#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH sbhattacharya_20210106_075953 DATATRACK_ID:2380 STUDY_ID:ST001642 ANALYSIS_ID:AN002687 PROJECT_ID:PR001050
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	January 11, 2021, 2:41 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Parallel multi-omics in high-risk subjects for the identification of integrated
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	biomarker signatures of 4 type 1 diabetes
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Biomarkers are of paramount importance for early disease detection and are
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	particularly valuable in type 1 diabetes (T1D) to prevent significant β cell
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	loss before the onset of clinical symptoms. Thus far, single-omics studies have
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	failed to identify such T1D biomarkers. Here, we present proof-of-concept
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	studies to demonstrate the potential for identifying integrated biomarker
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	signature(s) of T1D using parallel multi-omics. Blood from human subjects at
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	high risk for T1D (and healthy controls; n=4 each) were subjected to parallel
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	unlabeled proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and transcriptomics. The
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	integrated dataset was analyzed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	for disturbances in the at-risk subjects compared to the controls.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	University of Miami
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Bhattacharya
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Sanjoy
PR:ADDRESS                       	1638 NW 10th Avenue, Room 706-A, Miami, FL 33136
PR:EMAIL                         	sbhattacharya@med.miami.edu
PR:PHONE                         	305-482-4103
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Lipidomics in high-risk subjects for the identification of integrated biomarker
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	signatures of type 1 diabetes
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	We present the lipidome of plasma collected from high-risk type 1 diabetes
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	subjects. The methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) method was used for lipid
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	extraction, followed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) tandem
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using a Q Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometer and
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	an Accela 600 HPLC. Lipid species were identified and quantified by analyzing
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the raw files in LipidSearch 4.2. Further analysis was conducted using Graphpad
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Prism and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA).
ST:INSTITUTE                     	University of Miami
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Bhattacharya
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Sanjoy
ST:ADDRESS                       	1638 NW 10th Avenue, Room 706-A, Miami, FL 33136
ST:EMAIL                         	sbhattacharya@med.miami.edu
ST:PHONE                         	305-482-4103
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	140365	1	Disease status:HRT1D	RAW_FILE_NAME=1_pos.raw 1_pos_2.raw 1_neg.raw 1_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	2019 0605 TL	2	Disease status:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=2_pos.raw 2_pos_2.raw 2_neg.raw 2_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	467191	3	Disease status:NOPP	RAW_FILE_NAME=3_pos.raw 3_pos_2.raw 3_neg.raw 3_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	467191 small	4	Disease status:NOF	RAW_FILE_NAME=4_pos.raw 4_pos_2.raw 4_neg.raw 4_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	145569	5	Disease status:HRT1D	RAW_FILE_NAME=5_pos.raw 5_pos_2.raw 5_neg.raw 5_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	2019 0605 BH	6	Disease status:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=6_pos.raw 6_pos_2.raw 6_neg.raw 6_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	2019 0605 YM	7	Disease status:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=7_pos.raw 7_pos_2.raw 7_neg.raw 7_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	245361	8	Disease status:HRT1D	RAW_FILE_NAME=8_pos.raw 8_pos_2.raw 8_neg.raw 8_neg_2.raw
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	2019 0605 MG	9	Disease status:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=9_pos.raw 9_pos_2.raw 9_neg.raw 9_neg_2.raw
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Blood samples (~20 mL/subject in EDTA) were collected from consented male/female
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	subjects considered at high risk for T1D during routine visits as part of the
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	ongoing TrialNet’s Natural History Study of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(Pathway to Prevention Study) TN-01 study (n=4). Subjects in the TN-01 study are
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	tested semi-annually for the appearance of new or additional autoantibodies and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	are evaluated metabolically by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) to assess
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	their progression toward clinical diagnosis of T1D. Samples from healthy
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	subjects (n=4) were collected as part of another study approved by the IRB of
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	the University of Miami (study number 11995-115). During sample collection, one
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	of the four high-risk subjects exhibited signs of abnormal OGTT and was
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	confirmed to have converted to a new-onset patient during a second OGTT and
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	another sample collection two weeks later. Both samples were independently
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	analyzed by multi-omics, and the averaged values for each identified feature in
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	both samples were included in the integrative analyses as part of the high-risk
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	group to avoid further reduction in the subject number. Samples from all
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	subjects were divided into four equal aliquots that were individually subjected
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	to proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, and transcriptomics (miRNAs) analyses
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(i.e., parallel quadra-omics) that were performed in collaboration with the
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Miami Integrative Metabolomics Research Center (lipidomics), Pacific Northwest
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	National Laboratories (proteomics) [58], Ocean Ridge Biosciences
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	(transcriptomics), and the Stedman Metabolomics Laboratory at Duke University
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	Medical Center (metabolomics).
