#METABOLOMICS WORKBENCH Yujinlee0421_20210317_022312 DATATRACK_ID:2531 STUDY_ID:ST001729 ANALYSIS_ID:AN002814 PROJECT_ID:000000
VERSION             	1
CREATED_ON             	March 24, 2021, 2:45 pm
PR:PROJECT_TITLE                 	Metabolomics and metagenomics of metformin
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	Metformin affects the gut microbiome and altered microbiota may contribute to
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	the hypoglycemic effect of metformin. Metabolomic analysis can be useful to
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	elucidate the potential underlying mechanisms of the hypoglycemic effect
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	according to the change in the microbiome and metabolites induced by the
PR:PROJECT_SUMMARY               	administration of metformin.
PR:INSTITUTE                     	Seoul National University
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and
PR:DEPARTMENT                    	Hospital
PR:LAST_NAME                     	Lee
PR:FIRST_NAME                    	Yujin
PR:ADDRESS                       	101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-799, Korea
PR:EMAIL                         	yoojinlee@snu.ac.kr
PR:PHONE                         	+821033804686
ST:STUDY_TITLE                   	Metabolomics and metagenomics of metformin (Stool)
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	Metformin affects the gut microbiome and altered microbiota may contribute to
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	the hypoglycemic effect of metformin. Metabolomic analysis can be useful to
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	elucidate the potential underlying mechanisms of the hypoglycemic effect
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	according to the change in the microbiome and metabolites induced by the
ST:STUDY_SUMMARY                 	administration of metformin.
ST:INSTITUTE                     	Seoul National University
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, College of Medicine and
ST:DEPARTMENT                    	Hospital
ST:LAST_NAME                     	Lee
ST:FIRST_NAME                    	Yujin
ST:ADDRESS                       	101 Daehak-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-799, Korea
ST:EMAIL                         	yoojinlee@snu.ac.kr
ST:PHONE                         	+821033804686
SU:SUBJECT_TYPE                  	Human
SU:SUBJECT_SPECIES               	Homo sapiens
SU:TAXONOMY_ID                   	9606
SU:GENDER                        	Male
#SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS:         	SUBJECT(optional)[tab]SAMPLE[tab]FACTORS(NAME:VALUE pairs separated by |)[tab]Raw file names and additional sample data
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R101	R101-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R101-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R102	R102-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R102-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R103	R103-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R103-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R105	R105-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R105-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R106	R106-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R106-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R107	R107-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R107-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R109	R109-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R109-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R110	R110-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R110-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R111	R111-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R111-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R112	R112-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R112-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R113	R113-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R113-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R114	R114-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R114-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R201	R201-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R201-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R202	R202-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R202-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R203	R203-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R203-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R204	R204-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R204-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R205	R205-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R205-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R206	R206-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R206-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R207	R207-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R207-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R210	R210-P1	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	RAW_FILE_NAME=R210-P1_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R101	R101-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R101-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R102	R102-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R102-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R103	R103-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R103-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R105	R105-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R105-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R106	R106-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R106-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R107	R107-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R107-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R109	R109-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R109-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R110	R110-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R110-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R111	R111-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R111-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R112	R112-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R112-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R113	R113-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R113-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R114	R114-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R114-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R201	R201-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R201-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R202	R202-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R202-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R203	R203-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R203-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R204	R204-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R204-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R205	R205-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R205-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R206	R206-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R206-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R207	R207-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R207-P2_1
SUBJECT_SAMPLE_FACTORS           	R210	R210-P2	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	RAW_FILE_NAME=R210-P2_1
CO:COLLECTION_SUMMARY            	We recruited and included 20 healthy adult male subjects
CO:SAMPLE_TYPE                   	Feces
TR:TREATMENT_SUMMARY             	The subjects received oral metformin 1000mg twice daily.
SP:SAMPLEPREP_SUMMARY            	Samples were extracted twice.
