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MB Sample ID: SA247044

Local Sample ID:spl_spf_12_F_3
Subject ID:SU002555
Subject Type:Mammal
Subject Species:Mus musculus
Taxonomy ID:10090
Age Or Age Range:3-12 weeks
Animal Animal Supplier:In house breeding
Animal Housing:Germ-free and gnotobiotic isolators for germ and gnotobiotic mice. Individually ventilated cages for specific pathogen free mice
Animal Light Cycle:12 hours
Animal Feed:LabDiet (Cat# 5010; Laboratory Autoclavable Rodent Diet)

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Treatment ID:TR002567
Treatment Summary:GF and OMM12-colonized gnotobiotic mice were housed in flexible-film isolators within the International Microbiome Centre (IMC) and SPF mice were maintained in the Mouse Barrier Unit (MBU) at the University of Calgary. GF mice were routinely tested for the absence of bacteria by aerobic and anaerobic culture, gram staining, and vital dye (DNA-dye Sytox green) staining of caecal contents and all mice were routinely screened for the presence of pathogens. For SPF colonization by co-housing, 8-week-old GF animals were exported, transferred into sterile individually ventilated cages and transported from the IMC to the MBU where a colonizer SPF mouse was transferred into each cage. For OMM12 colonization by co-housing, 8-week-old GF animals were transferred into isolators containing OMM12-colonized mice and an OMM12-colonized mouse was added to each cage. All animals were fed identical autoclaved diets and maintained with 12-hour light-dark cycle.