#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH pramodwangikar_20200106_223951 DATATRACK_ID:1889 STUDY_ID:ST001302 ANALYSIS_ID:AN002168 PROJECT_ID:PR000883
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	January 9, 2020, 12:42 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Metabolome Profiling of a Fast-growing Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	PCC 11801 under Diurnal Cycle
PR:PROJECT_TYPE                  	Measurement of relative metabolite pools under sinusoidal diurnal cycle
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	The project aims to identify the metabolic changes that occur during diurnal
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	cycle in a fast growing cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801. It is
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	a promising host for biofuel production and therefore its studying its
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	metabolism under diurnal condition might provide ideas to engineer it better for
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	growth in outdoor conditions.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Department of Chemical Engineering
PR:LABORATORY                    	Biosystems Engineering Lab
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Wangikar
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Pramod P
PR:ADDRESS                       	Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
PR:ADDRESS                       	Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400076
PR:EMAIL                         	wangikar@iitb.ac.in
PR:PHONE                         	+91 (22) 2576 7232 (o)
PR:FUNDING_SOURCE                	DBT-PAN IIT Centre for Bioenergy (Grant No: BT/EB/PAN IIT/2012)
PR:CONTRIBUTORS                  	Damini Jaiswal and Pramod P. Wangikar
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Metabolome Profiling of a Fast-growing Cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	PCC 11801 under Diurnal Cycle
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	Measurement of relative metabolite pools under diurnal cycle using isotopic
ST:STUDY_TYPE                    	ratio method
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Experiments were carried out by growing Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801 cells
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	in multicultivators designed to provide sinusoidal light. The period was 14:10
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	(light-dark). The samples for metabolomics analysis were collected in the second
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	diurnal cycle at an interval of 6 hours starting from 25th hour (25, 31, 37 and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	43 hours). The light intensity amplitude was 600 µmole photons.m-2. s-1.
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Additionally samples were also collected using cells grown under continuous
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	light illumination of 600 µmole photons.m-2. s-1 to compare the difference in
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	metabolite levels compared to that in the diurnal cycle.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Department of Chemical Engineering
ST:LABORATORY                    	Biosystems Engineering Lab
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Wangikar
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Pramod P
ST:ADDRESS                       	Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay,
ST:ADDRESS                       	Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400076
ST:EMAIL                         	wangikar@iitb.ac.in
ST:PHONE                         	+91 (22) 2576 7232 (o)
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Bacteria
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	2219813
SU:GENOTYPE_STRAIN               	Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=111
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=156
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=-
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-1	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-2	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-3	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-1	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-2	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-3	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-1	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-1; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-2	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-2; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	-	11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-3	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	RAW_FILE_NAME=11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-3; Light Intensity (µmole photons m-2 s-1 )=600
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Experiments were carried out by growing Synechococcus elongatus PCC 11801 cells
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	in multicultivators designed to provide sinusoidal light. The period was 14:10
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(light-dark). The samples for metabolomics analysis were collected in the second
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	diurnal cycle at an interval of 6 hours starting from 25th hour (25, 31, 37 and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	43 hours). The light intensity amplitude was 600 µmole photons m-2 s-1.
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Additionally samples were also collected using cells grown under continuous
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	light illumination of 600 µmole photons m-2 s-1 to compare the difference in
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	metabolite levels compared to that in the diurnal cycle. Samples were quenched
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	with methanol and extracted using the methanol-chloroform-water method. Extracts
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	were stored at -80°C till LCMS analysis. LCMS analysis was done in the negative
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	ion mode using information-dependent acquisition (IDA) method.
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Bacterial cells
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	The metabolites were extracted using a methanol-chloroform-water method
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	described in the "Sample Collection and Treatment Protocol" file of the
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	collection data.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	One aliquot of the metabolite extract of each sample were reconstituted in
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	100µL 50:50 methanol-water and filtered using nylon syringe filters to remove
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	any particulate matter. The metabolite extract of each test sample was mixed
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	with equal volume of an extract of the PCC 11801 WT biomass that is fully
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	labeled with 13C isotopic carbon by growing for ~5 generations in the presence
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	of NaH13CO3 in modified BG-11 medium. 13C-labeled biomass of PCC 11801 that
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	acted as an internal standard. The injection volume was 6 µL. The peak areas
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	corresponding to the 12C and 13C monoisotopic peak for the metabolites of
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	interest were quantified using MultiQuant 3.0.1 (SCIEX, Framingham, MA). The
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	relative quantification of metabolites was done using isotopic ratio method by
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	normalizing area under the peak for monoisotopic m/z of a particular metabolite
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	by its respective highest possible isotopologue present in the internal standard
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	giving area ratio.
