ST000096 A study of changes in lipid metabolism of ovarian cancer cells co-cultured with adipocytes: UPLC-QTRAP MS analysis
List of human metabolic pathways and metabolites (REACTOME)

Pathway name (# of metabolites detected in study)Reactome pathway
Class A/1 (Rhodopsin-like receptors) (1) REACT_14828
Eicosanoid ligand-binding receptors (1) REACT_18352
Eicosanoids (1) REACT_13645
Fatty acids (3) REACT_13814
Formyl peptide receptors bind formyl peptides and many other ligands (1) REACT_21264
G alpha (i) signalling events (5) REACT_19231
G alpha (q) signalling events (4) REACT_18283
G alpha (s) signalling events (2) REACT_19327
Glycosphingolipid metabolism (1) REACT_116105
Leukotriene receptors (1) REACT_18302
Lysosphingolipid and LPA receptors (1) REACT_18365
Prostanoid ligand receptors (3) REACT_18425
Sphingolipid de novo biosynthesis (3) REACT_115810
Synthesis of 12-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives (1) REACT_150201
Synthesis of 15-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives (2) REACT_150422
Synthesis of (16-20)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids (HETE) (1) REACT_150134
Synthesis of 5-eicosatetraenoic acids (2) REACT_150209
Synthesis of epoxy (EET) and dihydroxyeicosatrienoic acids (DHET) (6) REACT_150417
Synthesis of Leukotrienes (LT) and Eoxins (EX) (4) REACT_150420
Synthesis of Lipoxins (LX) (2) REACT_150320
Synthesis of Prostaglandins (PG) and Thromboxanes (TX) (7) REACT_150149
Synthesis, secretion, and inactivation of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) (1) REACT_24019
Synthesis, secretion, and inactivation of Glucose-dependent Insulinotropic Polypeptide (GIP) (1) REACT_23824
Transport of organic anions (4) REACT_23988
VEGFR2 mediated cell proliferation (2) REACT_228024