CH:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Agilent 7890B
CH:COLUMN_NAME                   	Restek Rtx-5Sil MS (30 x 0.25mm, 0.25um)
AN:ANALYSIS_TYPE                 	MS
MS:INSTRUMENT_NAME               	Leco Pegasus HT TOF
MS:MS_TYPE                       	EI
MS:ION_MODE                      	NEGATIVE
MS:MS_COMMENTS                   	Leco Chroma TOF-GC Software v4.72.0.0
Samples	R101-P1	R102-P1	R103-P1	R105-P1	R106-P1	R107-P1	R109-P1	R110-P1	R111-P1	R112-P1	R113-P1	R114-P1	R201-P1	R202-P1	R203-P1	R204-P1	R205-P1	R206-P1	R207-P1	R210-P1	R101-P2	R102-P2	R103-P2	R105-P2	R106-P2	R107-P2	R109-P2	R110-P2	R111-P2	R112-P2	R113-P2	R114-P2	R201-P2	R202-P2	R203-P2	R204-P2	R205-P2	R206-P2	R207-P2	R210-P2
Factors	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Control	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated	Gender:Male | Race:Asian | Group:Treated
L-Serine	0.394157	0.180568	0.350106	0.332981	0.643504	1.566331	0.727736	0.237567	0.404203	0.367206	0.355385	0.386393	0.082436	0.601922	1.00059	0.36064	0.421266	0.079423	0.891028	0.525469	0.314058	0.328802	0.361317	0.275256	0.064315	0.369351	0.347483	0.290002	0.332579	0.211788	0.254112	0.276487	0.537485	0.210821	0.130192	0.169141	0.231431	0.239854	0.335683	0.317541
Phenylalanine	0.348943	0.21108	0.344766	0.274046	0.407272	0.834693	0.287646	0.421381	0.254088	0.137701	0.305988	0.334327	0.437272	0.271213	0.331212	0.343662	0.417184	0.177908	0.410608	0.398784	0.480074	0.423395	0.50365	0.868449	0.068459	1.35678	0.683108	0.314218	0.324729	0.466862	0.635529	0.411022	0.621226	0.524207	1.95546	0.338047	0.273538	0.780747	0.418725	0.333332
Palmitoleic acid	0.071434	0.077806	0.112797	0.113285	0.397447	0.097546	0.219074	0.158656	0.07984	0.1401	0.095457	0.149205	0.050967	0.171682	0.149979	0.174691	0.164628	0.136946	0.164343	0.08479	0.058208	0.089477	0.033456	0.265828	0.084366	0.036797	0.050482	0.049371	0.086402	0.056551	0.1421	0.047615	0.018947	0.122427	0.000159	0.102806	0.321308	0.035662	0.069319	0.001325
4-(Dimethylamino)butanoic acid	0.765056	3.826277	0.35693	1.800271	12.13413	0.507383	5.373734	0.124649	21.31015	5.964404	1.515216	4.321776	1.052045	10.12496	3.728111	1.20118	0.522679	1.245417	29.88789	5.047796	1.231983	3.30902	0.224338	1.632189	0.162902	0.895093	2.35879	0.200878	0.542308	0.441032	1.286458	0.36454	0.710579	3.383648	0.936125	0.723753	0.411215	5.216139	2.743749	1.547134
Glyceric acid	0.345298	0.254656	0.616475	0.1456	0.49574	0.514073	0.167538	0.181388	0.26894	0.284597	0.391873	0.247853	0.188402	0.589246	0.184259	0.445255	0.182559	0.140082	0.198399	0.211164	0.180013	0.329844	0.232782	0.113331	0.208419	0.281776	0.11913	0.104182	0.225398	0.08372	0.194674	0.101257	0.200854	0.164501	0.135482	0.325356	0.400585	0.115401	0.100117	0.134911
Pipecolic acid	1.538472	0.724009	1.778413	1.937716	2.151944	2.770927	3.140071	3.261782	1.964204	4.594617	1.168855	1.255337	0.896312	1.532503	3.552158	3.6762	4.02609	1.068229	2.141465	1.180502	1.672726	0.901953	0.559287	0.678912	0.306068	0.675498	1.39126	0.551438	1.799272	0.746641	0.725003	0.483054	2.073532	0.584258	1.194373	1.835865	0.859496	0.427286	1.179704	0.650049
L-Isoleucine	38.44996	9.252895	41.33126	53.47011	2.450391	44.17617	16.56347	29.73805	19.40529	17.53025	3.505118	35.80017	23.13838	17.23447	25.69718	29.89233	26.39585	14.22286	40.58803	30.07917	42.27837	27.87977	40.55911	58.44697	3.218022	39.45505	34.40592	34.25341	31.44974	28.69119	31.59169	21.29492	48.76302	32.49164	66.80425	23.68792	17.59253	40.15168	36.72167	48.75962
D-Fructose	0.578648	0.800248	0.695465	0.148525	1.500907	0.967618	0.69572	1.116693	0.776538	0.525206	1.125497	1.218501	5.10967	0.625194	0.729727	0.331982	0.937715	2.728369	0.626657	0.537288	0.272755	0.726438	0.469178	0.284359	0.289196	0.940563	0.544635	0.779122	0.290465	0.097185	0.751149	0.203959	0.525374	0.564522	0.36214	0.209112	0.535139	0.501572	0.218307	0.286721
Glycolic acid	3.51539	3.314608	5.375106	2.707396	4.80307	3.084254	3.734577	3.517251	2.373369	2.253459	5.695263	3.667693	1.393768	2.920835	2.748692	8.539783	5.268176	1.821548	3.023976	3.326176	2.148733	3.22189	2.315805	2.535026	0.482113	2.555061	1.948306	3.074434	1.456842	0.978666	2.392199	1.546574	3.101343	2.0573	1.716954	5.652741	3.491622	1.682434	2.008118	1.699529
Glucose	26.10157	153.7535	53.73248	63.50969	72.52801	16.37833	95.61967	103.3606	104.3784	68.44693	100.763	89.67586	84.09374	96.50013	48.39174	33.98738	79.82778	75.40883	58.40859	78.58423	28.10377	31.25973	33.54149	19.08444	74.99835	30.26962	45.61821	95.72292	24.42987	51.83996	73.44812	54.79763	30.76888	52.0219	18.72346	6.433556	73.75138	47.11961	76.8247	46.83732
metabolite_name	PubChem	KEGG
L-Serine	5951	C00065
Phenylalanine	6140	C00079
Palmitoleic acid	5312427	C08362
4-(Dimethylamino)butanoic acid	-	-
Glyceric acid	439194	C00258
Pipecolic acid	849	C00408
L-Isoleucine	6306	C00407
D-Fructose	439709	C02336
Glycolic acid	757	C03547
Glucose	5793	C00221