SP:EXTRACT_STORAGE               	-80℃
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Shimadzu 20AD
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Phenomenex Synergi Hydro RP 100 A (100 x 2mm, 2.5um)
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	The gradient method used is as follows: 0% B (0.01 min), 0% B (2 min), 35% B (8
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	min), 35% B (10.5 min), 90% B (15.50 min), 90% B (20.5 min), 0% B (22 min), and
CH:FLOW_GRADIENT                 	0% B (30 min)
CH:FLOW_RATE                     	0.3 mL/minute
CH:SOLVENT_A                     	10 mM tributylamine + 15mM acetic acid in water
CH:SOLVENT_B                     	100% Methanol
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	ABI Sciex 5600+ TripleTOF
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	NEGATIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	The peak areas corresponding to the 12C and 13C monoisotopic peak for the
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	metabolites of interest were quantified using MultiQuant 3.0.1 (SCIEX,
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Framingham, MA). The relative quantification of metabolites was done using
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	isotopic ratio method by normalizing area under the peak for monoisotopic m/z of
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	a particular metabolite by its respective highest possible isotopologue present
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	in the internal standard giving area ratio.
Samples	11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 25-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 25-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 25-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 31-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 31-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 31-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 37-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 37-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 37-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 43-HR BR1 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 43-HR BR2 IS IDA-3	11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-1	11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-2	11801 LDC 43-HR BR3 IS IDA-3	11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-1	11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-2	11801 600uE CLDC BR1 IS IDA-3	11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-1	11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-2	11801 600uE CLDC BR2 IS IDA-3	11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-1	11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-2	11801 600uE CLDC BR3 IS IDA-3
