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MB Sample ID: SA161925

Local Sample ID:9
Subject ID:SU001796
Subject Type:Human
Subject Species:Homo sapiens
Taxonomy ID:9606

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Collection ID:CO001789
Collection Summary:Analyses were performed from banked plasma samples of two different cohorts that underwent analytical treatment interruption (ATI): (1) Philadelphia Cohort and (2) ACTG cohort. In the Philadelphia cohort, HIV+ individuals on suppressive ART underwent an open-ended ATI without concurrent immunomodulatory agents. The ACTG cohort combined 74 HIV-infected ART-suppressed participants who underwent ATI from six ACTG ATI studies (ACTG 371,28 A5024,29 A5068,30 A5170,31 A5187,32 and A519733). 27 of these 74 individuals exhibited a PTC phenotype post-ATI, i.e. these individuals remained off ART for ≥24 weeks post-treatment interruption, sustained virologic control for at least 24 weeks, maintained viral load (VL) ≤400 copies for at least 2/3 of time points, had plasma drug level testing performed, and had no evidence of spontaneous control pre-ART. The remaining 47 cohort members were non-controllers (NCs) who exhibited virologic rebound before meeting PTC criteria. These two groups were matched for gender, age, % treated at the early stage of HIV infection, ART duration, pre-ATI CD4 count, and ethnicity. All analyses were performed on samples collected immediately before ATI in both cohorts.
Sample Type:Blood (plasma)