Data for (Study ST001755)

(Analysis AN002859)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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4-Aminobutyric Acid 0.9117 1.0883
Adenine 0.9418 1.0873
Alanine 1.0348 0.9652
Arginine 1.0726 0.9092
Citric Acid 0.9212 1.0473
D-Mannitol 1.0178 0.9778
Glucose 1.0580 0.9420
Glutamine 1.1185 0.9052
Glycerol 0.9487 1.0641
Glycine 0.9997 1.0003
Isoleucine 1.0431 0.9569
Lactic Acid 1.0267 0.9733
L-Aspartic Acid 0.9993 1.0011
L-Glutamic Acid 1.0584 0.9416
L-Histidine 1.0000 NA
L-Leucine 1.0356 0.9644
L-Lysine 1.0670 0.9330
L-Methionine 1.0610 0.9237
L-Serine 1.0273 0.9659
L-Threonine 1.0511 0.9489
Malic Acid 0.9642 1.0596
Myo-inositol 1.0468 0.9532
Phenylalanine 1.0514 0.9486
Phosphate 0.9571 1.0429
Pyroglutamic Acid 1.0117 0.9883
Pyruvate 1.0000 NA
(-)-Riboflavin 0.9235 1.0612
Sucrose 0.8652 1.1078
Tryptophan 1.0107 0.9866
Tyrosine 1.0582 0.9418
Uracil 0.9478 1.0783
Urea 0.9412 1.0588
Valine 1.0360 0.9640
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F1Factor:Metastatic EV
F2Factor:Primary tumor EV