Factors	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):25 | Treatment Condition:MORNING	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):31 | Treatment Condition:MID-DAY	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):37 | Treatment Condition:EVENING	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):43 | Treatment Condition:MID-NIGHT	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION	Time (h):- | Treatment Condition:CONTINUOUS LIGHT ILLUMINATION
3-phosphoglycerate	0.53	0.51	0.53	0.38	0.38	0.38	0.36	0.38	0.37	0.94	0.93	0.93	1.08	1.10	1.10	0.87	0.87	0.90	0.28	0.29	0.29	0.26	0.27	0.26	0.23	0.23	0.23	0.30	0.33	0.33	0.29	0.30	0.29	0.31	0.32	0.32	1.33	1.33	1.31	1.23	1.24	1.27	1.10	1.15	1.11
6-phosphogluconate	0.21	0.23	0.25	0.15	0.17	0.16	0.13	0.13	0.12	0.66	0.72	0.73	0.42	0.43	0.40	0.65	0.75	0.74	0.18	0.21	0.19	0.10	0.11	0.11	0.21	0.23	0.22	0.06	0.06	0.07	0.08	0.07	0.13	0.07	0.08	0.08	0.54	0.52	0.57	0.82	0.82	0.86	0.90	0.89	0.99
Acetyl Coenzyme A	19.60	17.62	19.46	13.88	13.80	15.60	9.93	7.05	11.90	13.80	12.20	15.29	11.28	19.30	17.74	15.05	12.87	15.31	17.03	14.38	19.96	9.49	17.07	11.58	7.61	25.05	14.06	12.21	10.19	13.66	6.95	10.26	9.31	11.43	11.67	7.54	15.72	12.11	12.71	10.06	10.70	11.31	10.39	7.78	9.18
Adenosine diphosphate	2.31	2.36	2.30	1.50	1.55	1.53	1.98	1.77	1.73	1.60	1.58	1.65	2.01	1.95	1.96	1.74	1.71	1.70	0.75	0.81	0.82	1.40	0.99	0.97	1.18	1.20	1.21	1.31	1.36	1.36	1.41	1.40	1.42	1.84	1.88	1.88	1.41	1.42	1.39	1.53	1.51	1.52	1.65	1.62	1.61
Adenosine monophosphate	3.99	3.59	3.94	2.73	2.79	2.81	3.13	3.47	3.24	2.00	2.03	1.96	2.20	2.22	2.22	1.94	1.87	1.78	0.57	0.70	0.56	0.63	0.65	0.68	0.86	0.98	0.93	1.85	2.00	1.81	2.20	2.25	2.21	1.36	1.45	1.40	2.36	2.50	2.68	2.69	2.43	2.59	3.14	3.33	3.39
Adenosine triphosphate	2.58	2.59	2.52	1.65	1.68	1.71	1.79	1.92	1.86	1.59	1.64	1.69	2.03	2.02	2.06	1.75	1.73	1.76	0.90	0.87	0.86	1.09	1.06	1.03	1.27	1.22	1.28	1.37	1.41	1.38	1.40	1.45	1.40	1.95	1.90	1.95	1.47	1.46	1.51	1.61	1.65	1.57	1.74	1.65	1.64
ADP ribose 1,2 cyclic phosphate	29.47	46.25	30.73	47.11	34.50	35.19	27.28	37.01	37.86	7.36	5.54	7.35	9.06	7.04	8.68	7.37	6.23	6.62	7.53	10.39	8.09	9.50	10.01	9.60	9.04	11.38	13.34	8.94	8.30	8.76	8.70	9.17	7.12	9.82	11.10	11.49	7.92	5.22	7.21	6.19	6.95	7.94	6.28	5.32	6.13
ADP-glucose	27.87	30.54	42.89	15.57	19.13	20.62	23.08	23.88	46.26	6.93	4.75	7.67	8.22	8.22	6.74	4.26	4.56	5.31	7.36	6.81	6.32	6.60	10.63	6.83	5.41	6.82	9.60	5.34	6.78	7.40	6.56	5.81	4.88	6.48	7.22	6.13	8.62	7.74	8.60	0.09	12.32	10.36	11.81	11.58	12.59
Alanine	1.12	0.70	0.78	1.84	1.86	1.06	0.11	0.19	0.31	3.52	3.32	2.22	2.40	1.83	1.35	0.68	0.65	0.82	0.77	0.62	0.72	0.59	0.42	0.67	0.77	1.06	0.88	2.35	1.27	1.37	1.27	1.21	0.70	1.35	0.61	0.86	3.02	4.21	2.53	1.14	1.29	1.31	2.58	2.77	3.51
Aspartate	0.66	0.65	0.67	0.44	0.64	0.67	0.37	0.62	0.54	0.96	1.16	1.16	1.19	1.18	1.26	0.78	0.97	0.91	0.38	0.59	0.58	0.44	0.64	0.67	0.41	0.63	0.65	0.52	0.79	0.72	0.26	0.41	0.44	0.27	0.45	0.50	0.95	1.19	1.13	0.80	1.10	1.03	0.70	0.92	0.87
Cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid	2.97	2.98	3.20	2.99	3.00	3.01	2.76	3.15	3.15	2.93	3.16	3.26	3.17	3.24	3.25	3.43	3.25	3.43	2.32	2.74	2.63	1.84	2.82	2.68	2.60	2.57	2.63	2.34	2.24	2.76	2.68	2.73	2.88	2.40	2.56	2.55	2.69	2.84	2.75	2.76	2.85	2.73	2.91	2.93	2.95
