	1.340859714	0.658283957	3.110359882
PC(P-36:3/PC(O-36:4)	0	0	0
PC(P-36:2/PC(O-36:3)	0	0	0
PC(P-36:1/PC(O-36:2)	0	0	0
PC(P-36:0/PC(O-36:1)	0	0	0
PC(36:7)	0.024012518	0	0
PC(36:6)	0	0	0
PC(36:5)	0	0	18.83424949
PC(36:4)	80.46037658	39.22547858	353.7526608
PC(36:3)	0	0	74.71687564
PC(36:2)	0	0	0
PC(36:1)	0	0	5.166548684
PC(36:0)	0	0	0
PC(P-38:5)/PC(O-38:6)	0.075428305	0	0.073337032
PC(P-38:4/PC(O-38:5)	3.42791227	1.609294722	10.52328357
PC(37:4)	0	0	0
PC(P-38:2)/PC(O-38:3)	1.258193669	0.960600086	9.327418008
PC(P-38:1)/PC(O-38:2)	0	0	0
PC(38:6)	14.22046348	8.023295724	33.24700607
PC(38:5)	33.39075109	0	177.754119
PC(38:4)	32.89163046	23.85355361	134.8849902
PC(38:3)	0	0	4.661115563
PC(38:2)	0	0	0
PC(38:1)	0.33067246	0.442670876	2.848369254
PC(38:0)	0	0	0
PC(P-40:5)/PC(O-40:6)	0.08302245	0	0.146351232
PC(P-40:4/PC(O-40:5)	0	0	0
PC(P-40:3)/PC(O-40:4)	0	0	0
PC(40:8)	0	0	0
PC(40:7)	0	0	0
PC(40:6)	0	0	7.335108989
PC(40:5)	3.662424995	0.573397465	32.45615805
PC(40:4)	0	0	10.65488707
PC(40:3)	0	0	0
PC(40:2)	0	0	0
PC(40:1)	0	0	0
PC(40:0)	0	0	0
PC(42:6)	0.358806642	0.086680973	1.619125097
PC(42:5)	1.157153942	0.806485492	2.204805229
PC(42:4)	0	0	0
PC(42:3)	0	0	0
PC(42:2)	0	0	0
PC(42:1)	0	0	0
metabolite_name	Formula	Mass	MW structure	Mass Info (precursor ion, product ion)	Retention times	Human Metabolome Database	InChIKey	LipidMAPS	quantified m/z
LPC(12:0)	C20H42NO7P	439.2699		440.3 / 184.2			BWKILASWCLJPBO-LJQANCHMSA-N	LMGP01050009	440.3
LPC(14:0)	C22H46NO7P	467.3012	14991	468.3 / 184.2		HMDB0010379	VXUOFDJKYGDUJI-OAQYLSRUSA-N	LMGP01050012	468.3
LPC(O-16:0)	C24H52NO6P	481.3532	15052	482.3 / 184.2			VLBPIWYTPAXCFJ-XMMPIXPASA-N	LMGP01060010	482.3
LPC(16:1)	C24H48NO7P	493.3168		494.3 / 184.2		HMDB0010383	LFUDDCMNKWEORN-ZXEGGCGDSA-N	LMGP01050022	494.3
LPC(16:0)	C24H50NO7P	495.3325	14994	496.3 / 184.2			ASWBNKHCZGQVJV-UHFFFAOYSA-N	LMGP01050113	496.3
LPC(17:1)	C25H50NO7P	507.3325		508.4 / 184.2			XBGIMYLOTRDXPK-AGXIJRPPSA-N	LMGP01050002	508.4
LPC(O-18:0)	C26H56NO6P	509.3845	15054	510.3 / 184.2		HMDB0011149	XKBJVQHMEXMFDZ-AREMUKBSSA-N	LMGP01060014	510.3
LPC(18:3)	C26H48NO7P	517.3168		518.3 / 184.2		HMDB0010388	WKQNRCYKYCKESD-YVHLTTHBSA-N	LMGP01050038	518.3
