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MB Sample ID: SA323305

Local Sample ID:CSH_R13_Post_FMT_Neg
Subject ID:SU003090
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Age Or Age Range:61.1 +/- 15.2
Gender:Male and female
Human Lifestyle Factors:Unsuccessful antibiotic treatment for recurrent C.difficile infection
Human Medications:Vancomycin, Metronidazole, Fidaxomicin, probiotic

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Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004887 AN004888 AN004889 AN004890
Analysis type MS MS MS MS
Chromatography type HILIC HILIC Reversed phase Reversed phase
Chromatography system Thermo Vanquish Thermo Vanquish Thermo Vanquish Thermo Vanquish
Column Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH Amide (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um) Waters ACQUITY UPLC BEH Amide (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um) Waters ACQUITY UPLC CSH C18 (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um) Waters ACQUITY UPLC CSH C18 (100 x 2.1mm,1.7um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap Orbitrap Orbitrap Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid
Units Peak area Peak area Peak area Peak area


MS ID:MS004631
Analysis ID:AN004887
Instrument Name:Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Mass spectrometer settings were as follows: sheath gas, 40; aux gas, 10; sweep gas, 1; ion transfer tube temp, 325 ºC; vaporizer temp, 300 ºC; orbitrap resolution. 120000; scan range, 70-800 m/z; RF lens, 45%; normalized AGC target, 25%; maximum injection time, auto; microscans, 1; data type, profile; internal mass calibration, EASY-ICTM. Positive ion spray voltage was set to 3200 V. Instrument settings for MS1 and MS/MS methods were identical, except orbitrap resolution was decreased to maximize MS/MS spectra collection. The data-dependent MS/MS methods utilized the following settings: full scan orbitrap resolution, 60000; intensity threshold, 1.0x104; dynamic exclusion properties; exclusion duration 3 seconds (exclude after 1 time with +/- 5 ppm); isolation mode, quadrupole; isolation window, 1.2 m/z; activation type, HCD; collision energy mode, assisted; collision energies, 20, 40, and 80%; detector type, orbitrap; orbitrap resolution, 30000; normalized AGC target, 20%; maximum injection time, 54 ms; microscans, 1; data type, centroid; cycle time, 1.2 s.
Capillary Temperature:325
Collision Energy:20, 40, 80
Collision Gas:N2
Dry Gas Flow:Sheath: 40, Aux: 10, Sweep: 1
Fragmentation Method:Assisted
Ion Source Temperature:300
Ion Spray Voltage:+3200
Mass Accuracy:120,000
Automatic Gain Control:45%
MS ID:MS004632
Analysis ID:AN004888
Instrument Name:Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Mass spectrometer settings were as follows: sheath gas, 40; aux gas, 10; sweep gas, 1; ion transfer tube temp, 325 ºC; vaporizer temp, 300 ºC; orbitrap resolution. 120000; scan range, 70-800 m/z; RF lens, 45%; normalized AGC target, 25%; maximum injection time, auto; microscans, 1; data type, profile; internal mass calibration, EASY-ICTM. Positive ion spray voltage was set to -3200 V. Instrument settings for MS1 and MS/MS methods were identical, except orbitrap resolution was decreased to maximize MS/MS spectra collection. The data-dependent MS/MS methods utilized the following settings: full scan orbitrap resolution, 60000; intensity threshold, 1.0x104; dynamic exclusion properties; exclusion duration 3 seconds (exclude after 1 time with +/- 5 ppm); isolation mode, quadrupole; isolation window, 1.2 m/z; activation type, HCD; collision energy mode, assisted; collision energies, 20, 40, and 80%; detector type, orbitrap; orbitrap resolution, 30000; normalized AGC target, 20%; maximum injection time, 54 ms; microscans, 1; data type, centroid; cycle time, 1.2 s.
Capillary Temperature:325
Collision Energy:20, 40, 80
Collision Gas:N2
Dry Gas Flow:Sheath: 40, Aux: 10, Sweep: 1
Fragmentation Method:Assisted
Ion Source Temperature:300
Ion Spray Voltage:-3200
Mass Accuracy:120,000
Automatic Gain Control:45%
MS ID:MS004633
Analysis ID:AN004889
Instrument Name:Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Mass spectrometer settings were as follows: sheath gas, 40; aux gas, 10; sweep gas, 1; ion transfer tube temp, 325 ºC; vaporizer temp, 300 ºC; orbitrap resolution. 120000; scan range, 70-800 m/z; RF lens, 45%; normalized AGC target, 25%; maximum injection time, auto; microscans, 1; data type, profile; internal mass calibration, EASY-ICTM. Positive ion spray voltage was set to 3200 V. Instrument settings for MS1 and MS/MS methods were identical, except orbitrap resolution was decreased to maximize MS/MS spectra collection. The data-dependent MS/MS methods utilized the following settings: full scan orbitrap resolution, 60000; intensity threshold, 1.0x104; dynamic exclusion properties; exclusion duration 3 seconds (exclude after 1 time with +/- 5 ppm); isolation mode, quadrupole; isolation window, 1.2 m/z; activation type, HCD; collision energy mode, assisted; collision energies, 20, 40, and 80%; detector type, orbitrap; orbitrap resolution, 30000; normalized AGC target, 20%; maximum injection time, 54 ms; microscans, 1; data type, centroid; cycle time, 1.2 s.
Capillary Temperature:325
Collision Energy:20, 40, 80
Collision Gas:N2
Dry Gas Flow:Sheath: 40, Aux: 10, Sweep: 1
Fragmentation Method:Assisted
Ion Source Temperature:300
Ion Spray Voltage:+3200
Mass Accuracy:120,000
Automatic Gain Control:45%
MS ID:MS004634
Analysis ID:AN004890
Instrument Name:Thermo Orbitrap ID-X Tribrid
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:Mass spectrometer settings were as follows: sheath gas, 40; aux gas, 10; sweep gas, 1; ion transfer tube temp, 325 ºC; vaporizer temp, 300 ºC; orbitrap resolution. 120000; scan range, 70-800 m/z; RF lens, 45%; normalized AGC target, 25%; maximum injection time, auto; microscans, 1; data type, profile; internal mass calibration, EASY-ICTM. Positive ion spray voltage was set to -3200 V. Instrument settings for MS1 and MS/MS methods were identical, except orbitrap resolution was decreased to maximize MS/MS spectra collection. The data-dependent MS/MS methods utilized the following settings: full scan orbitrap resolution, 60000; intensity threshold, 1.0x104; dynamic exclusion properties; exclusion duration 3 seconds (exclude after 1 time with +/- 5 ppm); isolation mode, quadrupole; isolation window, 1.2 m/z; activation type, HCD; collision energy mode, assisted; collision energies, 20, 40, and 80%; detector type, orbitrap; orbitrap resolution, 30000; normalized AGC target, 20%; maximum injection time, 54 ms; microscans, 1; data type, centroid; cycle time, 1.2 s.
Capillary Temperature:325
Collision Energy:20, 40, 80
Collision Gas:N2
Dry Gas Flow:Sheath: 40, Aux: 10, Sweep: 1
Fragmentation Method:Assisted
Ion Source Temperature:300
Ion Spray Voltage:+3200
Mass Accuracy:120,000
Automatic Gain Control:45%