Data for (Study ST002140)

(Analysis AN003501)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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3PG 0.5286 1.4714
ADP 0.6854 1.3146
aKG 1.3972 0.6028
AMP 0.9199 1.0801
ATP 0.7569 1.2431
Cit 0.5176 1.4824
D-Glucose 1.4907 0.5093
E4P 1.1188 0.8812
Fum 1.3819 0.6181
G16BP 0.7917 1.2083
G1P 0.8000 1.2000
G6P 0.8448 1.2069
Icit 0.6610 1.1695
Itaconat 1.1910 0.8363
Lactat 1.3152 0.6848
Mal 1.3663 0.6337
PEP 0.5500 1.3750
Succ 1.0115 0.9885
UDP 0.9632 1.0368
UDPNAG 0.4402 1.5598
Run Hierarchial cluster analysis on this study | Run Heatmap cluster analysis on this study