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Blood (plasma)
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Plasma was collected from high-risk type 2 diabetes subjects and healthy
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	controls. The methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) method was used for lipid
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	extraction, followed by mass spectrometry lipid profiling with a Q-Exactive
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	Orbitrap Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (LC MS-MS).
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Lipids were extracted from 50 µL of plasma by adding 4 mL of methyl tert-butyl
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	ether (MTBE) and 1.2 mL of butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) then incubating
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	overnight at 4°C. The following day, 1.25 mL of 0.15 M ammonium acetate was
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	added, and the samples were centrifuged at 2,000 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C to
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	obtain phase separation. The upper organic phase was collected and the extracted
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	lipids equivalent to 100 µg of protein were dried in a speed vacuum
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	concentrator. The samples were reconstituted in 50 µL of chloroform:methanol
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	(1:1) and sonicated before analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The lipids were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using an Accela
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	600 HPLC and a Q Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometer.
CH:CHROMATOGRAPHY_TYPE           	Reversed phase
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Accela 600
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Thermo Acclaim 120 (150 x 2.1mm, 3um)
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
MS:INSTRUMENT_TYPE               	Orbitrap
MS:MS_TYPE                       	ESI
MS:ION_MODE                      	POSITIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Xcalibur software. LipidSearch for data processing.
Samples	1	2	3	4	5	6	7	8	9
Factors	Disease status:HRT1D	Disease status:Control	Disease status:NOPP	Disease status:NOF	Disease status:HRT1D	Disease status:Control	Disease status:Control	Disease status:HRT1D	Disease status:Control
Cer(d18:0+pO/34:1)	0.000	0.000	1000.000	337.000	41.300	285.000	6740.000	25800.000	0.000
