Summary of Study ST002639
This data is available at the NIH Common Fund's National Metabolomics Data Repository (NMDR) website, the Metabolomics Workbench,, where it has been assigned Project ID PR001020. The data can be accessed directly via it's Project DOI: 10.21228/M8V97D This work is supported by NIH grant, U2C- DK119886.
This study contains a large results data set and is not available in the mwTab file. It is only available for download via FTP as data file(s) here.
Study ID | ST002639 |
Study Title | MoTrPAC: Endurance exercise training study in young adult rats, Tissue:Hippocampus - Untargeted Reversed-Phase Positive |
Study Summary | The goal of the endurance exercise training study in young adult rats (internal code: PASS1B-06) was to perform exercise training studies in adult (6 month) F344 rats, and from these rats collect as many tissues as feasible in order to provide high quality samples for detailed analysis by chemical analysis sites. Tissues were collected from 10-12 rats sedentary control rats concurrent with the collection of the 8-week training groups. The 8-week training group and controls were from the same cohort and same age at euthanasia (either 8). For the older age group, an additional set of controls (n=5-6) were collected with the 1-2 week training group. Rats were either sedentary or underwent an exercise training program. Rats were exercised on the rodent treadmill 5 days per week using a progressive training protocol designed to exercise the rats at approximately 70% of VO2max as outlined in the Table on the next page. Training was performed no earlier than 10:00 am and no later than 5:00 pm over 5 consecutive days per week. Training was initiated with the treadmill set at 70% of VO2 max (see tables) and 5 degrees grade for 20 minutes. The duration of exercise was increased by one minute each day until day 31 of training (start of week 7), when a duration of 50 min was reached. Speed and grade of each training session increased in larger increments due to treadmill parameters. The highest intensity and duration of training began on day 31. This intensity was maintained for the final 10 days of the protocol to ensure steady state had been achieved. If any rats were unable to perform at least 4 days of training per week they were removed from the study and euthanized. It is important to note that the starting treadmill speed varied depending on the sex and age of the rat. The initial and maximum speeds were based on VO2max measurements obtained during the pre-training testing of the compliant rats. Rats assigned to the control group followed a schedule similar to the training group. They were placed in one lane on the treadmill for 15 minutes/day, 5 days per week. The treadmill was set at 0 m/min at an incline that corresponded to the incline being used by the training group. |
Institute | University of Michigan |
Department | Biomedical Research Core Facilities |
Laboratory | Metabolomics core |
Last Name | Burant |
First Name | Charles |
Address | 6120 Brehm Tower,1000 Wall St., Ann Arbor, MI, 48105-5714 | | |
Phone | (734) 232-0842 |
Submit Date | 2023-05-01 |
Num Groups | 65 |
Total Subjects | 50 |
Raw Data Available | Yes |
Raw Data File Type(s) | TBD |
Analysis Type Detail | LC-MS |
Release Date | 2023-10-06 |
Release Version | 1 |
Select appropriate tab below to view additional metadata details:
Project ID: | PR001020 |
Project DOI: | doi: 10.21228/M8V97D |
Project Title: | MoTrPAC |
Project Summary: | MoTrPAC is a national research consortium designed to discover and perform preliminary characterization of the range of molecular transducers (the "molecular map") that underlie the effects of physical activity in humans. The program's goal is to study the molecular changes that occur during and after exercise and ultimately to advance the understanding of how physical activity improves and preserves health. Preclinical and clinical studies will examine the systemic effects of endurance and resistance exercise across a range of ages and fitness levels by molecular probing of multiple tissues before and after acute and chronic exercise. This program is the largest targeted NIH investment of funds into the mechanisms of how physical activity improves health and prevents disease. The MoTrPAC program is supported by the NIH Common Fund and is managed by a trans-agency working group representing multiple NIH institutes and centers, led by the NIH Office of Strategic Coordination, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institute on Aging, and National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. MoTrPAC Steering Committee: Wendy Kohrt, Chair, Russ Tracy, Co-Chair; NIH Program Manager, Concepcion Nierras. Euan Ashley and Matthew Wheeler are the PIs for the Motrpac Bioinformatics / Data Coordination Center. |
Institute: | MoTrPAC |
Last Name: | Ashley |
First Name: | Euan |
Address: | Falk Building CV267, 870 Quarry Road, Stanford, California 94305 |
Email: | |
Phone: | (650) 725-1846 |
Subject ID: | SU002741 |
Subject Type: | Mammal |
Subject Species: | Rattus norvegicus |
Taxonomy ID: | 10116 |
Species Group: | Mammals |
Subject type: Mammal; Subject species: Rattus norvegicus (Factor headings shown in green)
mb_sample_id | local_sample_id | Group | Timepoint | Sex |
SA262519 | 90266015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262520 | 90245015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262521 | 90248015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262522 | 90265015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262523 | 90252015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262524 | 90217015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262525 | 90229015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262526 | 90237015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262527 | 90232015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262528 | 90239015206 | Control | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262529 | CS00000SB-04 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262530 | CS00000SB-05 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262531 | CS00000SB-03 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262532 | CS00000SB-02 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262533 | CS00000PB-01 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262534 | CS00000PB-04 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262535 | CS00000PB-02 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262536 | CS00000PB-03 | QC-Blank | 0 hour | - |
