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MB Sample ID: SA183147

Local Sample ID:20210306-4-80-6
Subject ID:SU002016
Subject Type:Bacteria
Subject Species:Escherichia coli
Taxonomy ID:562
Species Group:Bacteria

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Combined analysis:

Analysis ID AN003151 AN003152
Analysis type MS MS
Chromatography type Reversed phase Reversed phase
Chromatography system Agilent 1290 Infinity Agilent 1290 Infinity
Column Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um) Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um)
MS instrument type Triple quadrupole Triple quadrupole
MS instrument name Agilent 6495 QQQ Agilent 6495 QQQ
Units - -


Chromatography ID:CH002331
Chromatography Summary:The chromatographic separation of biological samples was implemented on a Waters ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 column (2.1×100 mm, 1.8 μm) with an optimized gradient-elution program (mobile phase A and B were 0.1% formic acid in water and acetonitrile (v/v)): 0-2 minutes, 98% A; 2-10 minutes, 98%-65% A; 10-12 minutes, 65%-20% A; 12-14 minutes, 20%-2% A; 14-30 minutes, 2% A. The column temperature was at 40°C and the flow rate was set at 0.3 mL/ minutes.
Instrument Name:Agilent 1290 Infinity
Column Name:Waters Acquity BEH HSS T3 (100 x 2.1mm,1.8um)
Column Temperature:40
Flow Gradient:0-2 minutes, 98% A; 2-10 minutes, 98%-65% A; 10-12 minutes, 65%-20% A; 12-14 minutes, 20%-2% A; 14-30 minutes, 2% A
Flow Rate:0.3 mL/ min
Solvent A:100% water; 0.1% formic acid
Solvent B:100% acetonitrile; 0.1% formic acid
Chromatography Type:Reversed phase