LPC(16:0)	73600000.000	41400000.000	67600000.000	69400000.000	75500000.000	54100000.000	50700000.000	75100000.000	75000000.000
LPC(18:1)	12300000.000	5870000.000	10700000.000	11400000.000	14900000.000	8690000.000	8670000.000	13400000.000	10100000.000
LPC(18:2)	10200000.000	16500000.000	16800000.000	30500000.000	16400000.000	19600000.000	31700000.000	25400000.000	0.000
PC(16:0/16:0)	1840000.000	3610000.000	2540000.000	2510000.000	2780000.000	3260000.000	2310000.000	3010000.000	2540000.000
PC(16:0/16:1)	1030000.000	4420000.000	1410000.000	1620000.000	1700000.000	1930000.000	1730000.000	1560000.000	1920000.000
PC(16:0/18:1)	33600000.000	57000000.000	43600000.000	45600000.000	39800000.000	47000000.000	36000000.000	39500000.000	37400000.000
PC(16:0/18:2)	67100000.000	89300000.000	87000000.000	93300000.000	73200000.000	103000000.000	73400000.000	88700000.000	76800000.000
PC(16:0/20:3)	11100000.000	8240000.000	10200000.000	13600000.000	10400000.000	12900000.000	10500000.000	15000000.000	7810000.000
PC(16:0/20:4)	16200000.000	52900000.000	41500000.000	41800000.000	15600000.000	35900000.000	28300000.000	26200000.000	33500000.000
PC(16:0/22:5)	1430000.000	4060000.000	4420000.000	4540000.000	1980000.000	4470000.000	2350000.000	3970000.000	4830000.000
PC(16:0/22:6)	6210000.000	11300000.000	16000000.000	16000000.000	4870000.000	17200000.000	15000000.000	7890000.000	9530000.000
PC(16:0e/20:4)	2140000.000	3760000.000	3320000.000	3460000.000	2440000.000	2540000.000	2240000.000	3040000.000	2850000.000
PC(16:0p/20:4)	1730000.000	2020000.000	3540000.000	3970000.000	2030000.000	2040000.000	1880000.000	2270000.000	2240000.000
PC(18:0/18:1)	9550000.000	11200000.000	11500000.000	12300000.000	11900000.000	12300000.000	10600000.000	10100000.000	11100000.000
PC(18:0/18:2)	11500000.000	11200000.000	8040000.000	7840000.000	6080000.000	8600000.000	6060000.000	7980000.000	4350000.000
PC(18:0/20:3)	7340000.000	11100000.000	11300000.000	12500000.000	8710000.000	7150000.000	8100000.000	12600000.000	11800000.000
PC(18:0/20:4)	15300000.000	29800000.000	39200000.000	43200000.000	13900000.000	33000000.000	24700000.000	27100000.000	30500000.000
PC(18:0/22:6)	3560000.000	4820000.000	8010000.000	8240000.000	2560000.000	7570000.000	6620000.000	3700000.000	4630000.000
PC(18:0p/20:4)	2340000.000	3530000.000	3430000.000	4370000.000	2610000.000	2860000.000	2250000.000	2970000.000	2930000.000
PC(18:1/20:4)	3890000.000	5390000.000	9690000.000	9950000.000	3860000.000	7750000.000	4850000.000	7360000.000	7210000.000
PC(18:2/18:2)	5490000.000	2240000.000	4040000.000	5140000.000	5140000.000	6370000.000	3750000.000	7230000.000	3830000.000
PC(32:0)	27800000.000	74700000.000	55300000.000	44600000.000	46400000.000	61200000.000	41400000.000	53500000.000	51600000.000
PC(32:1)	12000000.000	78500000.000	24900000.000	24000000.000	25400000.000	31500000.000	26700000.000	29900000.000	29900000.000
