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MB Sample ID: SA078224
Local Sample ID: | P14 |
Subject ID: | SU001195 |
Subject Type: | Plant |
Subject Species: | Brassica nigra |
Taxonomy ID: | 3710 |
Age Or Age Range: | 4 weeks old |
Height Or Height Range: | 15-20 cm |
Species Group: | Plants |
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Combined analysis:
Analysis ID | AN001859 |
Analysis type | MS |
Chromatography type | GC |
Chromatography system | Agilent 6890 |
Column | DB5-MS |
MS Type | EI |
MS instrument type | GC-TOF |
MS instrument name | Agilent 6890 |
Ion Mode | POSITIVE |
Units | Normalized peak area |
MS ID: | MS001719 |
Analysis ID: | AN001859 |
Instrument Name: | Agilent 6890 |
Instrument Type: | GC-TOF |
MS Type: | EI |
MS Comments: | Samples were analysed by GC-TOF-MS (on an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph equipped with a 10 m x 0.18 mm silica capillary column with a 0.18 µm DB 5-MS UI stationary phase, J&W Scientific; connected to a LECO Pegasus III TOF-MS) operated using the LECO ChromaTOF® software package (Leco Corp., St Joseph, MI, USA). Retention indices (RIs) were calculated relative to those of a C8-C40 alkane series. Deconvolution, feature extraction and peak integration were performed using a Matlab® script developed in-house. Identification was achieved by comparing compounds' RIs and mass spectra to the SMC in-house mass spectra library and to the public Golm Metabolome Database developed by the Max Planck Institute (GMD-MPI; Samples were normalized with respect to the peak areas of the internal standards (methyl stearate and SA-D4). |
Ion Mode: | POSITIVE |