Summary of Study ST002565

This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001653. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M81Q6Q This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.


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Study IDST002565
Study TitleMetabolomic profiling of PMM2-CDG after siRNA mediated KD of AKR1b1 - 13C6 glucose and fructose study
Study SummaryAbnormal polyol metabolism has been predominantly associated with diabetes, where excess glucose is converted to sorbitol by aldose reductase (AR). Recently, abnormal polyol metabolism has also been implicated in phosphomannomutase 2-congenital disorder of glycosylation (PMM2-CDG), and epalrestat, an AR inhibitor, proposed as a potential therapy for this disorder. Given that the PMM enzyme is not closely connected to polyol metabolism, and, unlike in diabetes, PMM2-CDG does not present with hyperglycemia in blood, the increased polyol production, and the therapeutic mechanism of epalrestat in PMM2-CDG remained largely elusive. PMM2-CDG is caused by deficiency of the PMM enzyme and results in a depletion of mannose-1-P and guanosine diphosphate mannose (GDP-mannose), which is essential for glycosylation. Here, we show that apart from glycosylation abnormalities, PMM2 deficiency also leads to changes in intracellular glucose flux, which results in an increase in intracellular polyols. Ssing tracer glucose studies, we demonstrate that AR inhibition diverts glucose flux away from polyol production towards the synthesis of sugar nucleotides.
Mayo Clinic
Last NameRadenkovic
First NameSilvia
Address200 2nd Ave SW Rochester MN, USA
Phone507(77) 6-6107
Submit Date2023-04-18
Raw Data AvailableYes
Raw Data File Type(s)mzML
Analysis Type DetailLC-MS
Release Date2023-07-18
Release Version1
Silvia Radenkovic Silvia Radenkovic application/zip

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Project ID:PR001653
Project DOI:doi: 10.21228/M81Q6Q
Project Title:Metabolomic profiling of PMM2-CDG zebrafish in presence and absence of epalrestat
Project Summary:Abnormal polyol metabolism has been predominantly associated with diabetes, where excess glucose is converted to sorbitol by aldose reductase (AR). Recently, abnormal polyol metabolism has also been implicated in phosphomannomutase 2-congenital disorder of glycosylation (PMM2-CDG), and epalrestat, an AR inhibitor, proposed as a potential therapy for this disorder. Given that the PMM enzyme is not closely connected to polyol metabolism, and, unlike in diabetes, PMM2-CDG does not present with hyperglycemia in blood, the increased polyol production, and the therapeutic mechanism of epalrestat in PMM2-CDG remained largely elusive. PMM2-CDG is caused by deficiency of the PMM enzyme and results in a depletion of mannose-1-P and guanosine diphosphate mannose (GDP-mannose), which is essential for glycosylation. Here, we show that apart from glycosylation abnormalities, PMM2 deficiency also leads to changes in intracellular glucose flux, which results in an increase in intracellular polyols. Targeting AR with epalrestat decreases polyol levels and increases GDP-mannose in vivo in pmm2 mutant zebrafish.
Institute:Mayo Clinic
Last Name:Radenkovic
First Name:Silvia
Address:200 2nd Ave SW Rochester MN, USA
Phone:507(77) 6-6107
Funding Source:NIH, KU Leuven
Publications:Tracer metabolomics reveals the role of aldose reductase in glycosylation
Contributors:Silvia Radenkovic, Anna N. Ligezka, Sneha S. Mokashi, Karen Driesen, Lynn Dukes-Rimsky, Graeme Preston, Luckio F. Owuocha, Leila Sabbagh, Jehan Mousa, Christina Lam, Andrew Edmondson, Austin Larson, Matthew Schultz, Pieter Vermeersch, David Cassiman, Peter Witters, Lesa J. Beamer, Tamas Kozicz, Heather Flanagan-Steet, Bart Ghesquière, Eva Morava


Subject ID:SU002666
Subject Type:Cultured cells
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Genotype Strain:WT/PMM2-CDG
Age Or Age Range:40-45
Species Group:Mammals


Subject type: Cultured cells; Subject species: Homo sapiens (Factor headings shown in green)

mb_sample_id local_sample_id Genotype Treatment
SA257927SR08PMM2-CDG 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257928SR04PMM2-CDG 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257929SR03PMM2-CDG 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257930SR07PMM2-CDG 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257931SR05PMM2-CDG 12C fructose+13C fructose
SA257932SR06PMM2-CDG 12C fructose+13C fructose
SA257933SR02PMM2-CDG 13C glu + 12C fructose
SA257934SR01PMM2-CDG 13C glu + 12C fructose
SA257935SR10PMM2-CDG 5.5mM 13C glucose
SA257936SR09PMM2-CDG 5.5mM 13C glucose
SA257937SR11PMM2-CDG 5.5mM glucose +
SA257938SR12PMM2-CDG 5.5mM glucose +
SA257939SR19WT 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257940SR16WT 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257941SR15WT 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257942SR20WT 12C fructose + 12C glucose
SA257943SR18WT 12C fructose+13C fructose
SA257944SR17WT 12C fructose+13C fructose
SA257945SR13WT 13C glu + 12C fructose
SA257946SR14WT 13C glu + 12C fructose
SA257947SR24WT 5.5mM 13C glucose
SA257948SR23WT 5.5mM 13C glucose
SA257949SR22WT 5.5mM glucose +
SA257950SR21WT 5.5mM glucose +
Showing results 1 to 24 of 24


Collection ID:CO002659
Collection Summary:Cells were washed with PBS, cells were incubated with extraction buffer for 2min before scraping and transferring to a fresh eppendorf. Samples were precipitated overnight at -80, then they were centrifuged at max rpm, 20min, 4 degrees C and supernatant transferred to an M/S vial.
Sample Type:Fibroblasts
Storage Conditions:-80℃


Treatment ID:TR002678
Treatment Summary:Cells were treated with 12C/13C glucose +/- 12C/13C fructose

Sample Preparation:

Sampleprep ID:SP002672
Sampleprep Summary:Metabolites were extracted with 80% Methanol and IS (d27 myristic acid)
Processing Storage Conditions:-80℃
Extract Storage:-80℃

Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN004226
Analysis type MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase
Chromatography system Waters Acquity
Column Waters ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 (150 x 2.1mm,1.8um)
MS instrument type Orbitrap
MS instrument name Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Units AUC


Chromatography ID:CH003135
Chromatography Summary:C18 iP REVERSE PHASE
Instrument Name:Waters Acquity
Column Name:Waters ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 (150 x 2.1mm,1.8um)
Column Temperature:40
Flow Gradient:The gradient started with 5% of solvent B and 95% solvent A and remained at 5% B until 2 min post injection. A linear gradient to 37% B was carried out until 7 min and increased to 41% until 14 min. Between 14 and 26 minutes the gradient increased to 95% of B and remained at 95% B for 4 minutes. At 30 min the gradient returned to 5% B. The chromatography was stopped at 40 min.
Flow Rate:0.25 mL/min
Solvent A:100% water; 10mM tributylamine; 15mM acetic acid
Solvent B:100% methanol
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase


MS ID:MS003973
Analysis ID:AN004226
Instrument Name:Thermo Q Exactive Orbitrap
Instrument Type:Orbitrap
MS Comments:El-Maven polly, ThermoFisher Xcalibur; Metabolites were annotated using the inhouse standard metabolite library- elution time and m/z values.