SA262537 | CS00000MP-04 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262538 | CS00000MP-02 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262539 | CS00000MP-05 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262540 | CS00000MP-03 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262541 | CS00000MP-08 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262542 | CS00000MP-01 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262543 | CS00000MP-09 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262544 | CS00000MP-07 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262545 | CS00000MP-06 | QC-DriftCorrection | 0 hour | - |
SA262546 | CS0000OP0-03 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262547 | CS0000OP0-05 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262548 | CS0000OP0-04 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262549 | CS0000OP0-02 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262550 | CS0000OP0-01 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262551 | CS0000OP0-06 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262552 | CS0000OP0-07 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262553 | CS000QCMP-03 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262554 | CS000QCMP-02 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262555 | CS000QCMP-01 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262556 | CS000QCMP-04 | QC-Pooled | 0 hour | - |
SA262557 | CS0UMRA01-03 | QC-ReCAS | 0 hour | - |
SA262558 | CS0UMRA01-02 | QC-ReCAS | 0 hour | - |
SA262559 | CS0UMRA01-04 | QC-ReCAS | 0 hour | - |
SA262560 | CS0UMRA01-01 | QC-ReCAS | 0 hour | - |
SA262561 | CSMR80012-03 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262562 | CSMR80012-02 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262563 | CSMR80013-04 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262564 | CSMR80012-04 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262565 | CSMR80012-01 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262566 | CSMR80013-02 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262567 | CSMR80013-03 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262568 | CSMR80013-01 | QC-Reference | 0 hour | - |
SA262569 | 90559015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Female |
SA262570 | 90560015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Female |
SA262571 | 90567015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Female |
SA262572 | 90571015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Female |
SA262573 | 90564015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Female |
SA262574 | 90426015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Male |
SA262575 | 90423015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Male |
SA262576 | 90430015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Male |
SA262577 | 90422015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Male |
SA262578 | 90421015206 | Training | 1 week of training or control time | Male |
SA262579 | 90576015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Female |
SA262580 | 90587015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Female |
SA262581 | 90578015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Female |
SA262582 | 90581015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Female |
SA262583 | 90585015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Female |
SA262584 | 90450015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Male |
SA262585 | 90441015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Male |
SA262586 | 90444015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Male |
SA262587 | 90439015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Male |
SA262588 | 90449015206 | Training | 2 weeks of training | Male |
SA262589 | 90420015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Female |
SA262590 | 90410015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Female |
SA262591 | 90412015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Female |
SA262592 | 90416015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Female |
SA262593 | 90280015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Male |
SA262594 | 90292015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Male |
SA262595 | 90283015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Male |
SA262596 | 90281015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Male |
SA262597 | 90289015206 | Training | 4 weeks of training | Male |
SA262598 | 90251015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262599 | 90259015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262600 | 90267015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262601 | 90258015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262602 | 90254015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Female |
SA262603 | 90225015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262604 | 90218015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262605 | 90222015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262606 | 90223015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
SA262607 | 90227015206 | Training | 8 weeks of training or control time | Male |
Showing results 1 to 89 of 89 |
Collection ID: | CO002734 |
Collection Summary: | - |
Sample Type: | Hippocampus |
Treatment ID: | TR002750 |
Treatment Summary: | - |
Sample Preparation:
Sampleprep ID: | SP002747 |
Sampleprep Summary: | See SOP |
Sampleprep Protocol Filename: | pass1b_experimental_design_metabolomics.pdf |
Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN004311 |
Analysis type | MS |
Chromatography type | Reversed phase |
Chromatography system | Agilent 1290 Infinity II |
Column | Waters Acquity HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm, 1.8um) |
MS Type | ESI |
MS instrument type | QTOF |
MS instrument name | Agilent 6545 QTOF |
Ion Mode | POSITIVE |
Units | peak area |
Chromatography ID: | CH003217 |
Methods Filename: | pass1b_rpneg_rppos_ionpneg_methods.pdf |
Instrument Name: | Agilent 1290 Infinity II |
Column Name: | Waters Acquity HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm, 1.8um) |
Column Temperature: | 55C |
Flow Gradient: | Linear ramp from 0% to 100% B from 0-10 minutes, hold 100% B until 17 minutes, linear return to 0% B from 17 to 17.1 minutes, hold 0% B until 20 minutes |
Flow Rate: | 0.45 ml/min |
Solvent A: | 100% water; 0.1% formic acid |
Solvent B: | 100% methanol; 0.025% formic acid |
Chromatography Type: | Reversed phase |
MS ID: | MS004058 |
Analysis ID: | AN004311 |
Instrument Name: | Agilent 6545 QTOF |
Instrument Type: | QTOF |
MS Type: | ESI |
MS Comments: | See SOP protocol MiCAS_SOP004_Data post-processing and QC_v2_20190904.pdf |
Ion Mode: | POSITIVE |