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MB Sample ID: SA005030

Local Sample ID:ConstantVolume_NT_2_1
Subject ID:SU000111
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606
Gender:Male and Female
Human Race:Hispanic, Aisan, Caucasian
Species Group:Human

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Collection ID:CO000094
Collection Summary:Approval for the conduct of this programmatic research was obtained from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Institutional Review Board. Urine samples from consenting male and female donors (n = 20 each, Supplemental Table S1) after an overnight fast were purchased from Bioreclamation, LLC (Hicksville, NY) and received frozen on dry ice and deidentified. To create a uniform sample for Experiments 1 and 2 (see below), aliquots from each individual sample were pooled, realiquoted, and stored at -80C until used.
Sample Type:Urine
Storage Conditions:-80° C