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MB Sample ID: SA209473

Local Sample ID:326
Subject ID:SU002266
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and female

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Collection ID:CO002259
Collection Summary:The study is a longitudinal, randomized crossover design in which 18 consented participants (8 men and 10 women) had their diets periodically supplemented with two fibers, arabinoxylan (AX) and long-chain inulin, and a mixture of fibers consisting of equal parts AX, LCI, acacia gum, glucomannans, and resistant starch. Participants were randomized to consume either AX or LCI first, and the mixed fibers were always administered last. For each of the fiber cycles, blood, urine and stool samples were collected at seven timepoints: baseline, end of week one, end of week two, end of week three, day 3 after end of supplementation and day 10 after end of supplementation. Blood was fractionated into plasma, serum and peripheral blood mononucleotide cells (PBMCs). Lipidomics was performed on the plasma fraction of the blood. Once all samples were in the correct aliquots, they were stored at -80C. Samples were only thawed when prepared for analysis for each of the respective omics assay which were all performed within 5 years of collecting the samples.
Sample Type:Blood (plasma)