LDA analysis for Study ST002628

(Analysis AN004300 )

Select 3 or more experimental factors for PCA analysis.
GroupExperimental factor
Group:Control | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:Female | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Control | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:Male | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:QC-DriftCorrection | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-
Group:QC-Pooled | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-
Group:QC-Reference | Timepoint:0 hour | Sex:- | Tissue:-
Group:Training | Timepoint:1 week of training or control time | Sex:Female | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:1 week of training or control time | Sex:Male | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:2 weeks of training | Sex:Female | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:2 weeks of training | Sex:Male | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:4 weeks of training | Sex:Female | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:4 weeks of training | Sex:Male | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:Female | Tissue:Rat Plasma
Group:Training | Timepoint:8 weeks of training or control time | Sex:Male | Tissue:Rat Plasma


Perform LDA on individual factors (all analyses in study)