Data for (Study ST000433)

(Analysis AN000683)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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arachidonic 0.7403 0.7108 2.3582 0.5936
c180hexcerum 1.1364 0.8616 1.2492 0.8507
c181hexcerum 1.1461 0.7749 1.3645 0.8660
c241hexcerum 1.0911 0.8114 1.2353 0.9704
cer140 0.9730 0.9479 1.2230 0.9225
cer160 1.0736 0.8843 1.1937 0.9169
cer180 1.0532 0.8129 1.3200 0.9301
cer181 1.0103 0.7668 1.5340 0.8688
cer200 1.1643 0.8654 1.1488 0.8785
cer240 1.1013 1.0497 0.9266 0.8876
cer241 1.0918 0.8853 1.2213 0.8752
elaidic 0.9960 0.9427 1.4708 0.7150
linoleic 0.7945 0.9641 1.7524 0.6866
linolenic 0.7669 0.9300 1.7847 0.7333
myristic 0.8035 0.9945 1.5354 0.8055
oleic 0.8220 1.0490 1.5831 0.6821
palmitic 0.8339 1.0264 1.4876 0.7704
palmitoleic 0.7724 1.0806 1.6564 0.6395
s1p 0.9615 0.9527 0.8433 1.2190
spa 0.8906 1.0620 0.9865 1.0496
sph 0.8754 1.0460 1.0560 1.0323
stearic 0.8930 1.0267 1.4236 0.7565
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F1Group:Alzheimer disease dementia
F2Group:Cognitively normal
F3Group:Dementia with Lewy Bodies
F4Group:Mixed DLB and AD