Summary of Study ST002002
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001269. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8PD9N This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
Study ID | ST002002 |
Study Title | A case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (Part 3) |
Study Summary | Targeted and untargeted metabolomics analysis consisting of 888 metabolic analytes covering primary metabolites, biogenic amines, complex lipids, and oxylipins in 106 ME/CFS cases and 91 frequency-matched healthy controls. |
Institute | Columbia University |
Department | Center for Infection and Immunity |
Laboratory | Center for Infection and Immunity |
Last Name | Lipkin |
First Name | W. Ian |
Address | 722 W. 168th St., 17th Floor, New York, NY, 10032 | | |
Phone | 212-342-9033 |
Submit Date | 2021-11-23 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | d |
Analysis Type Detail | LC-MS |
Release Date | 2021-12-08 |
Release Version | 1 |
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Project ID: | PR001269 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8PD9N |
Project Title: | Case-control study on plasma metabolomics analysis in Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) |
Project Summary: | Targeted and untargeted metabolomics analysis consisting of 888 metabolic analytes covering primary metabolites, biogenic amines, complex lipids, and oxylipins in 106 ME/CFS cases and 91 frequency-matched healthy controls. |
Institute: | Columbia University |
Department: | Center for Infection and Immunity |
Last Name: | Lipkin |
First Name: | W. Ian |
Address: | 722 W. 168th St., 17th Floor, New York, NY, 10032 |
Email: | |
Phone: | 212-342-9033 |
Funding Source: | This study was funded by National Institutes of Health U54 AI138370 (Center for Solutions for ME/CFS) |
Subject ID: | SU002083 |
Subject Type: | Human |
Subject Species: | Homo sapiens |
Taxonomy ID: | 9606 |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Human; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | treatment |
SA187222 | GH025_157 | case |
SA187223 | GH024_156 | case |
SA187224 | CD067_084 | case |
SA187225 | CD064_082 | case |
SA187226 | CD065_083 | case |
SA187227 | CD073_089 | case |
SA187228 | CD074_090 | case |
SA187229 | GH019_153 | case |
SA187230 | GH017_152 | case |
SA187231 | GH021_154 | case |
SA187232 | GH022_155 | case |
SA187233 | CD075_091 | case |
SA187234 | CD076_092 | case |
SA187235 | CD063_081 | case |
SA187236 | CD059_079 | case |
SA187237 | CD039_064 | case |
SA187238 | GH053_170 | case |
SA187239 | GH054_171 | case |
SA187240 | CD035_061 | case |
SA187241 | GH058_173 | case |
SA187242 | CD041_066 | case |
SA187243 | GH049_168 | case |
SA187244 | CD055_077 | case |
SA187245 | GH037_161 | case |
SA187246 | CD053_076 | case |
SA187247 | GH040_164 | case |
SA187248 | GH042_166 | case |
SA187249 | CD083_097 | case |
SA187250 | AB003_001 | case |
SA187251 | EF031_123 | case |
SA187252 | EF032_124 | case |
SA187253 | EF029_122 | case |
SA187254 | EF028_121 | case |
SA187255 | EF024_118 | case |
SA187256 | EF026_119 | case |
SA187257 | EF033_125 | case |
SA187258 | EF034_126 | case |
SA187259 | EF043_131 | case |
SA187260 | GH002-2_142 | case |
SA187261 | EF041_130 | case |
SA187262 | GH004_143 | case |
SA187263 | EF035_127 | case |
SA187264 | EF023_117 | case |
SA187265 | EF020_116 | case |
SA187266 | EF004_105 | case |
SA187267 | EF005_106 | case |
SA187268 | EF003_104 | case |
SA187269 | EF001_102 | case |
SA187270 | GH060_174 | case |
SA187271 | GH008_146 | case |
SA187272 | EF010_110 | case |
SA187273 | EF017_114 | case |
