Analysis Metabolite Name Measured Value Units Tissue Anesthesia / Euthanasia method
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate326.3546174Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate3483.880562Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate3735.784654peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate3766.318123Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate3938.913159Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4021.207946Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4144.930802Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4276.825567Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4630.829896peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4658.964796Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4707.181367Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate4723.039209Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5028.264477Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5293.58979Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5317.255032Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5475.789202peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5482.503456Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5634.807961Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5682.768286Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate5817.295956Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate6006.146623peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate6622.294303Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate6765.527668Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate6793.814623Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate6873.693676peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7064.452919Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7083.340664Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7083.454729Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7160.839432Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7305.314766peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7368.079951Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7524.655274peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7593.955251peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7699.315435Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7842.768444Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate7885.868341Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8066.408874Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8188.304864Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8201.070214Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8245.070221Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8449.293248peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8467.232676Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8607.212451peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate8985.188227peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9143.628383peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9149.801533Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9208.311417Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9403.624888peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9443.158322peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9566.729011Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9736.37889peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9866.828508peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate9876.097366Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate10009.68002peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate10113.6094Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate10133.49874Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate10340.73124peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate11151.72426peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate11290.24509peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate11334.26714peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12029.01265peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12067.2087peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12146.86143Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12198.63341peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12227.93533Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12358.99379peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12689.25189peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12769.957Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12920.6035Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12929.77718peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate12989.32103peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate13419.62565peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate13625.11011peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate13791.74095peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate13796.62584peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate13841.96714peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14059.41208peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14393.13017Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14482.5201peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14504.55113peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14555.96956Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14739.4576peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14767.31254peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate14990.98473peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate15313.0313Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate16235.86319peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate16959.83946Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate17395.05peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate17497.9221peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate17674.43398peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate18243.66273peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate19271.39135peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate19623.15299peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate19934.57973peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate20250.52422peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate20529.75936Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate21568.91229peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Liver Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate22453.02349Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Heart Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate23707.45625Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate25308.09347Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate25320.18596Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate26622.86752Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate29427.46677Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate30180.79044Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate30282.89482Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate31010.70494Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate31884.64937Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate32323.27466Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate32357.32135Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate32755.70175Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate32829.77705Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate34164.71583Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate34708.6463Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate35654.75492Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate36247.92551Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate36737.47277Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate40257.94765Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate40700.13032Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate41214.63017Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate46611.22924Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Ketamine
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate51568.57544Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Continuous isoflurane
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate63884.23601Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Pentobarbital
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate65352.15211Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate66865.15149Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate78805.22445Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate84422.00034Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate84777.5554Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate90091.2552Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate90130.75784Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate90520.43659Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate91070.50899Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate92903.74894Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate93929.62413Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate94726.45209Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate95639.87892Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate97973.08934Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate98514.00743Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate104686.8257Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate106757.6752Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate107277.5742Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate107432.3683Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate111568.9366Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate119850.0048Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Isoflurane overdose
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate125482.8001Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Carbon Dioxide
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate129716.2551Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate133197.7241Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation
ESI negative ion modeErythrose-4-phosphate140659.6685Peak area (normalized to tissue mass)Gastrocnemius (skeletal muscle) Cervical Dislocation

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