Cytidine diphosphate	0.88	1.08	0.88	0.56	0.58	0.62	0.71	0.64	0.65	0.66	0.51	0.50	0.79	0.56	0.57	0.53	0.54	0.75	0.49	0.47	0.49	0.62	0.53	0.56	0.76	0.81	0.76	0.93	0.88	0.81	0.94	0.83	0.94	1.11	1.20	1.15	0.47	0.46	0.50	0.69	0.49	0.49	0.59	0.56	0.42
Cytidine monophosphate	1.87	2.56	2.26	1.46	1.39	1.25	1.47	1.72	1.72	1.81	1.98	1.85	2.10	2.05	2.08	1.42	1.66	1.73	0.58	0.79	0.63	0.62	0.50	0.64	0.76	0.76	0.82	2.03	1.95	1.96	2.32	1.94	1.96	1.03	1.15	1.12	5.98	5.35	5.71	5.20	4.94	5.52	6.93	5.98	6.34
deoxy-TDP-rhamnose	27.24	30.72	32.88	20.57	26.45	29.79	24.86	33.86	27.72	7.75	4.88	6.34	7.04	8.48	7.20	6.95	5.84	6.60	5.81	7.05	4.94	8.45	9.56	6.65	6.03	9.00	9.51	3.68	4.44	4.68	3.92	3.86	3.32	3.77	4.53	3.77	6.14	7.62	7.52	6.81	6.76	6.81	5.89	6.38	6.32
deoxy-thymidine monophosphate	0.74	0.80	0.75	0.62	0.57	0.66	0.48	0.47	0.46	2.56	2.15	2.54	2.66	2.71	2.54	1.51	1.47	2.14	0.97	0.90	1.03	1.92	1.17	1.07	1.29	1.26	1.15	1.27	1.02	1.25	1.27	1.52	1.36	1.03	0.98	1.20	1.90	2.11	2.03	1.97	1.74	2.11	2.10	2.05	1.65
Fructose-1,6 bisphosphate	0.40	0.60	0.41	0.34	0.40	0.40	0.42	0.39	0.42	2.52	2.29	2.25	4.08	3.73	3.43	1.78	1.79	1.77	0.32	0.34	0.36	0.40	0.39	0.49	0.49	0.50	0.67	0.29	0.25	0.19	0.23	0.28	0.27	0.27	0.31	0.33	11.72	10.90	11.78	5.00	5.02	4.30	7.48	7.45	7.66
Fructose-6-phosphate	0.35	0.32	0.21	0.26	0.23	0.21	0.21	0.22	0.17	1.42	1.63	1.22	1.82	1.65	2.01	1.22	1.51	1.37	0.68	0.63	0.65	1.38	0.85	0.88	0.82	0.77	0.77	0.06	0.13	0.23	0.14	0.26	0.06	0.42	0.19	0.37	0.77	0.77	0.76	1.28	1.28	1.21	1.54	1.38	1.45
Gamma-aminobutyric acid	0.27	0.44	0.20	0.25	0.25	0.28	0.17	0.24	0.24	0.44	0.53	0.47	0.49	0.42	0.52	0.46	0.50	0.44	0.34	0.34	0.33	0.44	0.44	0.43	0.46	0.49	0.46	0.54	0.52	0.50	0.53	0.48	0.49	0.48	0.45	0.47	0.58	0.57	0.57	0.68	0.64	0.67	0.66	0.67	0.67
Gamma-glutamyl-Alanine	2.76	6.28	3.20	8.15	2.21	2.11	4.61	2.04	4.90	1.60	1.94	0.21	0.94	0.60	0.18	0.32	1.27	2.98	0.62	0.52	0.07	0.59	0.56	0.64	0.75	0.84	0.68	2.44	3.65	2.99	5.41	2.83	3.02	3.45	3.05	2.94	1.68	1.23	1.80	1.75	1.55	1.51	1.46	1.82	2.05
Gamma-glutamyl-Glutamate	10.13	8.60	10.03	6.12	6.68	6.12	7.76	7.48	7.05	4.11	4.04	4.28	4.00	4.05	4.07	3.02	3.22	2.85	1.84	1.86	1.86	1.94	2.41	2.44	1.51	1.50	1.50	7.45	7.73	7.09	5.67	5.27	5.10	5.25	5.37	5.69	1.09	1.00	1.04	1.14	1.18	1.10	1.60	1.28	1.46
Gamma-glutamyl-Isoleucine	7.86	7.65	7.45	6.03	6.02	6.35	6.03	6.09	5.92	0.83	0.78	0.76	0.64	0.69	0.66	0.67	0.68	0.65	2.17	2.15	1.99	1.56	1.64	1.58	3.03	3.10	3.06	5.48	5.51	5.30	5.63	6.04	5.73	6.20	5.77	5.94	1.11	1.08	0.95	0.99	1.01	0.93	0.55	0.62	0.56
Gamma-glutamyl-Leucine	6.53	7.07	6.01	5.57	5.38	5.61	6.22	6.58	6.36	1.06	0.99	1.05	0.92	0.94	0.87	0.94	0.96	0.99	0.94	0.87	0.91	0.84	0.78	0.79	0.68	0.59	0.63	1.54	1.71	1.76	1.38	1.54	1.51	1.90	1.91	1.86	0.69	0.68	0.67	0.77	0.78	0.72	0.87	0.89	0.91
Gamma-glutamyl-Methionine	10.19	12.46	11.05	8.04	8.27	9.02	8.60	7.69	7.11	1.17	1.26	1.28	1.57	1.46	1.67	1.60	1.73	1.79	4.21	4.16	3.90	3.62	3.39	3.81	4.28	4.70	4.56	8.13	7.92	8.24	9.34	8.87	8.42	8.40	9.44	8.74	1.88	2.02	1.89	2.05	1.80	2.16	1.83	1.57	1.69