SA187274 | EF019_115 | case |
SA187275 | EF013_113 | case |
SA187276 | EF012_112 | case |
SA187277 | EF011_111 | case |
SA187278 | CD084_098 | case |
SA187279 | CD043_068 | case |
SA187280 | IJ043_189 | case |
SA187281 | AB047_026 | case |
SA187282 | IJ044_190 | case |
SA187283 | IJ046_191 | case |
SA187284 | AB037_020 | case |
SA187285 | IJ047_192 | case |
SA187286 | AB049_027 | case |
SA187287 | AB050_028 | case |
SA187288 | IJ013_184 | case |
SA187289 | IJ009_182 | case |
SA187290 | IJ014_185 | case |
SA187291 | AB055_031 | case |
SA187292 | IJ030_187 | case |
SA187293 | CD030_058 | case |
SA187294 | AB036_019 | case |
SA187295 | AB034_018 | case |
SA187296 | AB010_006 | case |
SA187297 | AB012_007 | case |
SA187298 | AB009-2_005 | case |
SA187299 | AB008_004 | case |
SA187300 | AB004_002 | case |
SA187301 | AB006_003 | case |
SA187302 | AB014_008 | case |
SA187303 | AB017_009 | case |
SA187304 | IJ052_194 | case |
SA187305 | IJ049_193 | case |
SA187306 | IJ059_195 | case |
SA187307 | AB023_011 | case |
SA187308 | AB022_010 | case |
SA187309 | IJ006_181 | case |
SA187310 | AB052_030 | case |
SA187311 | CD016_048 | case |
SA187312 | CD015_047 | case |
SA187313 | CD014_046 | case |
SA187314 | IJ001_178 | case |
SA187315 | CD001-2_038 | case |
SA187316 | CD019-2_050 | case |
SA187317 | CD027_056 | case |
SA187318 | CD024_053 | case |
SA187319 | CD022_052 | case |
SA187320 | CD020_051 | case |
SA187321 | CD011_044 | case |
Collection ID: | CO002076 |
Collection Summary: | Plasma was collected from case and control patients. |
Sample Type: | Blood (plasma) |
Treatment ID: | TR002095 |
Treatment Summary: | Case versus control |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP002089 |
Sampleprep Summary: | Extraction of plasma lipids is based on the “Maytash'' method [1] which was subsequently modified. Extraction is carried out using a bi-phasic solvent system of cold methanol, methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and water. In more detail, cold methanol (225 µL) containing a mixture of odd chain and deuterated lipid internal standards [lysoPE(17:1), lysoPC(17:0), PC(12:0/13:0), PE(17:0/17:0), PG(17:0/17:0), sphingosine (d17:1), d7-cholesterol, SM(17:0), C17 ceramide, d3-palmitic acid, MG(17:0/0:0/0:0), DG(18:1/2:0/0:0), DG(12:0/12:0/0:0), and d5-TG(17:0/17:1/17:0)] is added to a 20 µL sample aliquot, which is placed into a 1.5 mL Eppendorf tube, and the tube is vortexed for 10 s. Then, 750 µL of cold MTBE containing CE(22:1) (internal standard) are added, followed by vortexing for 10 s. and shaking for 6 min. at 4ºC. Phase separation is induced by adding 188 µL of mass spec-grade water. After vortexing for 20 s. The sample is centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 2 min. The upper organic phase is collected in two 300 µL aliquots. One is stored at -20ºC as a backup and the other is evaporated to dryness in a SpeedVac. Dried extracts are resuspended using a mixture of methanol/toluene (9:1, v/v) (60 µL) containing an internal standard [12-[[(cyclohexylamino)carbonyl]amino]-dodecanoic acid (CUDA)] used as a quality control. |
Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN003265 |
Analysis type | MS |
Chromatography type | Unspecified |
Chromatography system | Agilent 6530 B |
Column | Waters CSH |
MS Type | ESI |
MS instrument type | QTOF |
MS instrument name | Agilent 6530 QTOF |
Units | normalized peak height |
Chromatography ID: | CH002409 |
