Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:2-Amino-14,16-dimethyloctadecan-3-ol)

ST001275 AN002116 Metabolomics-based profiling of the mode of action of Pathogen Box compounds in Trypanosoma brucei (part-II) Cultured cells Trypanosoma brucei Sleeping sickness Monash University Peak height
ST000445 AN000696 Follicular fluid lipidomics reveals lipid alterations by LH addition during IVF cycles Follicular fluid Human Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo Peak intensity
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity
ST002094 AN003421 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity