Summary of all studies containing PUBCHEM ID 6665

Project Study Study_title Subject_type Subject_species Metabolite_name
PR000055 ST000058 Metabolite changes associated with methionine stress sensitivity of cancer (GC TOF MS analysis) Human cells Homo sapiens 5b-cholestanol [Data]
PR000357 ST000465 Uniquely Tumor-Selective Englerin A Profoundly Alters Lipid Metabolism in Renal Cell Carcinoma inducing ER-Stress and an Acute Inflammatory Response Human renal cancer cells Homo sapiens 5alpha-Cholestanol [Data]
PR000668 ST000978 Metabolomics biomarkers and the risk of overall mortality and ESRD in CKD: results from the Progredir Cohort. Human Homo sapiens 5alpha-Cholestanol [Data]
PR001133 ST001780 Comparative analysis of metabolomic profiles in cerebrospinal fluid before and after endurance exercise Human Homo sapiens 5alpha-Cholestanol [Data]
PR001133 ST001789 Acute metabolomic changes of plasma in response to endurance exercise Human Homo sapiens 5alpha-Cholestanol [Data]
PR000054 ST000057 Combined Metabolomics and Lipidomics of Type 1 Diabetes (GCMS) Animal Mus musculus 5b-cholestanol [Data]
PR000580 ST000815 db/db WT ozone and air exposed mice db/db mouse and WT Mus musculus dihydrocholesterol [Data]
PR000764 ST001144 Microbial depletion and ozone exposure - serum (part II) Mammal Mus musculus cholestanol [Data]
PR001178 ST001865 Systemic metabolite changes due to Hypoxia Mammal Mus musculus dihydrocholesterol [Data]