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MB Sample ID: SA295631

Local Sample ID:Right_Retina_1_NEG
Subject ID:SU002882
Subject Type:Fish
Subject Species:Danio rerio
Taxonomy ID:7955
Gender:Male and female

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Treatment ID:TR002891
Treatment Summary:For optic nerve crush, animals were deeply anesthetized in 0.033% tricaine methane-sulfonate (MS-222). The right optic nerve was exposed by gently removing the connective tissue on the dorsal half of the eye and rotating the eye ventrally out of the orbit with a number 5 forceps. A nerve crush was then performed using number 5 forceps to crush the nerve ~0.5–1 mm from the optic nerve head for 5 s. Success was observed by the generation of a translucent stripe in the nerve that completely separated two areas of white myelination with no bleeding. Fish were then revived in fresh aquatic system water in individual tanks. After 1 h the tanks were returned to the fish system and animals were maintained normally with daily feeding until 3 days post injury.