Gamma-glutamyl-Phenylalanine	24.07	25.03	25.27	21.44	20.65	25.43	24.08	24.80	28.09	1.89	0.04	1.74	1.91	1.67	1.95	1.80	1.55	1.73	3.48	3.71	3.66	3.72	4.25	3.70	4.73	4.61	4.23	6.96	7.10	7.05	7.50	7.81	7.94	7.89	7.70	7.72	1.56	1.61	1.88	2.27	2.30	2.07	1.85	1.97	2.08
Gamma-glutamyl-Tryptophan	46.84	44.12	50.23	34.46	27.31	34.30	37.67	45.44	48.35	0.36	0.38	0.46	0.42	0.45	0.51	0.47	0.43	0.47	1.35	1.50	1.29	1.09	1.77	1.62	2.15	1.92	2.18	9.81	9.42	9.92	13.06	12.74	11.91	12.39	12.43	12.63	0.41	0.37	0.34	0.70	0.56	0.54	0.42	0.42	0.48
Gamma-glutamyl-Tyrosine	1.50	1.72	1.63	1.65	1.65	1.28	1.75	1.85	2.07	0.15	0.10	0.06	0.08	0.08	0.04	0.15	0.12	0.14	0.40	0.35	0.39	0.46	0.40	0.43	0.45	0.43	0.47	1.50	1.71	1.82	0.80	0.86	0.81	2.13	2.04	2.16	0.09	0.09	0.07	0.11	0.10	0.09	0.06	0.06	0.08
Gamma-glutamyl-Valine	4.92	4.30	4.60	3.86	3.68	3.84	4.01	4.01	4.01	1.00	1.07	1.14	0.98	1.03	1.06	1.05	0.96	0.97	0.95	0.93	0.92	1.04	1.01	1.04	1.32	1.30	1.36	2.00	2.21	2.13	2.22	2.09	1.98	2.06	1.93	1.99	1.29	1.21	1.22	1.21	1.24	1.23	0.98	1.06	1.05
GDP-fucose	21.37	27.26	33.85	11.66	13.61	18.07	16.00	16.39	34.32	5.76	4.05	6.15	6.59	6.78	5.66	4.33	4.83	5.11	6.85	6.45	5.27	6.59	9.49	6.69	5.89	6.84	11.30	4.04	5.96	5.35	4.05	4.07	3.30	5.03	5.44	4.47	6.59	6.60	6.82	6.09	6.38	5.56	5.89	5.67	11.76
GDP-mannose	10.07	11.81	8.23	6.92	11.75	6.67	6.25	9.98	9.01	4.05	2.05	2.99	3.42	3.59	3.97	3.08	2.05	2.09	5.78	5.07	3.94	3.91	4.87	5.62	4.96	4.13	5.61	2.39	3.30	2.64	2.53	3.39	2.67	3.12	2.48	3.03	4.05	3.12	4.30	3.67	3.22	3.50	4.63	4.00	4.57
Glucose-6-phosphate	0.24	0.21	0.21	0.18	0.18	0.20	0.20	0.25	0.19	1.31	1.21	1.37	1.71	1.71	1.64	1.24	1.28	1.22	0.58	0.60	0.57	0.78	0.74	0.78	0.71	0.68	0.69	0.07	0.16	0.06	0.16	0.13	0.19	0.13	0.22	0.15	0.59	0.58	0.56	0.83	0.82	0.85	1.15	1.15	1.15
Glutamate	0.36	0.36	0.35	0.30	0.31	0.31	0.26	0.25	0.24	0.64	0.63	0.59	0.65	0.59	0.61	0.63	0.62	0.63	0.45	0.45	0.46	0.56	0.56	0.58	0.62	0.63	0.62	0.69	0.67	0.67	0.68	0.68	0.66	0.63	0.62	0.59	0.80	0.84	0.81	0.90	0.92	0.90	0.91	0.92	0.91
Glutamine	0.86	1.13	0.97	0.95	1.27	0.99	0.90	1.20	1.57	2.20	1.06	1.80	0.80	1.08	1.39	3.00	2.09	1.46	2.12	2.16	2.14	2.29	1.85	1.91	1.71	1.73	1.73	0.87	0.87	0.81	1.03	0.99	0.85	0.74	1.01	0.84	5.13	4.50	4.61	0.82	0.66	0.72	0.94	0.97	0.96
Glycerol-3-phosphate	0.75	1.60	1.16	1.97	1.32	0.69	0.67	1.39	1.68	2.39	2.29	1.41	1.71	1.39	2.09	1.85	2.06	1.13	2.01	1.26	1.64	1.45	1.61	1.12	1.16	1.43	1.31	1.57	1.44	1.24	1.63	1.24	1.62	1.34	1.39	1.41	1.84	2.33	2.34	2.20	1.88	2.11	4.43	4.50	3.95
Guanosine triphosphate	1.51	1.48	1.72	1.00	0.95	1.06	1.15	1.16	1.16	1.30	1.45	1.43	1.85	1.72	1.89	1.56	1.62	1.57	0.47	0.47	0.47	0.66	0.63	0.66	0.66	0.76	0.84	0.76	0.80	0.87	0.93	0.86	0.85	1.11	1.28	1.25	1.15	1.12	1.14	1.04	1.17	1.15	1.08	1.04	1.15
Guanosine diphosphate	1.39	1.45	1.30	0.85	0.94	0.69	0.93	1.12	1.10	1.39	1.44	1.34	1.80	1.75	1.77	1.54	1.46	1.46	0.48	0.46	0.44	0.39	0.55	0.56	0.78	0.77	0.78	0.86	0.70	0.88	0.97	0.99	0.87	1.25	1.28	1.05	1.18	1.16	1.11	1.09	1.09	1.07	1.05	1.13	1.00
Guanosine monophosphate	2.12	2.84	2.26	1.59	1.78	1.31	1.91	1.76	2.10	1.38	1.83	2.42	1.69	1.81	2.32	2.66	1.37	1.57	0.57	0.68	0.83	0.39	0.38	0.73	0.73	1.10	0.94	2.20	1.57	1.68	1.99	1.64	1.73	0.85	0.81	1.08	6.88	5.84	6.31	6.60	5.56	6.30	7.48	7.29	8.59
