Summary of all studies

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(#: Contains untargeted data)     Results per page:
Study ID
Study Title
(* : Contains raw data)
ST003455 Metabolic alterations in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) patients. Homo sapiens Peking University LC-MS 2024-09-19 1 10 Not available
ST003454 Branched chain alpha-ketoacids impact pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell metabolism Homo sapiens Peking University LC-MS 2024-09-19 1 12 Not available
ST003438 Unbiased genetic screening and metabolomics identifies glial adenosine metabolism as a therapeutic target in Parkinson’s disease Drosophila melanogaster Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard LC-MS 2024-08-29 1 12 Uploaded data (6.5G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003436 Pharmacokinetics of Fasnall in NSG mice Mus musculus Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 128 Uploaded data (43.3M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003435 Metabolomics analysis of zebrafish embryos treated with rotenone, Fasnall, TVB-2640, and GSK2194069 Danio rerio Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 49 Uploaded data (15.6M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003434 Plasma concentrations of Fasnall in mice after a bolus of 10 mg/kg administered intraperitoneally. Mus musculus Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 66 Uploaded data (21M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003433 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate, Fasnall, and GSK2194069 Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 43 Uploaded data (15.2M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003432 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with LW6 Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 50 Uploaded data (19.8M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003431 Metabolomics analysis of breast cancer cell lines treated with dimethylmalonate (DMM), GSK2194069, and their combination. Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 46 Uploaded data (21.7M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003430 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with GSK2194069 Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 49 Uploaded data (21.2M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003429 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with Fasnall that was manufactured by Enamine Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 49 Uploaded data (21.2M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003428 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with rotenone Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-12 1 55 Uploaded data (23.7M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003427 Intracellular and medium metabolomics of BT-474 cells treated with dimethylmalonate Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-09-10 1 54 Uploaded data (23.5M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003425 Targeted free fatty acids metabolomics studies on serum, cecal content, cecum tissue, chow diet, and Tritrichomonas mu cells Mus musculus Xuzhou medical university GC-MS 2024-09-10 1 8 Uploaded data (598.6K)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003423 Impact of ACLY and ACSS2 on the development of MASLD on longterm Western diet Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-26 1 36 Uploaded data (3.9G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003422 Impact of ACLY and ACSS2 on the development of MASLD and phosphatidylcholines levels on longterm Western diet Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-09-10 1 36 Uploaded data (269.5M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003421 BPA regulates the abundance of endogenous PPARa ligands and fatty acid oxidation Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-26 1 25 Uploaded data (159.3M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003417 Relative concentrations of acylcarnitines in BT-474 cells treated with FASN inhibitors TVB-2640 and TVB-3166 Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-08-22 1 42 Uploaded data (31.2M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003413 LampreyDB: a spatial metabolomics dataset for lampreys Lethenteron camtschaticum Liaoning Normal university LC-MS# 2024-08-21 1 47 Uploaded data (6.5G)*
(Data format:mzML, raw(Thermo))
ST003412 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with cerulenin, TVB-2640, and TVB-3166 for 24 h Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-08-26 1 147 Uploaded data (65.1M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003411 Intracellular and medium metabolomics for BT-474 cells treated with a range of C75 concentrations for 24 h (C75 MRM included) Homo sapiens Wistar Institute LC-MS 2024-08-21 1 52 Uploaded data (22.7M)*
(Data format:mzML, wiff)
ST003410 Lipidomics Analysis of ER+ Breast Cancer Cells Treated with Giredestrant and Palbociclib Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. MS(Dir. Inf.) 2024-09-08 1 32 Uploaded data (5M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003409 Impact of giredestrant on the lipid profile of MCF-7 breast cancer cells Homo sapiens Genentech Inc. MS(Dir. Inf.) 2024-09-08 1 28 Uploaded data (4.9M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003405 Specific activation of the integrated stress response uncovers regulation of central carbon metabolism and lipid droplet biogenesis Homo sapiens Calico Life Sciences LC-MS 2024-09-03 1 30 Uploaded data (1.1G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003403 The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection - Metabolomics Streptococcus pyogenes INSERM FIA-MS/LC-MS 2024-08-19 1 18 Uploaded data (6.6M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003401 The double-edged role of FASII regulator FabT in Streptococcus pyogenes infection - Lipidomics Streptococcus pyogenes INSERM LC-MS 2024-08-19 1 16 Uploaded data (0.9G)*