LPC(18:2)	C26H50NO7P	519.3325		520.4 / 184.2		HMDB0010386	SPJFYYJXNPEZDW-FTJOPAKQSA-N	LMGP01050035	520.4
LPC(18:1)	C26H52NO7P	521.3481		522.4 / 184.2		HMDB0002815	YAMUFBLWGFFICM-PTGWMXDISA-N	LMGP01050032	522.4
LPC(18:0)	C26H54NO7P	523.3638		524.4 / 184.2		HMDB0010384	IHNKQIMGVNPMTC-RUZDIDTESA-N	LMGP01050026	524.4
LPC(20:4)	C28H50NO7P	543.3325		544.3 / 184.2			LAXQYRRMGGEGOH-JXRLJXCWSA-N	LMGP01050048	544.3
LPC(20:3)	C28H52NO7P	545.3481		546.4 / 184.2		HMDB0010394	BBNHCUBQEQJHIG-FZZJNMCHSA-N	LMGP01050133	546.4
LPC(20:2)	C28H54NO7P	547.3638		548.2 / 184.2		HMDB0010392	YYQVCMMXPIJVHY-ZOIJLGJPSA-N	LMGP01050132	548.2
LPC(20:1)	C28H56NO7P	549.3794		550.4 / 184.2			GJTDRNFWIDPARY-GTPZACKGSA-N	LMGP01050047	550.4
LPC(20:0)	C28H58NO7P	551.3951		552.4 / 184.2		HMDB0010390	UATOAILWGVYRQS-HHHXNRCGSA-N	LMGP01050045	552.4
LPC(22:6)	C30H50NO7P	567.3325		568.3 / 184.2		HMDB0010404	LSOWKZULVQWMLY-APPDJCNMSA-N	LMGP01050056	568.3
PC(O-28:0)	C36H74NO7P	663.5203		664.5 / 184.2					664.5
PC(28:1)	C36H70NO8P	675.4839		676.5 / 184.2		HMDB0007867	SNDOMDWDQRZWFS-NOLSVFIGSA-N	LMGP01011364	676.5
PC(28:0)	C36H72NO8P	677.4996		678.5 / 184.2		HMDB0007866	CITHEXJVPOWHKC-UUWRZZSWSA-N	LMGP01010477	678.5
PC(P-30:0)/PC(O-30:1)	C38H76NO7P	689.5359		690.5 / 184.2					690.5
PC(O-30:0)	C38H78NO7P	691.5516		692.5 / 184.2		HMDB0013341	BYMZZQJJOHDZOU-DIPNUNPCSA-N	LMGP01020012	692.5
PC(30:1)	C38H74NO8P	703.5152		704.5 / 184.2		HMDB0013402			704.5
PC(32:3)	C40H74NO8P	727.5152		728.5 / 184.2		HMDB0008163	UXEFXNOSLOCOLX-ZCHSEWAGSA-N	LMGP01011642	728.5
PC(32:2)	C40H76NO8P	729.5309		730.5 / 184.2		HMDB0008002	GPWHCUUIQMGELX-VHQDNGOZSA-N	LMGP01010684	730.5
PC(32:1)	C40H78NO8P	731.5465		732.5 / 184.2		HMDB0007969	QIBZFHLFHCIUOT-NPBIGWJUSA-N	LMGP01010566	732.5
PC(32:0)	C40H80NO8P	733.5622		734.5 / 184.2		HMDB0000564	KILNVBDSWZSGLL-KXQOOQHDSA-N	LMGP01010564	734.5
PC(P-34:2/PC(O-34:3)	C42H80NO7P	741.567242		742.5 / 184.2					742.5
PC(P-34:1/PC(O-34:2)	C42H82NO7P	743.582892		744.5 / 184.2					744.5
PC(P-34:0/PC(O-34:1)	C42H84NO7P	745.598542		746.5 / 184.2					746.5
PC(O-34:0)	C42H86NO7P	747.6142		748.5 / 184.2		HMDB0013405	PXPSGTINXJQLBR-VQJSHJPSSA-N	LMGP01020033	748.5
PC(34:4)	C42H76NO8P	753.5309		754.5 / 184.2		HMDB0007976	USCDCOXUROEQQA-ZPWYYLPXSA-N	LMGP01010603	754.5
