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MB Sample ID: SA333217

Local Sample ID:P15
Subject ID:SU003207
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female

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Subject ID:SU003207
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female


Local Sample IDMB Sample IDFactor Level IDLevel ValueFactor Name
P15SA333217FL039528Bone marrowSample source


Collection ID:CO003200
Collection Summary:Both bone marrow samples and RCC samples (primary kidney cancer samples) were collected at Seoul National University Hospital. Bone marrow samples were obtained from 17 patients diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) from 2016 to 2019. RCC samples were obtained from 21 patients diagnosed with RCC from 2016 to 2021.
Sample Type:Bone marrow (Blood); Kidney (Tissue)


Treatment ID:TR003216
Treatment Summary:Not applicable.

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP003213
Sampleprep Summary:The AML and RCC samples for metabolome analysis were prepared in accordance with instructions from Human Metabolome Technologies (HMT).

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN005060 AN005061
Analysis type MS MS
Chromatography type CE CE
Chromatography system Agilent CE-TOFMS system Agilent CE-TOFMS system
Column Capillary: Fused silica capillary i.d. 50 μm × 80 cm Capillary: Fused silica capillary i.d. 50 μm × 80 cm
MS instrument type TOF TOF
MS instrument name Agilent CE-TOFMS Agilent CE-TOFMS
Units Relative peak area Relative peak area


Chromatography ID:CH003821
Chromatography Summary:The compounds were measured in the Cation and Anion modes of CE-TOFMS based metabolome analysis.
Instrument Name:Agilent CE-TOFMS system
Column Name:Capillary: Fused silica capillary i.d. 50 μm × 80 cm
Column Temperature:20 ℃
Flow Gradient:10 μL/min
Flow Rate:10 μL/min
Sample Injection:Pressure injection 50 mbar, 10 sec
Solvent A:50% acetonitrile/50% water; internal standards (20 μM)
Solvent B:-
Capillary Voltage:4,000 V (Cation Mode); 3,500 V (Anion Mode)
Running Buffer:Cation Buffer Solution (p/n : H3301-1001); Anion Buffer Solution (p/n : I3302-1023)
Running Voltage:30 kV
Sheath Liquid:HMT Sheath Liquid (p/n : H3301-1020)
Washing Buffer:Cation Buffer Solution (p/n : H3301-1001); Anion Buffer Solution (p/n : I3302-1023)
Chromatography Type:CE


MS ID:MS004798
Analysis ID:AN005060
Instrument Name:Agilent CE-TOFMS
Instrument Type:TOF
MS Comments:For the acute myeloid leukemia (AML) samples, 354 peaks, covering 243 peaks from Cation mode and 111 peaks from Anion mode, were detected, and among them, 185 peaks were annotated on the basis of HMT’s standard library and ‘Known-Unknown’ peak library:Peaks detected in CE-TOFMS analysis were extracted using automatic integration software (MasterHands ver. developed at Keio University) in order to obtain peak information including m/z, migration time (MT), and peak area. The peak area was then converted to relative peak area by the following equation. The peak detection limit was determined based on signal-noise ratio; S/N = 3. Relative Peak Area = Metabolite Peak Area / (Internal Standard Peak Area × Sample Amount)
MS ID:MS004799
Analysis ID:AN005061
Instrument Name:Agilent CE-TOFMS
Instrument Type:TOF
MS Comments:For the renal cell carcinoma (RCC) samples, 363 peaks, covering 243 peaks from Cation mode and 120 peaks from Anion mode, were detected; the 363 peaks were annotated using the same libraries as the AML samples. Peaks detected in the CE-TOFMS analysis were extracted using automatic integration software (MasterHands ver. developed at Keio University) in order to obtain peak information, which includes m/z, migration time (MT), and peak area. The peak area was then converted to relative peak area by the following equation. The peak detection limit was determined based on signal-noise ratio; S/N = 3. Relative Peak Area = Metabolite Peak Area / (Internal Standard Peak Area × Sample Amount)