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MB Sample ID: SA113891

Local Sample ID:WT at 15min minR+Leu Sample5
Subject ID:SU001475
Subject Type:Yeast
Subject Species:Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Taxonomy ID:4932
Genotype Strain:BY4743
Gender:Not applicable

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Treatment ID:TR001490
Treatment Summary:Metabolomics data were generated by growing the appropriate yeast strains in synthetic minimal media (S-min) supplemented with 2% glucose until they reached OD>600 between 0.6-0.8. Cells were then transferred to S-min media containing 2% raffinose and harvested after 0, 15, 30, 60, and 180 minutes (n=6/time-point/strain; except in one 3 hr wild-type sample, where n=5).