PC(34:3)	C42H78NO8P	755.5465		756.6 / 184.2		HMDB0007974			756.6
PC(34:2)	C42H80NO8P	757.5622		758.6 / 184.2		HMDB0007973	JLPULHDHAOZNQI-ZTIMHPMXSA-N	LMGP01010594	758.6
PC(34:1)	C42H82NO8P	759.5778		760.6 / 184.2		HMDB0007972	WTJKGGKOPKCXLL-VYOBOKEXSA-N	LMGP01010005	760.6
PC(34:0)	C42H84NO8P	761.5935		762.5 / 184.2		HMDB0007970	PZNPLUBHRSSFHT-RRHRGVEJSA-N	LMGP01010573	762.5
PC(P-36:4)/PC(O-36:5)	C44H80NO7P	765.5672		766.5 / 184.2					766.5
PC(P-36:3/PC(O-36:4)	C44H82NO7P	767.582892		768.5 / 184.2					768.5
PC(P-36:2/PC(O-36:3)	C44H84NO7P	769.598542		770.5 / 184.2					770.5
PC(P-36:1/PC(O-36:2)	C44H86NO7P	771.6142		772.5 / 184.2					772.5
PC(P-36:0/PC(O-36:1)	C44H88NO7P	773.629842		774.5 / 184.2					774.5
PC(36:7)	C44H74NO8P	775.5152		776.5 / 184.2					776.5
PC(36:6)	C44H76NO8P	777.5309		778.5 / 184.2		HMDB0008205	SPWBDEZMKCRQSX-NGPPOSSDSA-N	LMGP01011684	778.5
PC(36:5)	C44H78NO8P	779.5465		780.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008015	DYDDZDMJSQYFGN-OIVUZXIWSA-N	LMGP01010695	780.6
PC(36:4)	C44H80NO8P	781.5622		782.6 / 184.2		HMDB0007982	IIZPXYDJLKNOIY-JXPKJXOSSA-N	LMGP01010007	782.6
PC(36:3)	C44H82NO8P	783.5778		784.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008041	WZCLAXMADUBPSG-RIXBAXMTSA-N	LMGP01011589	784.6
PC(36:2)	C44H84NO8P	785.5935		786.6 / 184.2		HMDB0062690	SNKAWJBJQDLSFF-NVKMUCNASA-N	LMGP01010890	786.6
PC(36:1)	C44H86NO8P	787.6091		788.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008038	ATHVAWFAEPLPPQ-VRDBWYNSSA-N	LMGP01010761	788.6
PC(36:0)	C44H88NO8P	789.6248		790.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008036	NRJAVPSFFCBXDT-HUESYALOSA-N	LMGP01010006	790.6
PC(P-38:5)/PC(O-38:6)	C46H82NO7P	791.5829		792.6 / 184.2					792.6
PC(P-38:4/PC(O-38:5)	C46H84NO7P	793.598542		794.6 / 184.2					794.6
PC(37:4)	C45H82NO8P	795.5778		796.6 / 184.2					796.6
PC(P-38:2)/PC(O-38:3)	C46H88NO7P	797.6298		798.6 / 184.2					798.6
PC(P-38:1)/PC(O-38:2)	C46H90NO7P	799.6455		800.6 / 184.2					800.6
PC(38:6)	C46H80NO8P	805.5622		806.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008434	PLZBTDKJYHXIEW-DZUXOTHRSA-N	LMGP01011909	806.6
PC(38:5)	C46H82NO8P	807.5778		808.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008432	YLWBKBDNHWQEFU-YJXJLLHLSA-N	LMGP01012208	808.6