PC(34:1)	471000000.000	1170000000.000	816000000.000	800000000.000	689000000.000	841000000.000	640000000.000	716000000.000	653000000.000
PC(34:2)	1190000000.000	2130000000.000	1880000000.000	1930000000.000	1330000000.000	2310000000.000	1560000000.000	2070000000.000	1550000000.000
PC(36:1)	105000000.000	146000000.000	163000000.000	155000000.000	154000000.000	141000000.000	130000000.000	130000000.000	124000000.000
PC(36:2)	119000000.000	662000000.000	829000000.000	985000000.000	832000000.000	1150000000.000	846000000.000	1050000000.000	744000000.000
PC(36:3)	979000000.000	1440000000.000	1280000000.000	1190000000.000	1100000000.000	1180000000.000	1100000000.000	1340000000.000	1490000000.000
PC(36:4)	353000000.000	1230000000.000	941000000.000	885000000.000	357000000.000	769000000.000	621000000.000	645000000.000	803000000.000
PC(38:3)	556000000.000	679000000.000	687000000.000	668000000.000	673000000.000	618000000.000	982000000.000	687000000.000	767000000.000
PC(38:4)	177000000.000	440000000.000	637000000.000	616000000.000	201000000.000	476000000.000	366000000.000	404000000.000	433000000.000
PC(38:5)	50900000.000	107000000.000	168000000.000	157000000.000	67000000.000	125000000.000	109000000.000	122000000.000	138000000.000
PC(38:6)	104000000.000	280000000.000	330000000.000	313000000.000	88100000.000	330000000.000	289000000.000	151000000.000	205000000.000
PC(40:6)	19500000.000	61500000.000	109000000.000	96400000.000	28400000.000	97000000.000	93700000.000	42100000.000	55600000.000
PE(16:0p/20:4)	2270000.000	3370000.000	3290000.000	3340000.000	2050000.000	3120000.000	3800000.000	3110000.000	3640000.000
PE(18:0/18:2)	1280000.000	3380000.000	1710000.000	1370000.000	751000.000	2480000.000	989000.000	608000.000	1700000.000
PE(18:0/20:4)	3330000.000	10100000.000	6390000.000	4540000.000	2950000.000	9680000.000	4340000.000	3210000.000	6200000.000
PE(18:0p/20:4)	5350000.000	9820000.000	8050000.000	7430000.000	4800000.000	7260000.000	7430000.000	7000000.000	7190000.000
PE(38:5p)	1890000.000	3360000.000	2990000.000	3620000.000	1970000.000	2600000.000	2740000.000	2690000.000	3140000.000
PI(18:0/20:4)	7810000.000	8070000.000	12300000.000	13300000.000	9230000.000	16900000.000	9500000.000	11700000.000	9670000.000
PS(18:0/20:4)	822000.000	1130000.000	1910000.000	765000.000	1540000.000	2940000.000	2160000.000	1810000.000	2330000.000
PS(37:1)	66800000.000	89100000.000	86700000.000	93000000.000	72700000.000	103000000.000	73200000.000	88400000.000	74600000.000
PS(39:1)	5750000.000	11100000.000	8040000.000	7840000.000	5960000.000	8540000.000	5940000.000	7980000.000	17800000.000
PS(39:2)	11100000.000	9120000.000	11400000.000	13400000.000	10600000.000	12800000.000	10500000.000	15000000.000	8810000.000
