Data for (Study ST001230)

(Analysis AN002043)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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3a,7a,12a-trihydroxycholestanoic acid 1.4646 0.5354
a-Muricholic acid 1.0701 0.9299
b-Muricholic acid 1.0633 0.9367
Chenodeoxycholic acidDeoxycholic acid 0.9715 1.0285
Cholic acid 1.1970 0.8030
Glychocholic acid 1.2192 0.7945
Glycochenodeoxycholic acid 1.0987 0.8890
Glycodeoxycholic acid 1.0361 0.9617
Glycohyodeoxycholic acid 1.0000 NA
Glycoursodeoxycholic acid 1.1716 0.7972
g-Muricholic acid (hyocholic acid) 0.9093 1.0960
Hyodeoxycholic acid 0.9111 1.0889
Tauro-alpha-muricholic acidTauro-beta-muricholic acid 1.7574 0.2426
Taurochenodeoxycholic acid 1.2540 0.7143
Taurocholic acid 1.8345 0.1655
Taurodeoxycholic acid 0.5712 1.4824
Taurolithocolic acid 0.7802 1.1319
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid/Tauro-hyodeoxycholic acid 1.0766 0.9116
Ursodeoxycholic acid 0.6017 1.4868
w-Muricholic acid 1.0952 0.9048
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F1Time Point:Baseline
F2Time Point:Day 90