PC(38:4)	C46H84NO8P	809.5935		810.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008048	PSVRFUPOQYJOOZ-QNPWAGBNSA-N	LMGP01010802	810.6
PC(38:3)	C46H86NO8P	811.6091		812.5 / 184.2		HMDB0008046	QXDDDGCNWRUEFM-UMKMFDOBSA-N	LMGP01010796	812.5
PC(38:2)	C46H88NO8P	813.6248		814.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008270	KXXLFCAPKGRXBT-FMJYHZMHSA-N	LMGP01011296	814.6
PC(38:1)	C46H90NO8P	815.6404		816.6 / 184.2			IKNYBQRADNMEDT-FHLWKLDVSA-N	LMGP01011010	816.6
PC(38:0)	C46H92NO8P	817.6561		818.7 / 184.2		HMDB0013408	BIIIEBBIUJYGBZ-WBVITSLISA-N		818.7
PC(P-40:5)/PC(O-40:6)	C48H86NO7P	819.6142		820.6 / 184.2					820.6
PC(P-40:4/PC(O-40:5)	C48H88NO7P	821.629842		822.6 / 184.2					822.6
PC(P-40:3)/PC(O-40:4)	C48H90NO7P	823.6455		824.6 / 184.2					824.6
PC(40:8)	C48H80NO8P	829.5622		830.6 / 184.0		HMDB0008443	LZLVZIFMYXDKCN-QJWFYWCHSA-N		830.6
PC(40:7)	C48H82NO8P	831.5778		832.6 / 184.0		HMDB0008154	BPUROMFCPFGBOT-ZEGPSQTJSA-N	LMGP01010946	832.6
PC(40:6)	C48H84NO8P	833.5935		834.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008345	TYRTWVKQVGNGSZ-RGBTVBCDSA-N	LMGP01011858	834.6
PC(40:5)	C48H86NO8P	835.6091		836.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008312	LJFKFKIYUJNFPZ-ZLFSCUDPSA-N	LMGP01011827	836.6
PC(40:4)	C48H88NO8P	837.6248		838.6 / 184.2		HMDB0008279	UAVRPIXHIHJERN-CBTSKTMBSA-N	LMGP01011023	838.6
PC(40:3)	C48H90NO8P	839.6404		840.6 / 184.2		HMDB0013446	CPEAXNSICHTTDR-BKMBJBKQSA-N	LMGP01020249	840.6
PC(40:2)	C48H92NO8P	841.6561		842.7 / 184.2			DGKXFLANAYRYMU-BYZVZMPQSA-N	LMGP01011021	842.7
PC(40:1)	C48H94NO8P	843.6717		844.7 / 184.2		HMDB0007993			844.7
PC(40:0)	C48H96NO8P	845.6874		846.7 / 184.2		HMDB0008274	YKIOPDIXYAUOFN-YACUFSJGSA-N	LMGP01011014	846.7
PC(42:6)	C50H88NO8P	861.6248		862.7 / 184.2		HMDB0008637	DSVRMAGYENFTLY-GDDYDVMSSA-N	LMGP01012087	862.7
PC(42:5)	C50H90NO8P	863.6404		864.7 / 184.2			SGYNBRXEOXADHS-CIUHTZMDSA-N	LMGP01011027	864.7
PC(42:4)	C50H92NO8P	865.6561		866.7 / 184.2		HMDB0008382			866.7
PC(42:3)	C50H94NO8P	867.6717		868.7 / 184.2		HMDB0013459	NIIFWBWRLRQUHB-LSTCNRAPSA-N		868.7
PC(42:2)	C50H96NO8P	869.6874		870.7 / 184.2			RYDOABFPJPYSFY-JXSZFMCPSA-N	LMGP01012242	870.7
PC(42:1)	C50H98NO8P	871.703		872.7 / 184.2		HMDB0008283			872.7