PS(39:3)	20200000.000	50400000.000	44500000.000	46300000.000	20800000.000	40000000.000	31300000.000	33300000.000	37200000.000
SM(d15:0/21:1)	2730000.000	3200000.000	4240000.000	4690000.000	2870000.000	4500000.000	3860000.000	4130000.000	4210000.000
SM(d22:0/18:1)	4880000.000	11000000.000	13300000.000	13500000.000	6610000.000	13800000.000	8690000.000	9270000.000	8980000.000
SM(d22:0/20:3)	4380000.000	5500000.000	9370000.000	10200000.000	4670000.000	9800000.000	6090000.000	5790000.000	7160000.000
SM(d22:1/18:1)	2220000.000	4100000.000	5390000.000	5530000.000	3360000.000	7070000.000	3470000.000	4600000.000	4500000.000
SM(d34:1)	168000000.000	310000000.000	369000000.000	371000000.000	213000000.000	382000000.000	270000000.000	349000000.000	290000000.000
SM(d40:1)	52600000.000	160000000.000	166000000.000	180000000.000	82200000.000	175000000.000	119000000.000	131000000.000	116000000.000
SM(d41:1)	1490000.000	3620000.000	3900000.000	5040000.000	2290000.000	4300000.000	2840000.000	4950000.000	3740000.000
SM(d42:1)	2490000.000	7560000.000	9820000.000	11200000.000	4610000.000	9180000.000	6300000.000	6780000.000	5210000.000
SM(d42:2)	77900000.000	174000000.000	197000000.000	196000000.000	101000000.000	168000000.000	151000000.000	142000000.000	164000000.000
SM(d42:3)	54100000.000	83300000.000	118000000.000	117000000.000	55200000.000	125000000.000	83000000.000	91600000.000	93800000.000
dMePE(16:0p/20:4)	5380000.000	9410000.000	8100000.000	7440000.000	3830000.000	7310000.000	8170000.000	7230000.000	5230000.000
metabolite_name	Class	FA	FA Group Key	Calc Mass	Formula	retention time	MainIon
Cer(d18:0+pO/34:1)	Cer	d18:0+pO/34:1	d52:1+pO	805.7887	C52 H103 O4 N1	33.06	-H
LPC(16:0)	LPC	16:00	16:00	495.3325	C24 H50 O7 N1 P1	4.145	+H
LPC(18:1)	LPC	18:01	18:01	521.3481	C26 H52 O7 N1 P1	4.893	+H
LPC(18:2)	LPC	18:02	18:02	519.3325	C26 H50 O7 N1 P1	4.404	+H
PC(16:0/16:0)	PC	16:0/16:0	32:00:00	733.5622	C40 H80 O8 N1 P1	32.715	+HCOO
PC(16:0/16:1)	PC	16:0/16:1	32:01:00	731.5465	C40 H78 O8 N1 P1	31.938	+HCOO
PC(16:0/18:1)	PC	16:0/18:1	34:01:00	759.5778	C42 H82 O8 N1 P1	33.012	+HCOO
PC(16:0/18:2)	PC	16:0/18:2	34:02:00	757.5622	C42 H80 O8 N1 P1	32.387	+HCOO
PC(16:0/20:3)	PC	16:0/20:3	36:03:00	783.5778	C44 H82 O8 N1 P1	32.652	+HCOO
PC(16:0/20:4)	PC	16:0/20:4	36:04:00	781.5622	C44 H80 O8 N1 P1	32.518	+HCOO
PC(16:0/22:5)	PC	16:0/22:5	38:05:00	807.5778	C46 H82 O8 N1 P1	33.15	+HCOO
PC(16:0/22:6)	PC	16:0/22:6	38:06:00	805.5622	C46 H80 O8 N1 P1	32.598	+HCOO
PC(16:0e/20:4)	PC	16:0e/20:4	36:4e	767.5829	C44 H82 O7 N1 P1	32.981	+HCOO
PC(16:0p/20:4)	PC	16:0p/20:4	36:4p	765.5672	C44 H80 O7 N1 P1	32.545	+HCOO
PC(18:0/18:1)	PC	18:0/18:1	36:01:00	787.6091	C44 H86 O8 N1 P1	34.106	+HCOO
PC(18:0/18:2)	PC	18:0/18:2	36:02:00	785.5935	C44 H84 O8 N1 P1	33.32	+HCOO
