Compare metabolites in 2 of these studies:
Study A:   Study B:  

List of Studies ( Metabolite:Dehydrofalcarinone)

ST000148 AN000235 A549 13C-labeled Cell Study Epithelial cells Human Cancer University of Kentucky normalized corrected peak area
ST000142 AN000225 H1299 13C-labeled Cell Study Lung Human Cancer University of Kentucky Peak area
ST000242 AN000377 Whole unconditioned medium (Defined culture media, M199),Whole M1 medium,Whole M2 medium Macrophages Human Mayo Clinic Peak area
ST002094 AN003420 Commensal intestinal microbiota regulates host luminal proteolytic activity and intestinal barrier integrity through β-glucuronidase activity (Part 1) Feces Human Irritable bowel syndrome Mayo Clinic raw intensity