Data for (Study ST001909)

(Analysis AN003106)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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3-Phosphoglyceric acid 0.8370 1.0579 1.3795 0.7353
alanine 0.7828 0.8457 1.1689 1.2026
asparagine 0.9949 1.0288 NA 0.9746
aspartic acid 0.9750 0.7271 1.3470 0.9018
cis-Aconitic acid 0.4752 0.5139 1.8109 1.7055
citric acid 0.8338 0.6900 1.3882 1.0879
Fumaric acid 0.9151 0.7085 1.3579 1.0185
glutamic acid 0.7727 0.6455 1.4545 1.1273
glycine 0.0596 1.3817 0.1193 1.0785
Isocitric acid 0.8178 0.6619 1.4152 1.1052
lactic acid 0.8293 0.7604 1.2534 1.1569
leucine 1.0294 NA 1.7647 0.5882
malic acid 1.0712 0.7658 1.4230 0.7400
methionine 0.9259 1.1111 1.1111 0.9259
oxoproline 0.9896 0.9896 0.9500 1.0687
phenylalanine 0.8333 1.1111 NA NA
proline 0.9205 0.9315 1.3151 0.9863
Pyruvate 1.1410 0.9269 1.0811 0.8511
serine 0.2847 1.6000 0.2531 1.8621
succinic acid 0.9639 0.7390 1.2771 1.0201
threonine 1.0714 NA 1.1905 0.3571
tyrosine 0.7500 1.5000 0.7500 0.7500
valine 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 NA
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F1Genotype_Media supplement:KO-complete
F2Genotype_Media supplement:KO-serine(-)
F3Genotype_Media supplement:WT-complete
F4Genotype_Media supplement:WT-serine(-)