Inosine monophosphate	0.41	0.40	0.47	0.52	0.56	0.58	0.61	0.46	0.36	1.59	1.48	1.77	2.14	2.21	2.39	1.71	2.29	1.85	0.13	0.16	0.09	0.19	0.30	0.10	0.13	0.17	0.16	0.46	0.31	0.39	0.41	0.52	0.47	0.44	0.31	0.38	2.71	3.14	2.55	3.15	2.93	2.47	2.12	2.57	1.93
N-acetylglutamate	0.73	0.76	0.74	0.60	0.59	0.61	0.52	0.46	0.49	2.09	2.17	1.96	2.31	2.07	2.06	1.95	1.97	1.88	0.48	0.50	0.46	0.73	0.70	0.69	0.64	0.61	0.69	0.50	0.47	0.45	0.35	0.38	0.28	0.48	0.46	0.44	1.36	1.47	1.36	1.40	1.52	1.45	1.40	1.40	1.48
N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate	0.20	0.07	0.15	0.11	0.12	0.18	0.10	0.19	0.37	1.15	1.14	0.87	1.33	1.27	1.44	1.04	1.19	1.63	0.35	0.22	0.32	0.24	0.29	0.32	0.47	0.36	0.28	0.22	0.22	0.21	0.15	0.30	0.31	0.30	0.23	0.29	0.70	0.58	0.56	0.57	0.67	0.76	0.76	0.78	0.73
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)	7.11	7.73	8.26	6.14	7.30	6.87	5.69	8.55	6.70	3.54	2.51	3.07	3.27	3.25	3.48	3.50	2.69	2.70	2.93	2.60	2.51	3.07	3.12	2.76	3.02	2.87	3.27	2.70	2.97	2.63	2.55	3.11	2.63	2.93	2.76	2.76	2.16	2.07	2.44	2.27	2.30	2.20	2.00	2.01	2.01
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+)	58.23	57.64	64.68	34.58	38.84	37.67	31.96	63.92	48.18	8.79	5.80	8.05	12.08	7.19	8.76	7.31	6.65	6.91	11.19	14.16	11.43	12.91	16.01	10.07	13.72	13.57	19.10	8.34	12.74	12.86	10.24	16.96	8.37	10.85	13.65	15.48	7.57	7.89	8.16	9.95	8.69	8.11	8.04	7.27	6.81
Oxidized glutathione	319.10	316.10	337.10	292.00	272.70	296.20	269.50	375.70	340.30	103.10	40.62	89.61	109.60	96.01	119.10	140.50	89.79	85.59	125.40	122.40	155.00	180.80	213.40	177.70	151.60	139.20	184.20	89.06	86.45	90.37	104.00	103.80	75.94	72.36	85.90	85.65	104.10	98.07	160.70	132.30	124.10	107.00	162.50	150.50	133.00
Phosphoenolpyruvate	0.62	0.69	0.68	0.55	0.56	0.58	0.53	0.45	0.47	1.19	1.26	1.17	1.11	1.09	1.13	1.26	1.34	1.20	0.29	0.31	0.24	0.15	0.12	0.12	0.14	0.12	0.15	0.40	0.38	0.36	0.31	0.35	0.35	0.33	0.34	0.33	1.16	1.15	1.11	1.22	1.25	1.30	0.70	0.72	0.74
Pyroglutamic acid	0.36	0.45	0.37	0.34	0.35	0.37	0.27	0.29	0.25	0.60	0.62	0.57	0.70	0.67	0.66	0.71	0.62	0.87	0.47	0.49	0.44	0.61	0.57	0.59	0.68	0.62	0.63	0.66	0.68	0.66	0.69	0.71	0.68	0.69	0.64	0.61	0.84	0.81	0.77	1.01	0.88	0.94	0.99	0.86	0.90
Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate	0.19	0.18	0.18	0.11	0.11	0.09	0.14	0.13	0.13	1.86	1.96	2.04	3.12	3.09	2.96	2.07	2.14	2.15	1.53	1.67	1.53	2.57	2.77	2.58	1.99	2.17	2.04	0.15	0.15	0.09	0.10	0.11	0.16	0.16	0.10	0.14	3.21	2.97	3.17	3.34	3.44	3.48	3.25	3.21	3.07
Sedoheptulose 1,7 bisphosphate	0.01	0.02	0.01	0.01	0.01	0.02	0.01	0.01	0.01	0.14	0.14	0.11	0.21	0.23	0.21	0.07	0.07	0.06	0.01	0.01	0.01	0.04	0.02	0.02	0.02	0.02	0.02	0.01	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.00	0.00	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.77	0.75	0.79	0.28	0.30	0.29	0.55	0.61	0.60
Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate	0.40	0.42	0.39	0.29	0.31	0.31	0.28	0.23	0.27	1.99	1.98	1.91	2.40	2.47	2.37	2.00	2.22	2.21	1.17	1.19	1.19	1.51	1.56	1.50	1.23	1.31	1.24	0.24	0.27	0.23	0.41	0.41	0.36	0.35	0.34	0.32	0.75	0.78	0.74	1.82	1.84	1.84	2.04	1.92	2.09
