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MB Sample ID: SA086812

Local Sample ID:7-R29
Subject ID:SU001291
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Sus scrofa
Taxonomy ID:9823
Age Or Age Range:2 days after birth
Weight Or Weight Range:above 1.3Kg at birth
Animal Animal Supplier:Purdue University Animal Sciences Research and Education Swine facility
Animal Housing:Education Swine facility
Animal Water:ad libitum
Animal Inclusion Criteria:Three to four gilts above 1.3Kg at birth were selected per litter from eight different sows which were monitored during parturition

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP001299
Sampleprep Summary:The Bligh & Dyer lipid extraction technique was slightly modified to extract lipids from the vaginal swab samples. A volume of 500 µl distilled water was added to the conical tube containing the swab brushes and vortexed to remove biological material from the brush. The brushes were removed, the sample homogenate was transferred to a new tube, and phase separation was performed by mixing with chloroform/methanol/distilled water (1:2:0.8). Samples were centrifuged, the organic phase (bottom phase) was separated from aqueous phase, divided into four aliquots, and dried in a centrifugal evaporator (Savant SpeedVac AES2010, ThermoFisher Scientific, San Jose, CA). Dried lipid extracts were stored at -20˚C until mass spectrometry analysis. The Bligh & Dyer lipid extraction technique was also used to extract lipids from 48 h serum samples from suckled and bottle-fed piglets; colostrum samples taken from all eight sows (during parturition, 6 h after first piglet born, 12 h after, and 24 h after); and milk replacer used for bottle-feeding. The procedure for these samples began at the phase separation step (i.e. no water was added to the samples).
Processing Storage Conditions:Room temperature
Extraction Method:Bligh & Dyer
Extract Storage:-80℃
Sample Resuspension:acetonitrile/methanol/ammonium acetate 300 mM at 3:6.65:0.35 (v/v)
Sample Derivatization:none
Sample Spiking:none