Data for (Study ST002255)

(Analysis AN003683)

Values for each metabolite have been scaled by dividing by the mean across all factors

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2-Deoxyadenosine 1.3949 0.6051
3-Isobutyl-1-methylxanthine 0.0023 1.9977
Adenosine 0.6403 1.3597
Adenosine 5^-monophosphate 0.7669 1.2331
ATP 0.8507 1.1493
cAMP 0.6943 1.3057
Inosine 0.6283 1.3717
Inosine-5^-monophosphate 0.8202 1.1798
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F1Treatment:25µl DMSO and 40µM ATP for 72h
F2Treatment:50µM gemcitabine and 40µM ATP for 72h