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MB Sample ID: SA237516

Local Sample ID:428
Subject ID:SU002470
Subject Type:Bacteria
Subject Species:Ruegeria pomeroyi

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Treatment ID:TR002482
Treatment Summary:Mutants of Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 were grown on minimal medium containing a single substrate as sole carbon source, they were screened for their ability to drawdown this target substrate. Screens were performed in L1 minimal medium modified to a salinity of 20 and amended with ammonium (3 mM) and kanamycin (50 ug ml-1). For each mutant-substrate pair, 3 replicate 220 µl cultures were prepared in 96 well plates by inoculating 3 ul of washed (3x) overnight mutant cultures into minimal medium containing the candidate substrate at 8 mM carbon concentration. Cultures were grown shaking at 25oC for 24 h or 36 h, depending on the growth rate supported by the carbon source. As a positive control, four wells with the same medium were inoculated with washed overnight cultures of the pooled-BarSeq library, used as a proxy for wild-type R. pomeroyi fitness but harboring a transposon/kanamycin resistance gene insertion.
Treatment Protocol Filename:3_Treatment protocol_UGA_mutant_Nov2022.docx