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MB Sample ID: SA184025

Local Sample ID:6D_T4_I2_G2_L1
Subject ID:SU002028
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116
Genotype Strain:Sprague-Dawley
Age Or Age Range:8 weeks
Weight Or Weight Range:250-450 g
Gender:Male and female
Animal Animal Supplier:Charles River
Animal Light Cycle:12 h reverse light-dark cycles
Animal Feed:ad libitum
Animal Water:ad libitum

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Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002034
Sampleprep Summary:A standard spiked IPA solution was prepared with 250 µL of SPLASH II Lipidomix and 14.750 mL of IPA. Serum samples were thawed on ice for one hour prior to the addition of the IPA solution in a 1:3 v/v ratio to separate lipids and small non-polar metabolites from proteins. Mixtures of serum and IPA solution were vortexed for 10 s and centrifuged at 16000g for 7 min. The supernatant was then collected for LC-MS analysis. Sample blanks were prepared with 50 µL of LC-MS grade water, and pooled QC samples were prepared from 5 µL aliquots of all study subject serum samples. Serum reference samples from uninjured Sprague-Dawley rat serum were processed in the same manner as study subject serum samples.