(Data format:mzML, raw(Thermo))
ST003400 A Study on the Mechanism of Perinatal BPS Exposure Promoting Obesity Based on Metabolomics and Microbiomics Mus musculus College of Marine Food and Biological Engineering, Jimei University LC-MS# 2024-09-03 1 275 Uploaded data (10.3G)*
(Data format:raw(Thermo))
ST003399 Chemical Biology Meets Metabolomics: The Response of Barley Seedlings to 3,5-Dichloroanthranilic Acid, a Resistance Inducer Hordeum vulgare University of Johannesburg LC-MS# 2024-09-03 1 61 Uploaded data (1.6G)*
(Data format:raw(Waters))
ST003398 Specific activation of the integrated stress response (ISR) uncovers regulation of lipid droplet biogenesis Homo sapiens Calico Life Sciences LC-MS 2024-09-03 1 20 Uploaded data (13.2G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003395 Short chain fatty acids analysis of Feces and Plasma in Pla2g10 knockout mice. Mus musculus University of Tokyo LC-MS 2024-08-30 1 110 Uploaded data (2.5M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003394 Fatty acid oxygenated metabolites analysis of colon in Pla2g10 knockout mice. Mus musculus University of Tokyo LC-MS 2024-08-30 1 31 Uploaded data (3M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003393 Free fatty acid and lysophospholipids analysis of colon in Pla2g10 knockout mice. Mus musculus University of Tokyo LC-MS 2024-08-30 1 83 Uploaded data (4.2M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003392 Impact of high-fat diet enriched in cis or trans fatty acids and myriocin on hepatic sphingolipids in Ldlr-/- mice Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 38 Uploaded data (350.1M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003391 Impact of high-fat diet enriched in cis or trans fatty acids and myriocin on plasma sphingolipids in Ldlr-/- mice Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 39 Uploaded data (370.4M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003389 Disruption of Glucose Homeostasis by Bacterial Infection Orchestrates Host Innate Immunity Through NAD+/NADH Balance Mus musculus Northwest A&F University LC-MS 2024-08-09 1 24 Uploaded data (1.2M)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003388 RMC-113 (dual-lipid kinase inhibitor, PIKfyve, PIP4K2C) alters the phosphoinositide regioisomer signature by advanced lipidomics analysis Homo sapiens Stanford University LC-MS 2024-08-28 1 4 Uploaded data (1.3M)*
(Data format:wiff)
ST003387 Annotation of Metabolites in Stable Isotope Tracing Untargeted Metabolomics via Khipu-web Homo sapiens The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine LC-MS# 2024-08-14 1 160 Uploaded data (4.6G)*
(Data format:mzML)
ST003384 Impact of high-fat diet enriched in cis or trans fatty acids and myriocin on plasma lipidome in Ldlr-/- mice Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 40 Uploaded data (1.2G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003383 Impact of high-fat diet enriched in cis or trans fatty acids and myriocin on the plasma lipoprotein profile of sphingolipids in Ldlr-/- mice Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 264 Uploaded data (2.6G)*
(Data format:d)
ST003382 Sphingolipid biosynthetic flux in Huh7 SPTLC3 KO cells Homo sapiens Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 11 Uploaded data (365.6M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003381 Impact of high-fat diet enriched in cis or trans fatty acids and myriocin on newly synthesized sphingolipids from D2O in circulation in Ldlr-/- mice Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 23 Uploaded data (866.2M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003380 Deletion of Kcnj16 altered transcriptomic and metabolomic profiles of Dahl salt-sensitive rats Rattus norvegicus University of South Florida LC-MS# 2024-08-08 1 33 Uploaded data (48G)*
(Data format:d)
ST003379 Impact of high-fat diet enriched in cis or trans fatty acids and myriocin on hepatic lipidome in Ldlr-/- mice Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 40 Uploaded data (1.1G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003378 Effects of Aldehydes on lipid metabolism in mice Mus musculus Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research LC-MS 2024-08-06 1 84 Uploaded data (12.1G)*
(Data format:cdf)
ST003377 Sphingolipid secretory flux from Huh7 SPTLC3 KO cells Homo sapiens Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 14 Uploaded data (510.2M)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003376 Bempedoic acid improves diet-induced steatosis independent of hepatic ACLY Mus musculus Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-06 1 25 Uploaded data (1.8G)*
(Data format:mzXML)
ST003374 Incorporation of oleate-d9 and elaidate-d17 into complex sphingolipids in Huh7 cells while modulating SPT flux. Homo sapiens Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 12 Uploaded data (123.1M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003373 Incorporation of oleate-d9 and elaidate-d17 in sphingolipids in Huh7 cells while modulating SPT flux. Homo sapiens Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 12 Uploaded data (106.5M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003372 Incorporation of oleate-d9 and elaidate-d17 into neutral lipids of Huh7 cells. Homo sapiens Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 6 Uploaded data (33.6M)*
(Data format:d)
ST003371 Incorporation of oleate-d9 and elaidate-d17 into membrane lipids of Huh7 cells. Homo sapiens Salk Institute for Biological Studies LC-MS 2024-08-12 1 6 Uploaded data (45.2M)*
(Data format:d)