Succinate	1.08	1.49	1.07	0.70	1.21	0.93	0.96	1.62	1.31	1.26	1.38	1.47	1.33	1.93	1.52	1.18	1.08	1.35	1.30	1.13	0.93	1.09	0.95	1.53	1.10	1.27	1.49	1.66	1.31	1.04	1.51	1.45	1.71	0.82	1.00	1.28	1.99	2.38	2.45	1.70	2.04	2.15	2.51	2.78	3.18
Sucrose	0.04	0.06	0.05	0.06	0.07	0.08	0.04	0.03	0.03	0.07	0.08	0.06	0.07	0.07	0.07	0.07	0.06	0.06	0.12	0.12	0.13	0.11	0.11	0.13	0.22	0.22	0.23	0.13	0.14	0.14	0.22	0.21	0.21	0.11	0.11	0.10	0.37	0.36	0.38	0.24	0.24	0.25	0.32	0.33	0.32
Sucrose-6-phosphate	0.03	0.00	0.01	0.02	0.01	0.01	0.01	0.02	0.01	0.02	0.05	0.07	0.04	0.07	0.07	0.07	0.08	0.06	0.01	0.03	0.01	0.04	0.02	0.01	0.04	0.02	0.03	0.01	0.02	0.01	0.00	0.02	0.00	0.01	0.01	0.01	0.24	0.25	0.26	0.24	0.23	0.23	0.19	0.20	0.20
UDP-glucose	11.00	10.29	11.06	7.24	9.51	9.76	6.08	10.99	6.05	4.74	2.86	3.91	4.02	4.27	4.65	4.66	3.49	3.59	4.03	3.34	3.57	4.05	4.64	4.33	4.06	4.22	5.45	2.04	2.46	1.92	2.31	3.05	2.53	2.60	2.40	2.27	2.69	2.51	3.28	2.92	2.65	2.72	2.96	2.83	3.10
UDP-glucuronate	4.83	5.39	5.14	4.91	5.08	5.56	3.27	4.65	3.79	2.67	2.16	2.54	2.99	2.48	3.14	2.53	2.42	2.61	1.62	1.81	1.47	2.98	2.19	2.52	1.48	1.75	2.02	0.59	0.64	0.64	0.70	0.67	0.60	0.70	0.76	0.93	2.79	2.63	3.35	2.39	2.60	2.70	2.86	2.45	2.42
UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine	18.97	19.03	16.49	21.94	31.14	26.17	13.30	21.15	15.35	18.76	6.73	14.10	13.94	16.10	19.31	23.08	13.37	13.29	4.25	3.83	3.61	3.89	4.00	4.09	3.24	3.34	4.26	1.25	1.77	1.24	1.05	1.87	1.18	1.54	1.37	1.25	12.90	11.22	16.92	13.10	10.99	11.44	23.12	19.85	24.14
UDP-xylose	7.11	7.73	8.26	6.14	7.30	6.87	5.69	8.55	6.70	3.54	2.51	3.07	3.27	3.25	3.48	3.50	2.69	2.70	2.93	2.60	2.51	3.07	3.12	2.76	3.02	2.87	3.27	2.70	2.97	2.63	2.55	3.11	2.63	2.93	2.76	2.76	2.16	2.07	2.44	2.27	2.30	2.20	2.00	2.01	2.01
Uridine diphosphate	1.75	1.74	1.68	1.18	1.25	1.15	1.25	1.30	1.21	1.42	1.45	1.54	1.81	1.81	1.67	1.58	1.64	1.57	1.03	1.11	1.16	1.31	1.36	1.29	2.04	1.93	2.04	2.53	2.41	2.59	3.31	3.27	3.15	3.71	3.67	3.65	1.08	1.10	0.98	1.34	1.30	1.31	1.37	1.32	1.28
Uridine monophosphate	1.37	1.57	1.33	1.28	1.22	1.19	1.10	1.19	1.17	1.70	1.81	1.89	2.21	2.20	2.08	1.34	1.37	1.31	1.94	2.17	2.18	2.09	1.78	1.83	2.22	2.29	2.60	2.89	2.26	2.05	2.97	2.87	2.83	1.72	1.73	1.73	3.31	3.20	3.44	3.25	3.26	3.49	5.11	5.22	5.07
Uridine triphosphate	1.81	1.85	2.02	1.25	1.23	1.23	1.40	1.37	1.30	1.44	1.49	1.55	1.72	1.79	1.80	1.57	1.63	1.64	1.23	1.21	1.26	1.44	1.34	1.33	2.09	2.10	2.09	2.55	2.75	2.55	3.23	3.21	3.17	3.67	3.76	3.79	1.09	1.10	1.13	1.34	1.34	1.37	1.37	1.32	1.40
Xanthosine monophosphate	0.11	0.12	0.10	0.10	0.10	0.08	0.09	0.11	0.08	0.09	0.11	0.08	0.08	0.10	0.09	0.10	0.11	0.09	0.41	0.41	0.46	0.51	0.41	0.45	0.63	0.65	0.62	1.13	1.26	1.05	1.26	1.42	1.42	1.50	1.40	1.42	0.12	0.11	0.09	0.18	0.17	0.18	0.19	0.21	0.22
metabolite_name	quantified m/z (Da)	retention index (min)	KEGG ID	HMDB ID
3-phosphoglycerate	184.99	14.73	C00197      	HMDB0000807
6-phosphogluconate	274.98	14.70	C04442  	HMDB0001316