Chromatography Summary: | The LC/QTOFMS analyses are performed using an Agilent 1290 Infinity LC system (G4220A binary pump, G4226A autosampler, and G1316C Column Thermostat) coupled to either an Agilent 6530 (positive ion mode) or an Agilent 6550 mass spectrometer equipped with an ion funnel (iFunnel) (negative ion mode). Lipids are separated on an Acquity UPLC CSH C18 column (100 x 2.1 mm; 1.7 µm) maintained at 65°C at a flow-rate of 0.6 mL/min. Solvent pre-heating (Agilent G1316) was used. The mobile phases consist of 60:40 acetonitrile:water with 10 mM ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid (A) and 90:10 propan-2-ol:acetonitrile with 10 mM ammonium formate and 0.1% formic acid. The gradient is as follows: 0 min 85% (A); 0–2 min 70% (A); 2–2.5 min 52% (A); 2.5–11 min 18% (A); 11–11.5 min 1% (A); 11.5–12 min 1% (A); 12–12.1 min 85% (A); 12.1–15 min 85% (A). A sample volume of 3 µL is used for the injection. Sample temperature is maintained at 4°C in the autosampler. The quadrupole/time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometers are operated with electrospray ionization (ESI) performing full scan in the mass range m/z 65–1700 in positive (Agilent 6530, equipped with a JetStreamSource) and negative (Agilent 6550, equipped with a dual JetStream Source) modes producing both unique and complementary spectra. Instrument parameters are as follows (positive mode) Gas Temp 325°C, Gas Flow 8 l/min, Nebulizer 35 psig, Sheath Gas 350°C, Sheath Gas Flow 11, Capillary Voltage 3500 V, Nozzle Voltage 1000V, Fragmentor 120V, Skimmer 65V. Data (both profile and centroid) are collected at a rate of 2 scans per second. In negative ion mode, Gas Temp 200°C, Gas Flow 14 l/min, Fragmentor 175V, with the other parameters identical to positive ion mode. For the 6530 QTOF, a reference solution generating ions of 121.050 and 922.007 m/z in positive mode and 119.036 and 966.0007 m/z in negative mode, and these are used for continuous mass correction. For the 6550, the reference solution is introduced via a dual spray ESI, with the same ions and continuous mass correction. Samples are injected (1.7 μl in positive mode and 5 μl in negative ion mode) with a needle wash for 20 seconds (wash solvent is isopropanol). The valve is switched back and forth during the run for washing; this has been shown to be essential for reducing carryover of less polar lipids. |
Instrument Name: | Agilent 6530 B |
Column Name: | Waters CSH |
Chromatography Type: | Unspecified |
MS ID: | MS003037 |
Analysis ID: | AN003265 |
Instrument Name: | Agilent 6530 QTOF |
Instrument Type: | QTOF |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | The quadrupole/time-of-flight (QTOF) mass spectrometers are operated with electrospray ionization (ESI) performing full scan in the mass range m/z 65–1700 in positive (Agilent 6530, equipped with a JetStreamSource) and negative (Agilent 6550, equipped with a dual JetStream Source) modes producing both unique and complementary spectra. Instrument parameters are as follows (positive mode) Gas Temp 325°C, Gas Flow 8 l/min, Nebulizer 35 psig, Sheath Gas 350°C, Sheath Gas Flow 11, Capillary Voltage 3500 V, Nozzle Voltage 1000V, Fragmentor 120V, Skimmer 65V. Data (both profile and centroid) are collected at a rate of 2 scans per second. In negative ion mode, Gas Temp 200°C, Gas Flow 14 l/min, Fragmentor 175V, with the other parameters identical to positive ion mode. For the 6530 QTOF, a reference solution generating ions of 121.050 and 922.007 m/z in positive mode and 119.036 and 966.0007 m/z in negative mode, and these are used for continuous mass correction. For the 6550, the reference solution is introduced via a dual spray ESI, with the same ions and continuous mass correction. |