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MB Sample ID: SA183954

Local Sample ID:11B_T2_I3_G2_L1
Subject ID:SU002028
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116
Genotype Strain:Sprague-Dawley
Age Or Age Range:8 weeks
Weight Or Weight Range:250-450 g
Gender:Male and female
Animal Animal Supplier:Charles River
Animal Light Cycle:12 h reverse light-dark cycles
Animal Feed:ad libitum
Animal Water:ad libitum

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Treatment ID:TR002040
Treatment Summary:A CCI device (Pittsburgh Precision Instruments, Pittsburgh, PA) was used to induce single and repetitive closed-head injuries to the cortex. Prior to injuries, all rat groups were anesthetized with isoflurane (induction: 5% isoflurane; maintenance: 2-3% isoflurane) and a toe pinch was administered to evaluate loss of consciousness and ensure minimal pain during injury. A pneumatic piston on the CCI device with a 5 mm tip diameter was positioned 15 degrees below the vertical axis of the coronal plane to induce injury to the closed skull, 30 s after removal of the isoflurane supply. All injury groups received impacts from the pneumatic piston at a velocity of 5 m/s. The single impact injury group received one injury with a 5 mm head displacement. The repeat injury group received a total of 3 injuries at 2 min intervals, with head displacements of 5 mm, 2 mm, and 2 mm, respectively. Sham-operated animals received a treatment identical to injured animals but excluding the injury procedure. Following final injury, time-to-right was recorded, and animals were monitored to survey the presence of neurological deficits. Animals were returned to home cages and singly housed with soft bedding during recovery.