Acetyl Coenzyme A	808.13	15.65	C00024	HMDB0001206
Adenosine diphosphate	426.02	14.95	C00008   	HMDB0001341
Adenosine monophosphate	346.06	13.72	C00020   	HMDB0000045
Adenosine triphosphate	505.99	15.26	C00002	HMDB0000538
ADP ribose 1,2 cyclic phosphate	620.02	14.97	C19851	HMDB0011671
ADP-glucose	588.08	14.07	C00498 	HMDB0006557
Alanine	88.05	1.20	C00041	HMDB0000161
Aspartate	132.03	6.00	C00049  	HMDB0000191
Cytidine diphosphate	402.04	13.70	C00112  	HMDB0001546
Cytidine monophosphate	322.05	11.60	C00055	HMDB0000095
Cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid	613.15	12.45	C00128	HMDB0001176
deoxy-TDP-rhamnose	547.08	14.06	C03319 	HMDB0006354
deoxy-thymidine monophosphate	321.07	12.90	C00364  	HMDB0001227
Fructose-1,6 bisphosphate	338.96	15.10	C05378  	HMDB0001058
Fructose-6-phosphate	259.02	10.90	C00085	HMDB0000124
Gamma-aminobutyric acid	102.06	6.02	C00334	HMDB0000112
Gamma-glutamyl-Alanine	217.08	7.10	-	HMDB0006248
Gamma-glutamyl-Glutamate	275.09	12.60	-	HMDB0011737
Gamma-glutamyl-Isoleucine	259.14	12.20	-	HMDB0011170
Gamma-glutamyl-Leucine	259.14	12.75	-	HMDB0011171
Gamma-glutamyl-Methionine	277.09	10.80	-	HMDB0034367
Gamma-glutamyl-Phenylalanine	293.07	13.80	-	HMDB0000594
Gamma-glutamyl-Tryptophan	332.07	14.40	-	HMDB0029160
Gamma-glutamyl-Tyrosine	309.03	10.90	-	HMDB0011741
Gamma-glutamyl-Valine	245.11	10.40	-	HMDB0011172
GDP-fucose	588.08	13.60	C00325  	HMDB0001095
GDP-mannose	604.07	13.11	C00096      	HMDB0001163
Glucose-6-phosphate	259.02	10.60	C00668	HMDB0001401
Glutamate	146.05	5.72	C00025 	HMDB0000148
Glutamine	145.09	1.20	C00064	HMDB0003423
Glycerol-3-phosphate	171.01	11.48	C00093	HMDB0000126
Guanosine triphosphate	521.99	15.15	C00044	HMDB0001273
Guanosine diphosphate	442.02	14.70	C01228	HMDB0001201
Guanosine monophosphate	362.02	12.40	C00144 	HMDB0001397
Inosine monophosphate	347.05	12.10	C00130  	HMDB0000175
N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate	300.03	11.70	C00357  	HMDB0002817
N-acetylglutamate	188.06	13.60	C00624       	HMDB0001138
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+)	663.11	10.35	C00003	HMDB0000902
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+)	743.08	14.90	C00003	HMDB0000217
Oxidized glutathione	611.15	12.40	C00127	HMDB0003337
Phosphoenolpyruvate	166.98	15.04	C00074  	HMDB0000263
Pyroglutamic acid	128.04	6.00	C01879	HMDB0000267
Ribulose 1,5 bisphosphate	308.98	15.22	C01182 	HMDB0011688
Sedoheptulose 1,7 bisphosphate	369.01	15.18	C00447	HMDB0060274
Sedoheptulose-7-phosphate	289.03	10.90	C05382 	HMDB0001068
Succinate	117.02	13.31	C00042	HMDB0000254
Sucrose	341.11	1.49	C00089	HMDB0000258
Sucrose-6-phosphate	421.08	10.49	C16688	-
UDP-glucose	565.05	13.15	C00029 	HMDB0000286
UDP-glucuronate	579.03	15.04	C00167  	HMDB0000935
UDP-N-acetyl-glucosamine	606.08	13.07	C00043   	HMDB0000290
UDP-xylose	535.04	13.09	C00190	HMDB0001018
Uridine diphosphate	403.00	14.79	C00015	HMDB0000295
Uridine monophosphate	323.03	11.90	C00105	HMDB0000288
Uridine triphosphate	482.96	15.10	C00075	HMDB0000285
Xanthosine monophosphate	363.04	14.85	C00655	HMDB0001554