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MB Sample ID: SA291189

Local Sample ID:20211025_Blank_Cowley3_Urine__HILICpos_4
Subject ID:SU002868
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116

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Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004487 AN004488 AN004489 AN004490
Analysis type MS MS MS MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase Reversed phase HILIC HILIC
Chromatography system Thermo Vanquish Thermo Vanquish Thermo Vanquish Thermo Vanquish
Column Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC-C18 (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7-Micron) Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7 micron; #689775-924) Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7 micron; #689775-924) Agilent InfiinityLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7 micron; #689775-924)
MS instrument type Orbitrap Orbitrap Orbitrap Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Units Area Area Area Area


Chromatography ID:CH003372
Chromatography Summary:This chromatography method was utilized for all C18 positive polarity runs in this study.
Instrument Name:Thermo Vanquish
Column Name:Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 EC-C18 (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7-Micron)
Column Temperature:25C
Flow Gradient:0-1 minutes at 98% A1/2% B1, 1-13 minutes from 98% A1/2% B1 to 10% A1/90% B1, 13-15 minutes at 10% A1/90% B1, 15-16 minutes from 10% A1/90% B1 to 98% A1/2% B1, and was re-equilibrated from 16-25 minutes at 98% A1/2% B1
Flow Rate:0.1 mL/minute
Internal Standard:Caffeine, 1-napthylamine, and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid were all added at 0.5 ng/ µL in the extraction buffer as internal standards
Solvent A:100% water, 0.2% acetic acid
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile, 0.2% acetic acid
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase
Chromatography ID:CH003373
Chromatography Summary:This chromatography method was utilized for all C18 negative polarity runs in this study.
Instrument Name:Thermo Vanquish
Column Name:Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7 micron; #689775-924)
Column Temperature:25C
Flow Gradient:0-1 minutes at 2% A/98% B, 1-11 minutes from 2% A/98% B to 30% A/70% B, 11-12 minutes from 30% A/70% B to 40% A/60% B, 12-16 minutes from 40% A/60% B to 95% A/5% B, was held at 95% A/5% B from 16-18 minutes, 18-20 minutes from 95% A/5% B to 2% A/98% B, and was re-equilibrated from 20-25 minutes at 2% A/98% B
Flow Rate:0.1 mL/minute
Internal Standard:Caffeine, 1-napthylamine, and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid were all added at 0.5 ng/ µL in the extraction buffer as internal standards
Solvent A:100% water, 0.2% acetic acid
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile, 0.2% acetic acid
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase
Chromatography ID:CH003374
Chromatography Summary:This chromatography method was utilized for all HILIC positive polarity runs in this study.
Instrument Name:Thermo Vanquish
Column Name:Agilent InfinityLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7 micron; #689775-924)
Column Temperature:25C
Flow Gradient:0-1 minutes at 2% A/98% B, 1-11 minutes from 2% A/98% B to 30% A/70% B, 11-12 minutes from 30% A/70% B to 40% A/60% B, 12-16 minutes from 40% A/60% B to 95% A/5% B, was held at 95% A/5% B from 16-18 minutes, 18-20 minutes from 95% A/5% B to 2% A/98% B, and was re-equilibrated from 20-25 minutes at 2% A/98% B
Flow Rate:0.1 mL/minute
Internal Standard:Caffeine, 1-napthylamine, and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid were all added at 0.5 ng/ µL in the extraction buffer as internal standards
Solvent A:10 mM ammonium formate in H2O with 0.1% formic acid (Solvent A2)
Solvent B:90% ACN with 10 mM ammonium formate in H2O with 0.1% formic acid (Solvent B2)
Chromatography Type:HILIC
Chromatography ID:CH003375
Chromatography Summary:This chromatography method was utilized for all HILIC negative polarity runs in this study.
Instrument Name:Thermo Vanquish
Column Name:Agilent InfiinityLab Poroshell 120 HILIC-Z (2.1 x 50 mm; 2.7 micron; #689775-924)
Column Temperature:25C
Flow Gradient:0-1 minutes at 2% A/98% B, 1-11 minutes from 2% A/98% B to 30% A/70% B, 11-12 minutes from 30% A/70% B to 40% A/60% B, 12-16 minutes from 40% A/60% B to 95% A/5% B, was held at 95% A/5% B from 16-18 minutes, 18-20 minutes from 95% A/5% B to 2% A/98% B, and was re-equilibrated from 20-25 minutes at 2% A/98% B
Flow Rate:0.1 mL/minute
Internal Standard:Caffeine, 1-napthylamine, and 9-anthracene carboxylic acid were all added at 0.5 ng/ µL in the extraction buffer as internal standards
Solvent A:10 mM ammonium acetate in H2O, pH 9.0 with 0.1% AffinityLab Deactivator Inhibitor (Agilent, #5191-3940; Solvent A3)
Solvent B:85% ACN with 10 mM ammonium acetate in H2O with 0.1% AffinityLab Deactivator Inhibitor (Solvent B3)
Chromatography Type:HILIC