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MB Sample ID: SA052929

Local Sample ID:Beta_10_6
Subject ID:SU000940
Subject Type:Animal
Subject Species:Rattus norvegicus
Taxonomy ID:10116
Genotype Strain:Sprague-Dawley
Weight Or Weight Range:180-220 g
Animal Animal Supplier:Beijing Huafukang Bioscience
Animal Light Cycle:12:12 light-dark cycle
Animal Feed:Standard food
Animal Water:Free access to food and water
Species Group:Mammal

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Collection ID:CO000934
Collection Summary:Male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats (180-220 g) were randomly assigned to control or CUMS group. Rats in CUMS group were exposed to one random stressor per day for 35 d. Following four weeks of stress exposure, rats with stress-induced depression-like behaviors were treated daily with either saline, Fluoxetine or Albiflroin for 7 days via intragastric gavage.
Sample Type:Plasma
Storage Conditions:-80C
Blood Serum Or Plasma:Plasma