Data for (Study ST000998)

(Analysis AN001627)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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chenodeoxycholic acid 1.2438 0.9124 0.2413
cholic acid 0.5861 2.2459 0.1639
deoxycholic acid 0.8095 1.5404 0.6688
glycochenodeoxycholic acid 1.4242 0.2277 0.9566
glycocholic acid 0.8190 0.8340 1.7920
glycodeoxycholic acid 0.8410 1.5851 0.5464
glycolithocholic acid 1.2249 0.9248 0.3820
glycoursodeoxycholic acid 1.0648 0.0105 2.3008
taurochenodeoxycholic acid 1.5486 0.0764 0.8311
taurocholic acid 0.9829 0.4018 1.8461
taurodeoxycholic acid 0.5786 1.8592 0.8658
taurolithocholic acid 2.0041 0.1000 0.0591
tauromuricholic acid alpha beta omega sum 1.2107 0.1572 1.0000
tauroursodeoxycholic acid 1.0282 0.0267 1.8933
ursodeoxycholic acid 1.6649 0.0568 0.5146
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