PC(18:0/20:3)	PC	18:0/20:3	38:03:00	811.6091	C46 H86 O8 N1 P1	33.934	+HCOO
PC(18:0/20:4)	PC	18:0/20:4	38:04:00	809.5935	C46 H84 O8 N1 P1	33.607	+HCOO
PC(18:0/22:6)	PC	18:0/22:6	40:06:00	833.5935	C48 H84 O8 N1 P1	33.655	+HCOO
PC(18:0p/20:4)	PC	18:0p/20:4	38:4p	793.5985	C46 H84 O7 N1 P1	33.148	+HCOO
PC(18:1/20:4)	PC	18:1/20:4	38:05:00	807.5778	C46 H82 O8 N1 P1	32.809	+HCOO
PC(18:2/18:2)	PC	18:2/18:2	36:04:00	781.5622	C44 H80 O8 N1 P1	32.047	+HCOO
PC(32:0)	PC	32:00:00	32:00:00	733.5622	C40 H80 O8 N1 P1	12.287	+H
PC(32:1)	PC	32:01:00	32:01:00	731.5465	C40 H78 O8 N1 P1	11.479	+H
PC(34:1)	PC	34:01:00	34:01:00	759.5778	C42 H82 O8 N1 P1	12.576	+H
PC(34:2)	PC	34:02:00	34:02:00	757.5622	C42 H80 O8 N1 P1	11.939	+H
PC(36:1)	PC	36:01:00	36:01:00	787.6091	C44 H86 O8 N1 P1	13.686	+H
PC(36:2)	PC	36:02:00	36:02:00	785.5935	C44 H84 O8 N1 P1	13.079	+H
PC(36:3)	PC	36:03:00	36:03:00	783.5778	C44 H82 O8 N1 P1	12.206	+H
PC(36:4)	PC	36:04:00	36:04:00	781.5622	C44 H80 O8 N1 P1	11.582	+H
PC(38:3)	PC	38:03:00	38:03:00	811.6091	C46 H86 O8 N1 P1	13.115	+H
PC(38:4)	PC	38:04:00	38:04:00	809.5935	C46 H84 O8 N1 P1	13.186	+H
PC(38:5)	PC	38:05:00	38:05:00	807.5778	C46 H82 O8 N1 P1	12.351	+H
PC(38:6)	PC	38:06:00	38:06:00	805.5622	C46 H80 O8 N1 P1	12.148	+H
PC(40:6)	PC	40:06:00	40:06:00	833.5935	C48 H84 O8 N1 P1	13.271	+H
PE(16:0p/20:4)	PE	16:0p/20:4	36:4p	723.5203	C41 H74 O7 N1 P1	32.578	-H
PE(18:0/18:2)	PE	18:0/18:2	36:02:00	743.5465	C41 H78 O8 N1 P1	33.561	-H
PE(18:0/20:4)	PE	18:0/20:4	38:04:00	767.5465	C43 H78 O8 N1 P1	33.645	-H
PE(18:0p/20:4)	PE	18:0p/20:4	38:4p	751.5516	C43 H78 O7 N1 P1	33.682	-H
PE(38:5p)	PE	38:5p	38:5p	749.5359	C43 H76 O7 N1 P1	32.872	-H
PI(18:0/20:4)	PI	18:0/20:4	38:04:00	886.5571	C47 H83 O13 N0 P1	33.661	-H
PS(18:0/20:4)	PS	18:0/20:4	38:04:00	811.5363	C44 H78 O10 N1 P1	33.876	-H
PS(37:1)	PS	37:01:00	37:01:00	803.5676	C43 H82 O10 N1 P1	32.363	-H
PS(39:1)	PS	39:01:00	39:01:00	831.5989	C45 H86 O10 N1 P1	33.277	-H
PS(39:2)	PS	39:02:00	39:02:00	829.5833	C45 H84 O10 N1 P1	32.66	-H
PS(39:3)	PS	39:03:00	39:03:00	827.5676	C45 H82 O10 N1 P1	32.044	-H
SM(d15:0/21:1)	SM	d15:0/21:1	d36:1	730.5989	C41 H83 O6 N2 P1	31.458	+HCOO
SM(d22:0/18:1)	SM	d22:0/18:1	d40:1	786.6615	C45 H91 O6 N2 P1	33.834	+HCOO
SM(d22:0/20:3)	SM	d22:0/20:3	d42:3	810.6615	C47 H91 O6 N2 P1	33.177	+HCOO
SM(d22:1/18:1)	SM	d22:1/18:1	d40:2	784.6458	C45 H89 O6 N2 P1	33.129	+HCOO
SM(d34:1)	SM	d34:1	d34:1	702.5676	C39 H79 O6 N2 P1	9.727	+H
SM(d40:1)	SM	d40:1	d40:1	786.6615	C45 H91 O6 N2 P1	13.416	+H
SM(d41:1)	SM	d41:1	d41:1	800.6771	C46 H93 O6 N2 P1	34.426	+HCOO
SM(d42:1)	SM	d42:1	d42:1	814.6928	C47 H95 O6 N2 P1	34.937	+HCOO
SM(d42:2)	SM	d42:2	d42:2	812.6771	C47 H93 O6 N2 P1	13.451	+H
SM(d42:3)	SM	d42:3	d42:3	810.6615	C47 H91 O6 N2 P1	12.751	+H
dMePE(16:0p/20:4)	dMePE	16:0p/20:4	36:4p	751.5516	C43 H78 O7 N1 P1	33.631	-H